
Level 6 Mirror
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Red-Breasted Hainu
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Mirror
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Personal Style


Veteran's Shoulder Scars
Veteran's Leg Scars
Blood Red Wolf Cape




7.25 m
5.71 m
378.29 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 25, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 6 Mirror
EXP: 1663 / 8380



Stray, The Lone Wanderer
tumblr_inline_nll48befq91qg2i5p_400.png "I found him on the edges of the Contagion," Yakou explained to the dark-colored Pearlcatcher as her leader stared down at the naked Mirror hatchling who was hungrily gnawing on a femur that had been licked clean.

"How did you even see him?" Anei wondered, noting the young Predator's camouflage. She circled around behind him and smiled slightly when his second set of eyes followed her, even as his primary eyes remained focused on the bone which he was now cracking in his jaws to get to the marrow inside.

"I know I should have left him, but..." Yakou trailed off. She wasn't always in agreement with her friend's brutal ways, but she tried to avoid directly confronting her as much as possible. Anei looked up and met her huge Imperial lieutenant's eyes and then back to the hatchling, not saying anything. Chills ran over Yakou's hide as she wondered what her unpredictable clan leader was going to do.

The hatchling stopped chewing and looked up at Anei, tilting his head slightly. She narrowed her eyes and addressed Yakou, not looking up, "You should know better than anyone that I've adopted strays before." She walked to the lair exit, toward her own den. "Follow me, Stray."

Yakou released her breath, relaxed her shoulders, and swept the bone shards into the corner.
+ + +

Anei trotted along with her pearl chained to her shoulder, Stray tagging along behind her, investigating what seemed to her to be every single pockmark along the way. Luckily they were entering the Abiding Boneyard, so there were fewer features to distract him. "Keep up," she called to him.

Stray galloped a bit to catch up, his four eyes darting around to absorb all the scenery still. "Where are we going?"

"Oh, you talk. Well." Anei didn't actually sound pleased about this, but Stray didn't seem to notice. "We're going to the Wandering Contagion."

"Why?" Stray's tongue darted out as he ran alongside her. Anei knew that he was tasting the air to gather information for the hunt and felt a far off sting -- what was it? Regret? Nostalgia? Anei felt the warm pearl weighing on her back and her stomach went cold. She knew she couldn't feel anything.

She answered him matter of factly with no affect in her voice, "Because you're a Predator and your markings are suited to blend in there."

"Doesn't the big shiny dragon who found me do training?"

Anei was impressed. "You're observant. I'm not very friendly, so I don't usually do this myself." They walked on for a while and Stray was quiet, even though her response hadn't quite answered his question. The ground was beginning to redden and they had to be careful not to be snared by vines. He could hardly discern the edges of his own hide from the land behind it. She was right that his skin was well-suited to hunt here. "I wanted to train you myself because I used to be a Mirror and I don't usually let Mirrors join our clan."


"Be quiet," Anei shushed him, her own voice dropping to a growling whisper as she flattened her wings against her back and lowered her body. Stray mirrored her motions and they hunted and killed and ate until late in the night.
+ + +

Stray grew up into a more than proficient, ferocious warrior. Effective as both a shock troop and a spy when deployed in the appropriate area, Stray was savage in his fighting style and seemed tireless when other fighters in the clan had to back down. His cleverness and curiosity and eye for his target's weaknesses made him an asset even in areas where his camouflage wasn't as well-suited. Yakou, who led most hunting and warrior expeditions complimented him over and over.

But Stray began to feel dissatisfied.

It was another victory. Hundreds of dragons had been sent to Plaguebringer and the clan was celebrating their warriors' triumphant return. Anei, always on the outskirts of her own clan, was staring into a fire while the festivities carried on around her. Stray sat down next to her and waited for her to notice him. It took a while.

"What are you doing?" Anei asked.

"I just got back," Stray answered.

Anei didn't look away from the fire. "Welcome back," she said in a monotone.

Stray looked from her into the fire. He searched it for what she saw in it and his secondary eyes followed the sparks into the air. He sighed and focused all four of his eyes on her. "Are you proud of me?"

She still didn't look at him. It took her a while to answer. "I can't be."

"Why?" The fire reflected in her dark eyes. She didn't move. She didn't look at him. She didn't answer. "I'm going to try to find my home clan. You taught me Mirrors are better hunters in groups and Predators congregate in packs and... I think I'm as strong as I'm going to get here. I've always wanted to impress you, but... I don't want to waste my time."

"That's fine. I wish you luck."

Stray shook his head, stood, and walked away. The next day, he asked Yakou to help him prepare for his journey and set off to the Abiding Boneyard to find his home clan.
+ + +

As he crossed the edges of the Abiding Boneyard, Stray began searching tracks that could lead him back to his home clan, the home of the Queen Keeper. It didn't took him long. Anei had tought him well...besides, Korinna's Clan wasn't exactly hiding.

He didn't know what to expect when she saw her...the Queen. He found her at dusk, in front of her den, Kyala by her side, as always.

"Leave us, please Kyala" Korinna said.

Without hesitation, Kyala the Loyal spread her wings and let herself glide down the arid and humble rock that Korinna called home.
Stray looked straight into the Queen's eyes. He knew she wasn't like other Guardians, who seek and protect material things. He knew she had a higher purpose...her treasure wasn't made of gold and relics, she left that to her other clanmembers.

"'re back" she said.

He nodded.


"I found a clan. They raised and trained me up. But something didn't work out fine, I wasn't satisfied. There were no Dragons like me. I decided to come back" Stray explained.

"Of course there is no one like you. You and your parents are the only remnants of your subspecies, lost but not forgotten as the Annales Plagorum explain. You had a sibling, a brother. But I lost all tracks of him..." Korinna explained.

"Are my parents still alive then?" he asked.

"Of course. The Clan has grown, I revived a few species from the day you parted, but I always guard and protect them, as I do with all Clan members" she paused and looked at him intensly for a few moments. Then she continued "you can stay, young Predator...but I'm not sure you're going As you know, we're an odd Clan, different from the others, and so are our rules. I don't think you can find your place here, the pack will not accept you. You...have a different nature. I feel the 'wanderer' in you." she sentenced.

Stray was not surprised. The Clan was grown, indeed, but her higher purpose was still the same and still..unaccomplished. He had seen the difference that Korinna spoke about. Maybe she was right. He nodded, but he said nothing. He turned his back on her and spread his wings.

"Where will you go?" she asked.

He stopped. He didn't know.

"Head to Rotrock Rim. They've never seen your kind over there, and I think you'll learn a lot. I've been many times in that region, try...maybe you'llfind what you're looking for" she paused "I wish you luck".

He smiled...not so long ago another clan-leader said the same words to him. He was beginning to think that he was doomed to travel from region to region, in an endless journey.

"Thank you" he said.

Then he soared high in the night sky, and headed to this new region.
+ + +



Like an expansive festering scar, the edges of the Filthy One's domain have taken on a border conquest of their own. Tendrils and membranes, thick and resilient, still creep into every pockmark and outcropping of land they can find. It will not be long until the encroachment begins to threaten foreign clans and flights. In a region made up of fleshy, organic materials, Predators have evolved to hide in plain sight with the live structures. The colors they display can be anything from earthy brown, to sickly reds and Iridescent/Current genes can trick the eye to look like moving tendrils. A dark Okapi gene gives them the appearance of bramble shadows.
No other flight can compete against the Plague dragons’ mastery of hunt, but the Predators are the paramount of all hunters. What sets Predators apart from other dragons, aside from their superior strength and endurance, is their uncanny ability to adapt by camouflage. Most of these species are seen with hides that blend flawlessly with the Wasteland’s harsh environments. However, each generation tends to acquire colors and patterns that depend on their birthplace environment and parents’ diet. This peculiar ability to pass on genes based on environmental changes makes it very rare to see non-Plague versions of this species due to the fact that their camouflage does them little good outside of the Scarred Wastelands. Even so, there have been rare accounts of Predators dipping in and out of other flight territories, resulting in offspring that have odd color combinations or genes. These offspring usually don’t last long unfortunately, but it may be a matter of time before the Predators start encroaching and thriving on foreign lands.
While most Mirror hunting groups stampede an area and devour anything in its path, Predator packs prefer to stalk their prey. This stalking behavior seems to be the reason why they tend to hunt bigger game, sometimes even large dragons. Their camouflage allows them to blend in their environment, but additionally, a group of Mirrors can "add" or “build” onto the landscape in an attempt to confuse weary travelers. They can also utilize this ability to hide from other hunting packs as well, although it proves useless against dragons that have excellent sense of smell or hearing like Tundras and other Mirrors.
The majority of Predators tend to be Mirrors due to their tendency to stick with their own kind. There are other breed of Predators, but breeding between a Mirror and another species tend to produce a lot more of the former breed. Large breeds like Guardians or Imperials don’t do well as Predators as they have difficulties camouflaging. Ironically, Ridgebacks have an easier time surviving, but only in a very strange manner. They thrive in the Abiding Boneyard where they will partially bury themselves in sand to look like corpses or old bones, but never hunt for themselves because there is no seafood in the Abiding Boneyard. They will instead trade their kill for their pack’s fished goods. Spirals tend to thrive in the Wandering Contagion and Rotrock Rim as they camouflage very well as twisting tendrils. Anywhere else, they can be spotted immediately thanks to their constant twisting and spiraling. Finally, there are no Tundra Predators because they are herbivores. Any non-Mirror Predators still keep their own traits and qualities in addition to a Mirror’s grouping behavior and insatiable feeding habits.
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Exalting Stray to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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