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Personal Style


Brass Steampunk Scarf
Cyan Delver's Lamp
Brass Steampunk Vest
Brass Steampunk Spats
Leather Fedora
Brass Steampunk Gloves


Skin: Skingraft



7.12 m
4.89 m
692.71 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 10, 2013
(11 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 13 Mirror
EXP: 9401 / 45676


Mate: None.
Ability: None in particular. Tobias is a well-rounded dragon. Surviving in any realm without need for adaption to the energies would probably be his ability
Job: The leaders' decision-making helper bro (Can't remember the word... adviser?? But not as professional...)
Personality: His personality's kind of like that of an old guy, sitting on his front porch (or in this case, sitting outside the lair) and yelling at hatchlings to get off his lawn...
Yeah, that works...
Tobias was exiled from his clan and lived for a long time on his own. But as all dragons on their own, he nearly died for his magical energies kept getting mixed up as he wandered from place to place, accepting no deity's request to stay. Then he stumbled into a family in the Sunbeam Ruins. They were a small lot and accepted his request to rest for a night. He was feeling weak and hungry despite having a large meal the day before. But his hunger was not for food, it was fore spiritual/magical energies. Energies are something all dragons are born with, and that is why they all live under a deity's protection, so they can continue to feed off energies of the land. But Tobias had refused to, and was forced to stay in the clan for many days, instead of one. When he was about to leave, they kept asking him to stay, but he refused until a tiny little tundra by the name of Ella came to ask him. She was the ugliest little ball of fluff ever, but that might have been what Tobias had wanted, so he stayed. She later became his mate, despite being very sickly from birth, but after their first clutch, it was too much for her. She couldn't even get up to get food for herself, not that she even ate. Thankfully, the Lightweaver accepted her and made her healthy so long as she worked for her, so Ella was exalted.
Tobias was offended that Ella chose to live out a long life with a deity rather than live a short life, but with him. He knew inside that really, she had no choice, Ella's parents, the clan leaders, had chosen her fate, but no one ever paid Tobias any mind. He was something new and exciting during his first days in the clan, but after he agreed to stay, he became nothing more than another clan dragon. As if he'd lost his uniqueness. And then he remembered why he'd gone off on his own. His clan was too full of 'nobody's. It wasn't too large, but enough for him to be forgotten after growing up. Everyone knew hatchlings, but no one remembered who they were once they'd grown up. Tobias hated that, and here he was, stuck again. But he couldn't leave Ella. Once, whenever he encountered monsters, he offed them just because he could. Now, when collecting food, he killed them because he had too. There was a hatchling that needed to be fed. There was a hatchling, ignored by her parents, that had to be taught. All her parents ever taught her were the herbs she needed to eat to stay healthy. Not what animals are edible. Not how to fight. So Tobias taught her that.
She was always talking to him like a mother, despite the fact Tobias was older, but it was nice to have someone actually care about him for once.
A long time passed, and more children were born and raised, and more dragons were brought into the clan. It was doing very well, so much larger than when Tobias had joined them back when it was just the leaders' family. But one day, from a clan they had a treaty with and often visited in the Windswept Plateau, another dragon tagged along on the way back home. His name was Pall, and he longed to serve someone other than the Windsinger. The Wingsinger is wonderful, yes, but he felt that another place would fit him better. As always, he was cool at first, but eventually turned into a 'nobody' like Tobias. The only reason Tobias even knew much about him was because of his daughter. She was a beautiful little Fae dragon. Her Father was exalted after he had taught her all she could, for the Lightweaver was worried and requested, if they might, dragons to come and serve her and live a life more than what they were living now. A struggle had occurred, and it was then Pall knew what he'd really wanted, and went off to join the Lightweaver with his son and daughter, leaving the last one who felt no calling alone. Her mother had left after her children had been born, for she had wished to leave quicker than her husband who felt to stay and not burden the clan with the chore of teaching and raising his children. The one who stayed behind bore the name 'Caris'. Caris was never one to be down. She was easily excited and always insisting others accept her help, and Tobias didn't like seeing her down, so they got together. Sometimes Tobias would feel he was cheating on Ella, even still, but sometimes he remembers what she would've said if she were to be here, and that's probably the only thing keeping him going; Ella's memories.
Timed passed again and Caris felt her calling to return to her family. Alone again, Tobias struggled with his life choices. He made a rash decision, yet again, to get together with the warrior Avis. They, too, had many children, but the guilt and fear kept growing in Tobias' heart. He had claimed to love 3 dragons now. He had loved 3 mates thus far... How long would this one last?
Despite being a warrior, Avis understood Tobias' decision, and slowly pushed herself away from him. Tobias still watches over Avis, and still worries whenever she gets sick, but he knows that he'll last longer than her. It's as if the Lightweaver had punished him for not aligning himself with a deity in the past, taking away everyone he loves, or maybe she's tempting him to join her, knowing Tobias is the last dragon on the planet to give himself to a deity. Either way, the sun still rises, and Tobias still breathes the air of life every day. If he ever does die, it'll be in the sun's embrace, and Ella, Caris, and Avis by his side.

Friends: He claims to have none, but he's great friends with Fala, Theodore, Forest, Mei, Frostbite, and Avis.... He's also one of the few who acknowledges Demmanu's existence.
Enemies: He doesn't particularly like most of the clan, but he really doesn't care that much.
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