
Level 1 Imperial
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Hulking Greatowl
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Haunted Flame Candles




30 m
24.61 m
6997.85 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 12, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245


|| The Undead ||
"In The Dark Of The Night, Terror Will Find Her"


Before Death
Born to a pair of Imperials in a clan now far from her own, Ghastly was once a brilliantly colored Imperial. Her scales glimmered with hues that sent even the most proud of Coatls to shame in comparison. She was beautiful, she was magnificent, but she didn't want to only be known for something as simple as that. She had always known she was destined for something greater than just being admired, and she wasn't interested in waiting for that great thing to come to her. She wanted to find her own destiny, to pursue her own happiness. She loved helping other dragons, loved making them smile and making their days just a little more brighter just like herself. She'd found her calling in a clan where she was able to roam the Trading Post, meeting other dragons and spending her days making others happy with shimmering colors and a radiant personality to match.
It was just there that she met the love of her life. Her mate. Her reason for smiling. Fenrir wasn't an impressive-looking dragon but he made her happy, and that's all that mattered to her. He was there when she woke up, he was there when she fell asleep, and he was there to support her every decision. She'd fallen madly in love with him and so when they had a clutch of three eggs of their own, her life never felt more complete. Her happiness, however, would soon come to a bitter end.
It was winter when she lost everything. She and Fenrir had taken the kids out to Boreal Woods to teach them how to fight once they were of age. While her mate had the kids taken care of, she'd wandered off to find them all something to eat. That's when it'd started snowing, and then harder.. and harder again until it became a full blizzard. She'd rushed to where she'd thought they were as fast as she could in the white-out of a storm, nearly missing trees and calling out desperately to her mate and children. Her colors had started to fade from the cold, dulling as her body temperature dropped, but she kept moving. She'd finally succumbed to the harsh blizzard when her body gave out, eyes dropping shut as she let out her final breath.
Dusky Mealworm
Onyx Cobra
Wetland Ghost
Moor Thistle

Wraith Hound
Cranial Hornhelm
Spectre Guise
Plaguebringer Bone Scrimshaw

After Death
Ghastly came to, feeling lighter than she could remember. She.. she couldn't remember, actually. She couldn't remember much, she should say. She didn't remember her name, she didn't remember what came of her. She'd wandered through Boreal Woods, trying so hard to remember who she was and what she was doing. She eventually came back to the Trading Post and she felt something. She knew this place, she was sure of it. With a soft smile, she moved to greet one of the dragons there, jerking back when they looked at her and screamed. She tried another and got a similar reaction. Memories were slowly coming back and.. no, she remembered being so welcome here. "She's ghastly!!" That's what they said when they saw her, that's what they all called her. Ghastly.
It was then she remembered her clan and rushed off to find them, heart pounding and hoping they had answers for her. Instead, she was faced with a similar reaction. Accusations of being a ghastly creature, of being simply.. ghastly. That was everyone's favorite word to describe her. She'd spotted a familiar face and more memories came flooding back so fast, it made her a littly dizzy. Fenrir.. her mate, her love. She was ecstatic to see him, alive. She could remember then the blizzard, her family, trying to find them. Though as she approached, she paused and her heart sank. He stood there with another, smiling proudly at the female Wildclaw as she cuddled their eggs. He noticed her and excused himself to question the assumed stranger.
She couldn't remember her name still, or much beyond vaguely who she was and what had happened to her. She tried to explain this to him and he only looked confused, then surprised, and then he paled as if he was looking at a ghost. He then glared and accused her of making things up, that he had no previous family and she should leave. With a heavy and broken heart, she watched him storm away, spewing the same word as the others when his new mate asked about her. Ghastly. That's all she was, just Ghastly.
She still couldn't remember her name, and she no longer cared to know more about herself. She finally understood what she was now. A ghost, something ghastly and supernatural. Returned from the afterlife to tie together some loose ends to ease her lost soul. She grew more bitter at the world as dragons continued to call her that ugly world. She took it on as her new name, since it was all anyone called her anyway. She never would find out what happened to her children, or why her previous mate denied her existence. All she knew was she gave a cold chill to those around her, that her presence made everyone uncomfortable. That she was.. Ghastly.
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