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Personal Style


Fancy Top Hat
Phantasmal Halfmask
Crimson Aviator Satchel
Crimson Aviator Coat




4.54 m
5.34 m
711.7 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 16, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245



[*]Vault Guard
[*](Former) Gentleman Thief


His egg had hatched outside a clan. Who were his parents? He didn't know. He eked out a living by becoming a thief. No clan had wanted him, he was chased away. After all, he could offer no skills to aid a clan's progress and refused to be sold in the market like a slave. He certainly refused to be a stud.

So he stole.
He lived in the city and learned himself how to move silently and quickly, how to steal some food or something he could pawn. Whatever it took to survive.
One day he attempted to steal from a dragon's pocket and was caught. Arsene was still very young and the time and his heart ran cold. Was this the end? Would this be what finally sends him to his death?
The dragon was part of a thieves guild and gave Arsene a proposition to join the guild.
Arsene accepted.
Life in the Guild was hard, but not as difficult as it had been alone. He learned a vast array of new skills here: Picking locks, greater stealth, how to sneak into and out of a clan without being detected. The Guildmaster that recruited him was like a father to him, the members were his brothers and sisters.
He worked hard and well with them. It was actually a very happy time in his life. He was treated as kin and loved his guild members. They worked well together, stealing only from the corrupt and greedy. they shared their profits with those to poor to aid themselves.
They helped rescue abused hatchlings and see them to good homes, sometimes they raided the Auction House to help give hatchlings a better chance at a more permiment home.
There was many rival thieves guilds and bandit clans. They were often not much trouble until one day. One bandit clan bolstered their numbers and raided the Guild.
The Guildmaster told Arsene to flee. If he died there was nothing left.
His heart heavy with guilt and fear, Arsene fled his home. The screams of his brethren haunts him still.
The lack of a Guild did not slow his activities, it only meant he had to do them far more carefully and had to do all the planning himself.
Soon, his name became known far and wide. He could steal from anyone or anything it was often reported. Royalty, the powerful, the rich. Everyone was a potential target and he did not descriminate to much. He kept his Guild's code of honor however. Only the corrupt, the greedy, the wicked were stolen from. The excess was given to those who could not afford their own food.
But still, his desire to get revenge on that Bandit Clan was to strong for him to ignore. They slew his family, and he would be sure they paid for that.

He heard of a large party being thrown. To show off a clan gaining some delightful Sprites and the mating of their leader's first born. What a heist it would be! To sneak in and steal those sprite, to steal the first born's only egg. Leave enough evidence to point to the bandit clan.

He did not feel happy when he saw them slain for the theft he framed them for. The egg and the sprites were in their strong hold, safe and sound in a store room they didn't use. It damned them, and gave him justice.

He still felt hollow.

He wanted out of the life of a Thief. He had no real life to be honest. No place to really settle. Life as a thief was fun and exciting but with no one to really share it with? He felt empty. Lonely.
He was in the market one day, spending some of the treasure he had stolen from a corrupt clan when he heard a ruckus going on in the market. When he arrived he saw some merchants from a small clan arguing with a guild merchant over the prices of some items. With a few quick words from Arsene himself the matter was resolved in the small clan's favor.
The two dragons introduced themselves from Clan Cross, a small Clan that Arsene had only heard of in passing as a merchant clan for supplies from time to time. Having no destination that night, and hearing the tavern there sells good food and drink, Arsene asked if he could tag along.
When he got there he was surpised by how friendly it was, and how quick dragons were to greet him as if he was an old friend. He spent a few days there, just enjoying some time to himself and talking with the members of the clan.
He developed a kinship with the members, and after learning their hoard doesn't have a proper guard he applied for the position immediately.
Their Nest

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