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Personal Style


Ghost Flame Candles
Diver Crown
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Wing Loop
Undine's Flatfins
Ferocious Claws
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Necklace
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Earrings
Diver Sash




17.95 m
17.43 m
7863.72 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 18, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 4 Guardian
EXP: 1808 / 4027


Progen and Clan Leader



"Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground"
-Theodore Roosevelt


She's firm, but fair, not a hair out of place,
she's the book reading kind, not at all "in your face".
She might have come first, but "chicken or egg?
Don't believe in that nonsense, it's bad for your head!"
You see she's quite modest, in valor and strength,
"This costume? Me, royalty?! My cloak's an old tent!!"

Modest to extent,
She's one to look up to - a
Fair, noble leader.


______ I need a poem or something to put here. Yay!


There is a diary, written in careful if not decorated hand.
Earthshaker 23, Year of Hard Roots
I do not remember what came before today. Is it odd to say that I am not certain I existed yesterday? I do not even know how I came by this journal; only that it is as blank and empty as my memory is. It, a pen and the satchel I found them in are all I possess.

Odd though it is, I am also certain that my memories, should they have existed, no longer matter. They are I mystery I do not intend to solve. Whatever I was, I am no longer. For now, I am as free as the sea air and the waves, as weightless as the gulls that scream overhead. I am as certain of this as the fact that I feel the Call--that pull that all guardians feel that guides them to their purpose. It is a wonderful feeling. I am eager to open this new chapter of my life and see what will fill these pages.

[ The next ten pages or so are filled with simple daily entries. She chronicles her struggles in finding shelter, an exciting encounter with a shoal of marens and multiple pages of thoughtful rumination on her future purpose. Carefully attached in the margins are many small and clearly cherished treasures, including a sliver of abalone shell and a vibrantly blue wildflower. ]

Shadowbinder 7, Year of Gentle Frost
Tonight, I watched as the last glimmers of sunlight gilded the waves. The den I have made for myself is simple, but it is quiet and smells of the fresh sea air. I can think of no place more lovely to call my home. My home--what a wonderful phrase that is.

It occurred to me then that I had no name. I hadn't needed one. There was nobody else living on this lonely shore. Still, if I should gain a neighbor -- how would I introduce myself? That dragon which lives by the sea, in the territory of the Tidelord, and is a guardian? That would be any number of dragons.

I ruminated a while, trying out all manner of important and elegant names of which none fit. My eyes were drawn again and again to those beautiful waves and the sparkle of light upon them as the sun set. I could not help but admire their simple beauty. How was it that such a simple thing could turn something ordinary into something extraordinary...

Sparkles, I decided, would do just as well for a name. It was simple and would always remind me of this first place I had called my own.


Shadowbinder 15, Year of Gentle Frost
It is a good thing I have decided upon something to call myself, as it seems I may soon be entertaining my first guest. I have had my eyes upon him since his head crested above the waves. He is a mirror and moves much like the sharks who frequent this area. I almost mistook him for one until I saw his eyes--six of them! Mirrors are such an odd breed; what can one do with six eyes that one could not do with two?

It seems this mirror has a purpose, as he has poked his nose into every cave he has come across. I shall invite him in when he arrives at mine. I hope I don't frighten him!

Shadowbinder 18, Year of Gentle Frost
My visitor arrived today. He calls himself Typhon and has informed me he is on a mission for the Tidelord. A mission for a God! How thrilling. Though he cannot tell me much, what little details he has given me have me fascinated. What I would give to live a life so filled with adventure! We shared tales until moonrise, after which I offered him shelter in my homely little den while he completes his mission. I believe I saw a glimmer of pleasure in his eyes as he accepted. I do not mind a companion in this peaceful place. Quiet and pleasant though it is, I admit it is...perhaps too quiet, sometimes.

Stormcatcher 12, Year of Gentle Frost
Today, Typhon finally invited me along on his mission. We have been good friends for nearly five months now, so it is about time! He can be so secretive when he wishes to be; perhaps that is what the Tidelord saw in him. Though I appreciate his companionship and could never bring myself to push a born and bred Water dragon to share his secrets, I have been dying to join in. An adventure with my dearest friend sounds just perfect.

[ The next part of the entry is written in a different color of ink. ]

Oh, but he is a wild sort! I do believe he's made more for getting into trouble than out of it--one might ask the shoal of marens whose hunting we ruined. I plan to return and offer half my catch tonight as an apology. Still, I have never had so much fun as I have had today. I feel that writing it down would never do the events of the day justice, so I won't try.

We are hot on our quarry's trail now. Typhon insists my efforts have helped him immeasurably, though I doubt this is the case. He is an excellent tracker and was clearly close to solving this puzzle on his own. All I did was lend him my thoughts.

Typhon is certain that his mission will end any day now. Did I detect a note of sadness in his voice when he said that? I am uncertain if I only hear what I wish to hear...or if what I wish to hear is what I have heard.

Flamecaller 21, Year of Gentle Frost
[ A carefully drawn if rather ugly sketch of a mirror dominates the top half of the page. It's surrounded by small hearts. ]

We have caught our quarry and in so doing, netted each other's hearts. Oh forgive me, that's quite a line, is it not? I feel ashamed even writing it down, but -- it is only that I am so happy. We have grown close over these last few months and I so cherish Typhon's presence. The thought that it will be a constant in my life makes me feel as though I might join the Wind dragons who cavort and dance so far above. Imagine the sight! Us Water dragons are so graceless above our domain, they would surely laugh at me. But perhaps Typhon would join in as well--and then they might laugh as much as they like, for I would hear none of it.

Alright, alright. Here is how it happened. Though he had been careful so long, together we had found the spiral--and his secret. He would burrow into the sand like a snake and sleep the day away, only moving during the night when we were both asleep. He would change between three or four hideouts each night and wipe away all traces of himself. He had intended to lose his pursuit before continuing on so that he might disappear entirely. Ingenious, was it not?

We spotted him as he returned to one of those hideouts. He fancied himself unseen and was whistling a jaunty tune as spirals are wont to do. We followed him as quietly as we could manage but as he rounded a bend, we lost sight of him. Typhon was frantic, but then I saw it: a wriggling mound with a tiny snippet of spiral tail sticking out!

Typhon nearly rushed in and attempted to capture him right that moment, but I advised caution. We must wait, I said, until we are certain we have him--or he will slide through our claws and we will never catch him again!

So after a week of tracking our suspicious spiral's movements, at last we had a complete picture of his scheme. Typhon and I hid ourselves away nearby and watched him burrow himself into the sand. We decided to wait until dawn, as neither of us had a Shadow's gift of night-sight.

As dawn broke over the horizon, Typhon snuck up upon him and leaped at the sand with a loud screech--mirrors are so skilled at such things! As the spiral panicked and writhed in the sand, I threw the weighted net over him and caught him fast. We cheered and congratulated each other on a job well done. The exalted cannot escape their duties to Tidelord and our realm so easily.

With our quarry struggling in a net and Typhon's mission completed, I prepared to say goodbye. I knew duty; one must follow their call in life. I could not deny him something so important.

But my fears were unfounded. Typhon hushed me as I opened my mouth to bid him farewell and instead asked if I would be his partner in future ventures--and of the heart (!), he added, so shyly that I felt myself melt. Of course I said yes. I trust the certainty I feel.

It has not led me astray yet.

[ The following pages detail Sparkles' and Typhon's daily life. The den is expanded, fish caught and dried and tales told by the fire. One can imagine a soft smile on her face as she records such peaceful and pleasant events. Details of her life by the sea are interspersed with the many mishaps Typhon gets up to--and only sometimes gets out of. More items are pressed into the book's margins, including a few ruby red fish scales and a small piece of fabric labeled 'the remnants of a very narrow escape!'. ]

Tidelord 02, Year of Echoes
We are now three instead of two. A wanderer has asked for shelter. How could we refuse? The den certainly has enough space for us all. The fishing has been plentiful and the nights serene. Our resident maren shoal has left us in peace. Besides, I do like the idea of company. Typhon is a lovely companion, but I'm afraid our company wears on each other sometimes. Just the other day, we snapped and fought over something I hardly remember. We made up, of course, but the memory lingers...

For a tundra, our new companion certainly does have such a wry sense of humor! On her first night here, she made us both laugh with a very well-timed joke about fish heads. I have often caught her with a half-smile on her face as if she is laughing at some inner joke. I hope she will share them with us someday.

I have never been the sort to believe that three's a crowd. Two companions is one more soul's company to enjoy. Already, I feel warmly towards her. I do hope she stays a while.

It is odd. I just now envisioned myself surrounded by companions and friends, all as joyful and peaceful as we are now. I can picture us around a fire, sharing fish and tales as Typhon and I have done for months now. I can hear the roar of laughter as our tundra companion tells one of her jokes. It is such a pleasant thought. It feels...warm. And it feels...

[ The entry trails off there. It's followed by a return to the normal day-to-day entries, with some additions about the new tundras. The number of dragons continues to grow and Sparkles notes each of their names with a small (and still poorly drawn) sketch of each. Some are accompanied by things pressed into the margins around their entries, with notes below them like 'I found this upon her arrival' and 'This flower reminded me so strongly of him, I simply had to press it in. Look at its frowning face!' Each entry is surrounded by peaceful--if busy--descriptions of daily life on the shores. ]

Tidelord 04, Year of Shrieking Winds
We are moving into the sea! Our numbers have grown so large that the shore can no longer hold us all. I cannot explain the joy I feel, surrounded as I am by so many wonderful souls--three of which are mine and Typhon's blood now. Our beautiful childrenlaugh and play among the waves and the sand as if they were born from them. Perhaps they were, in a way. I have felt sometimes that this cove is a part of me in more ways than one. I will be sad to leave it, but I am eager for new adventures. Typhon feels as I do; it is as if he is alive with nervous energy. He always did love a good adventure. And this one will be all of ours.

I conducted the ritual last night to clear our way into the waves. Seashells, freshly caught fish and tallow candles made by my own claw--and, of course, the requisite tribute to the Tidelord dropped into the waves. It took all night, as I expected, but I am exhausted. However, I am certain we were heard; my heart feels as clear as the sky on a summer afternoon. It is a good omen. We shall go tonight and carve out our new territory below the waves. I must rest first though...

Ah--Kalisa is calling me. She was always the more nervous of my brood. I shall go and tell her one of Typhon's stories about the coral. That one is an excellent one!

Tidelord 05, Year of Shrieking Winds
I cannot imagine anywhere I would rather be than here.
[ There is a sketch of a system of caves with coral and seashells outside them. Small lanterns light paths to and from the caves. The author has taken the time to color in the details in vivid colors; the coral is bright pink and red, the sea above a bright blue. In the corner is a sketch of a book surrounded by a water bubble, which may be assumed to be this diary. Many happy dragons swim around the coral and inside the caves. Three hatchlings play tag with a mirror whose sketch is especially detailed. ]

Arcanist 29, Year of the Shrieking Winds
I have not had time to write in what feels like years! Keeping us all together and in one piece is a busy business. That responsibility on top of raising my first brood has me swimming about as fast as a silverfish. I am lucky my Typhon is with me. I do not know what I would do without him. Though I-- [ The next words are scratched out with dark, heavy strokes of ink. The ridges can be seen on the opposite side of the page. ]

Plaguebringer 3, Year of the Shrieking Winds
I worry about Typhon. There, I have put it in ink. I cannot deny it any longer. We do not have the time to ourselves that we used to. He is so busy leading the fishing parties, and I am so busy trying to help out here. I love this clan, but by Fate, helping out does take up so much of my time. There is so much that must be done and no one else to do it! I suppose I am a sort of leader to them by simple chance; I was one of the first two, after all. So they look to me. I offer them what I can...

Typhon. Yes. My thoughts wander as of late. I have barely seen him these past few weeks, so busy have we been. But when I do see him...I wonder what he sees, when he looks so far away. What is he thinking? Where has he gone that I cannot go? I do not like to think of him so alone.

I must talk to him soon.

Icewarden 01, Year of the Deepsong
I have friends that I would trust with such a thing, but I fear that by speaking my pain, I would only increase theirs. They loved him too. So I shall lay this down as factually as I might before I return to my duties.

Typhon is gone. Back to the Tidelord, I am almost certain of it. Why did I never question why he had come with me and so readily abandoned his duty? I thought...No, I did not think. Foolish. One does not abandon their duty to a God so easily.

If that was not enough, he has convinced my children that their duties also lay in direct service to the Tidelord. All of them are gone. I do not know how he has convinced them nor why he believes this to be true, but even shy Kalisa, who never showed a hint of desire to serve the God, has left.

I hope-- No, I will not think that of him. I cannot bear it. Yet, I think about my shy Kalisa and I wonder... How my thoughts turn cruel and bitter so quickly. Do I truly believe he kidnapped my children? Why would he ever do such a thing? Yet I cannot understand how all of them have gone so quickly. I should not think of him this way. It is cruel; it turns my memories of him to poison.

I will try to remember him as he was: an adventurer.

...He was always so impulsive. So quick to act, so slow to think. Is that not what I loved about him? Past tense already? I did not think that I was prone to such bitterness.

Perhaps I did not wish to notice how far he had withdrawn from me--from us, from his clan. I ignored his weary sighs. I ignored his long stares. No, worse. I saw, but I forgot so quickly. So easy it is for important things to slip away from us.

How could he leave me to do this alone?

[ The next few entries are sporadic and simplistic. They rarely stray beyond basic details or notes, such as 'fishing spot moved northwest 2 degrees, will tell gatherers tomorrow' and 'ordered more ink for clan scribes'. There are no more pressed objects. ]

Gladekeeper 30, Year of the Deepsong
I have adopted a cat. His name is Mac. What is it they say about those of us who adopt cats? Lonely old maidens, or something of the like?
Why yes, I believe that's it.
That is Clan Leader Lonely Old Maiden, to you. I suppose.

Lightbringer 21, Year of the Deepsong
He was my closest friend. He left me. I cannot let go of these two facts.

I am not alone, of course. I am surrounded by friends and clanmates. Perhaps they are the only reason I have not gone mad from stress and grief (yet). Their devotion and care for me over these past few months has not gone unnoticed. From the single beautiful pink seashell I found outside my door the day after he left to the ones who bring me lunch and chastise me for working too hard, they give so much to me. And why? I give them what I can in return, though I doubt it will ever be enough.

Still, I miss my first friend--my adventurer, my tale-teller, my stalwart companion. My love. I often find myself wondering what he would say. Would he laugh when one of the fishers came back tangled in her own net? I could not even muster a smile.

I would like the time to mourn him and my brood, but I cannot. If I should fail at my duties, it is not only my own life at stake--it is the lives of all the others who look to me to lead them as well.

It seems the time for adventure is long past. I have lost my taste for it entirely.

Flameforger 02, Year of the Deepsong
I am unsure how much longer I can bear this. I do not think that I was ever skilled at leading, but that is exactly what I must do. And not only lead. There are so many things I must be--mother, arbiter, counselor, guide, warmarshal, diplomat. How can I be all these things each day? I have managed thus far, but for how much longer can I bear the strain? I am so very tired. I see why Typhon left. On my darkest days, I fantasize about swimming after him into the dark waters of Tidelord's domain.

Perhaps He would know the answers to the questions they ask me. I fear that a year from now, there will be nothing here but the sand and the coral and the sea. I am so afraid of that. Words cannot do my fear justice. I cannot lose them too.

Tidelord, teach me how to be shifting and infinite like light through the great seaglass murals of You; teach me to be as peaceful as the calm dark of the waves and to accept the fate You have seen for me.

[ An image of Tidelord is drawn at the bottom, surrounded by a few tiny seashells and a single piece of seaglass that was slim enough to fit in the book. Different colors of ink in parts of the drawing imply that it was added to multiple times. It seems as though this is her attempt at a miniature altar. ]

Arcanist 6, Year of the Deepsong
We've a new addition to the clan, at least for the time being. She came to us wounded in mind and in body. A fishing party brought her to us. I have helped to nurse her back to healt, though of course I am no match for our healer's skill. I mostly offer comfort and a change of bandages, which I suppose is something. It feels good to be able to do something so tangible. It takes up what little spare time I have left to me, which is for the best.

Mac is quite fond of her. He sits beside her, purring as loudly as he can. I take this as a good sign, for Mac is a wise little cat. She doesn't speak much, but she seems to like him back. I hope he doesn't get too attached. You're my cat, Mac; please do remember that.

Our wanderer's eyes remind me of his--they have that same look of something calling in the distance. I wonder what she is running from. Or running to? I will not press, though. I am a Water dragon and we know the value of secrets.

But perhaps I will speak to her. I do not wish to repeat...

Arcanist 27, Year of the Deepsong
I have heard our wanderer has recovered as of late, but has spoken very little. I can confirm this myself, as I drop by her place on occasion. I worry for her, I suppose, as I worry for all my clanmates.

I wonder if she will leave soon. I would not stop her. Is that not the way of the adventurous, to always seek newer horizons? Perhaps that is why I am no adventurer; my place is here.

...That is not such a bad thought. Not a bad thought at all.

Earthshaker 8, Year of the Deepsong
I feel, perhaps...that we may be okay. That I may be okay. I do not know why I feel this, but I trust my certainty.

Windsinger 13, Year of Verdant Thorns
It is odd how one can miss things about oneself until something brings it bubbling to the surface. Even the most important things can remain hidden for years and years...

I visited Ironmind today. She enjoys the nickname I've given her, so I've taken to calling her that even here. It suits. She has a mind like a steel trap and shoulders that could bear any weight. I appreciate that. Not to mention her magic is of great use in our fishing parties! A fish stunned by bright light is much easier prey...and rather amusing to catch, I admit.

She received another crate of books. From a wounded wanderer to our resident brain! I still find myself impressed with her transformation, even after all this time. Perhaps there is yet more change in store for her, if my ideas come to fruition.

I cannot say I understood the contents of her books, nor even the titles. I never do, as I am no mage. Nonetheless, we spent a pleasant afternoon sorting them, as I had nothing much to do today and always enjoy her quiet company. Mac spent his afternoon sunning himself on one of the crates near Ironmind. He knows she's good for plenty of gill scratches if he sits near her. Greedy fuzzball. Remember who feeds you.

'Do you ever wonder about your charge?' I asked after a while, breaking a long, companionable silence. She started as if I had hit her and went silent. I was certain I had offended her and was about to apologize when she spoke again.

'I've never found mine. But...I think of the clan as my charge. Sometimes.' I caught her eye and I swear I saw the hint of a smile on her face. It is the first of those I have seen from her.

This is what made me think. You see, I had assumed I had stopped searching for my charge--put it to the back of my mind, as the clan was in need of me. I do not believe that that is the case any more. I have searched for that feeling that used to be so strong, but it is as if the pull inside of me has stilled. I do not know when I last felt its tuggings upon my mind.

I can hardly describe the joy I feel now as I pen these words. It is not the joy I felt on that first mission with Typhon, the exhilarating sense of a vast world filled with possibilities opening before me. It is not the first sprouts of young love, so quick to wither. This is a different sort of joy, but no less for its difference. It is as rooted within me as stone.

I do so love this clan.

Gladekeeper 8, Year of the Verdant Thorns
Today we begin preparations for the Greenskeeper Gathering. Some enterprising clanmembers have taken to drying out seagrass in the hopes of selling it to our hosts. I asked them to set aside a few bunches to use as offerings and to give as gifts. There was a small amount of grumbling, but they understood.

Hopefully the children of the Gladekeeper enjoy our offerings. I've gathered as much seaglass as I could find, of course. A few of the hatchlings have even gone out to gather coral to add to the pile. One of them even found a beautiful sea star! I told her to keep it for herself so she might trade one of the Nature hatchlings for some treats. Her eyes were so wide...I could hear her excited squealing from a league away.

Ironmind has been working on some interesting new waterproofing spells. With all the rain they get in Gladekeeper's domain, I am certain they will be appreciative. The Council expects she will make plenty of treasure for the clan. I expect she will make plenty for herself. She certainly seems to need a steady supply of, well, supplies!

We all look forward to the Nature festival. Just think--a week in the forests. They have always felt so similar to our own oceans, so teeming with life and yet so full of secrets. I plan to explore the falls and pools as thoroughly as I can. Perhaps I will find a few treasures to bring back...with permission, of course.

Lightweaver 1, Year of the Verdant Thorns
[ This entry is just a shopping list for preparations for the festival. Included are "shiny abalone shell" and "the good fish, not the ones from the northern fishing spot". Below is a whimsical doodle of a fish with googly eyes and a smiley face. ]

Stormcatcher 3, Year of the Verdant Thorns
I am so proud of my clan. I have watched us grow and prosper, all thanks to their hard work and dedication. They have taught me so much and I have been glad to learn from them. I do not know what has brought on this nostalgia. It has not been so long since we were a tiny clan, yet I can hardly remember those times. I used to be so afraid then.

Now...Now, it is not so bad.

It is so lively here nowadays! There are so many of us. I am surrounded by the cries of children, laughter, excited gatherers swimming by with nets of fish...All the joy I ever dreamed of is mine to experience and to cherish.

I give my heart to all of them.

Plaguebringer 21, Year of the Verdant Thorns
Typhon is back.
I do not know what I am supposed to feel.

Plaguebringer 30, Year of the Verdant Thorns
I have offered him a place within the clan. What else can I do? Kick him out? It has cost me much to give him this, but it is all I can offer in memory of the happiness he once gave me. I cannot take back the piece of my heart I gave to him. He is clan; distance has not changed that. Still, I feel...not as I once did.

He has explained himself, offered his apologies and begged my forgiveness. I do not know if I can forgive, but I will let it pass. Anger and hurt will do none of us any good. I shall not fail my clan in the same way twice.

He will not be a part of the Council. I cannot trust one who could leave all of this behind without a word. Who is to say it will not happen again? For all his assurances, I cannot bring myself to entirely believe him. Perhaps that is the worst of it--for one who I trusted so deeply to become someone who I do not trust at all. I do not think that wound will ever heal.

Things here are peaceful otherwise. I am made for the quiet times like these. I have the love and trust of a clan who I love and trust in return. I have purpose. And I have my quiet seaside home. I do not need the love I believed I had as a young dragon.

I look back on these pages and find myself...happy. Yes, I am happy. I have had my adventure. I have had my joy. I have had my love. And now, I have my future. I do not know what it holds, for I have not been gifted with the Sight, but I have the chance to see it to its end.

I believe that is all I shall ask for.

[ The diary ends here. A pattern of fish scales is pasted to the final page, with gentle waves drawn below them.]


Finished on 11/8/17!
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