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Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Enchanted Dungeon


5.82 m
5.35 m
731.3 kg


Primary Gene
Spool (Aether)
Spool (Aether)
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 18, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Aether
EXP: 80 / 245



  • none




"If you still don't get it, I'll tell you right now! To use a Synchrome Bey, it's not enough to combine the power of two Beys, okay? You need two Bladers who trust each other to combine their hearts as well or it's just no good!" - Takanosuke.

lightningv1.png Takanosuke has no shortage of fire within him, and he's also very kind. In the anime, he arrived at Metal City's Beypark in hopes of finding and defeating Zyro Kurogane, but instead he had found Ren and was confronted with a Beybattle.

"If I have to battle... You better make it a good one and not waste my time. Now let's get going and have some fun!"

He crushes Ren and challenges Zyro, who showed up during the battle alongside Benkei, Maru, and Shinobu, the latter of whom tells the Ifrit Blader to step aside. He confronts Takanosuke, infuriated by the young Blader claiming Zyro was the strongest and demanding to battle him first.

"Maybe you're right. Challenging Zyro right away isn't showing him the proper amount of respect at all. I should battle all the average Bladers first and work my way to the top!"

So, Takanosuke accepts Shinobu's challenge and- despite putting up a good fight- soon loses thanks to Shinobu finding his way out of the shroud of self-doubt he'd been in at the time.

Later on, when they main gang has been sent by the WBBA to show everyone how to use the Cyclone Bey Stadiums properly, Ren finds Takanosuke there, training and crushing other Bladers. She challenges him once again, saying she'll get back at him for last time.

They battle, and as they reach the climax a mysterious Bey shoots into the stadium. A mysterious redhead calls out to them, "Playtime is over!" Takanosuke snaps at him that such a spirit filled battle is not playtime, and the newcomer commands his Bey, Dragoon, to attack. It does as told, launching both Beys into the side of the stadium and causing them to stop spinning.

The newcomer claims himself to be the Master of the Jet Black Dragon, Sakyo Kurayami. Ren challenges him, and after being launched from the podium she was on, Takanosuke catches her How does he do that anyway she's sixteen and he's thirteen what the heck.

"Hey you!" I pant for a moment, yelling, "You're a loose cannon! What if Ren had been hurt?!"

"You're a child, battle's are a life or death struggle! Weaklings who worry whether or not they're opponents are playing nicely, or by some sort of rule, have no right to call themselves Bladers! Now go home and Beyblade in da backyard wid your mommy, kid."

My breath hitches for a moment, then I feel like someone lit my chest on fire. I growl. "Now you've gone too far, and you've asked for it!" I gently set Ren on the ground, saying. "Ren, I'll take care of this clown for you."

"Takanosuke," She whimpers. I turn back to Sakyo.

"You! Reset your Bey now!"

"There's no need."


"It won't even be a problem if I'm just battling a second-rate Blader like you, my Dragoon is fine as it is!"

"Is that so?!"

"Now, don't hold back, give it your all!" He grins sadistically.

"Okay, bigmouth! Get ready..." I begin to climb up the escalator, then halfway I leap into the air and front flip. "LET'S DO THIS!" I land and launch Griffin.

He is defeated, but after he battles Sakyo and discovers their two Beys are alike, he begins to follow him in the hopes of becoming stronger, like Kenta and Ryuga.

At Neo Battle Bladers he battled Zyro in the first round. The battle was intense, and Takanosuke pushed himself to the limit, inventing a new special move on the fly to defeat Zyro. Sadly, after the next attack, when the dust had cleared it was Ifrit who was still spinning. Takanosuke was devastated, but he was a good sport about it.

Next, Zyro battled Sakyo. Takanosuke requested that Sakyo win the battle for them both, but Sakyo blew him off. However, Takanosuke said he would still root for him. This battle was red-hot and it was anyone's game but Zyro still took the victory thanks to his fiery Blader's spirit. Sakyo couldn't believe it and he was devastated, although Takanosuke took it harder.

"Sakyo, he... Lost?" I look up to the escalator he stands on, then begin to push through the crowd to get to him.

I lost? But how? The escalator lands, I turn and to my surprise Takanosuke is standing not too far away, almost in tears.

"Sakyo, I can't believe it! I really thought you would win, I did! But still..." I stare at him, mumbling in shock,


"Shinobu, I won!"

"Huh?" I look to Zyro, who's pointing at Shinobu.

"All so I face you in the finals!"

"Yeah, bring it on!" Shinobu replies. I begin to walk down the stairs of the escalator, saying.

"The power of friends, huh? Only one Blader can stand at the very top, but..." I open my eyes, focusing on Takanosuke, who tilts his head a little.

"Sakyo?" I stand beside him, staring ahead.

"We start again Takanosuke, we will aim for the top together, okay?"

"Sakyo... Sakyo you bet!" He laughs, chasing after me as I leave.

Headcanon by @Sharkbro: Takanosuke is very proud of his furry chest and tail and carefully preens it before starting the day. But, he isn't vain about it and while he doesn't mind compliments he doesn't seek them out.

Note from me: "Taka" means hawk in Japanese, right? And Aethers are dragons with moth design aspects. So does that,,, does that make him a,,,,, does that make him a hawkmoth

Old Takanosuke

Takanosuke used to be a Fae dressed like this! I changed him to an Aether on March 24th, 2023.
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