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Potion Master,
Seth Talon

Advisor Collar
Advisor Footies
Aerborne Gustgather
Aeruginous Leather Skullcap
Antique Claw
Breed Change: Bogsneak
Primary Gaoler Gene: Giraffe

Lore Snippet:
Lore snippet should be a peek into the dragon's life. Where do they go on a daily basis, what do they do on a regular day? What kinds of things do they think about? Who do they talk to? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh quam, pulvinar a odio in, interdum blandit mauris. Praesent vel tristique metus. Sed interdum molestie nisl, eu feugiat nisi semper feugiat. Sed venenatis libero sem, id maximus lacus accumsan vel. Nulla varius scelerisque tortor, quis consectetur mauris rutrum quis. Quisque orci ex, suscipit sit amet sodales bibendum, pharetra quis nunc. Curabitur neque libero, vestibulum vel feugiat mollis, placerat rhoncus lectus. Mauris at neque tortor.

Pellentesque sagittis sit amet risus nec tincidunt. Fusce finibus tempus tellus, molestie gravida velit fringilla vel. Suspendisse dictum odio tellus. Nam placerat placerat porta. Quisque pulvinar feugiat dolor. Maecenas sapien diam, sagittis sed nulla ac, scelerisque vulputate est. Praesent eu nibh sed mi euismod euismod. Nullam cursus odio eget mi vestibulum maximus. Vivamus suscipit dolor felis, a faucibus enim aliquet ut. Quisque faucibus hendrerit tincidunt.

General Appearance:
What is the dragon's build? Size? Do they have scars, or disabilities? Do they wear apparel? Practical or fashionable? Special features? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh quam, pulvinar a odio in, interdum blandit mauris. Praesent vel tristique metus. Sed interdum molestie nisl, eu feugiat nisi semper feugiat. Sed venenatis libero sem, id maximus lacus accumsan vel. Nulla varius scelerisque tortor, quis consectetur mauris rutrum quis. Quisque orci ex, suscipit sit amet sodales bibendum, pharetra quis nunc. Curabitur neque libero, vestibulum vel feugiat mollis, placerat rhoncus lectus. Mauris at neque tortor.

noavatarp.png ¤ NAME - Relationship
Info about this dragon or familiar.
noavatarp.png ¤ NAME - Relationship
Info about this dragon or familiar.
noavatarp.png ¤ NAME - Relationship
Info about this dragon or familiar.
noavatarp.png ¤ NAME - Relationship
Info about this dragon or familiar.

Place in the Clan:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh quam, pulvinar a odio in, interdum blandit mauris. Praesent vel tristique metus. Sed interdum molestie nisl, eu feugiat nisi semper feugiat. Sed venenatis libero sem, id maximus lacus accumsan vel. Nulla varius scelerisque tortor, quis consectetur mauris rutrum quis. Quisque orci ex, suscipit sit amet sodales bibendum, pharetra quis nunc. Curabitur neque libero, vestibulum vel feugiat mollis, placerat rhoncus lectus. Mauris at neque tortor. Ut aliquam, orci eget molestie semper, leo nisl sagittis nibh, in malesuada metus magna nec nisl. Duis quis est scelerisque, sollicitudin odio nec, pulvinar ligula. Nunc blandit luctus risus, nec accumsan elit euismod sed.

Pellentesque sagittis sit amet risus nec tincidunt. Fusce finibus tempus tellus, molestie gravida velit fringilla vel. Suspendisse dictum odio tellus. Nam placerat placerat porta. Quisque pulvinar feugiat dolor. Maecenas sapien diam, sagittis sed nulla ac, scelerisque vulputate est. Praesent eu nibh sed mi euismod euismod. Nullam cursus odio eget mi vestibulum maximus. Vivamus suscipit dolor felis, a faucibus enim aliquet ut. Quisque faucibus hendrerit tincidunt.

Proin eu ipsum molestie, fringilla lacus sed, tempor quam. Donec condimentum scelerisque ipsum, eu aliquet urna. Suspendisse iaculis nisi blandit leo semper pretium. Suspendisse potenti. Cras ultricies ut augue tempus lacinia. Curabitur a efficitur felis. Nullam vestibulum vitae arcu ac congue. Fusce commodo elit sed diam mattis, in blandit elit sagittis. In facilisis ipsum euismod, interdum nunc eget, suscipit sem. Aliquam in arcu eu turpis hendrerit congue ultrices ac purus. Nam vitae porta odio, vel condimentum lacus.

Pellentesque porta maximus erat, vitae volutpat purus rhoncus tristique. Nullam vehicula nibh sit amet dapibus sagittis. Quisque urna sapien, convallis in accumsan vitae, scelerisque malesuada dui. Praesent in tellus ultrices, sagittis elit a, ornare est. Vivamus sollicitudin posuere sagittis. Nam eu lobortis tellus, ac ultrices odio. Quisque vitae ligula eget turpis dapibus vulputate. In a velit ac metus fringilla scelerisque. Etiam in nunc a odio mattis cursus nec ac dolor.

Hoard and Interests:
What items does this dragon hoard? What pets do they keep? Do they have a favorite color? What is their favorite meal? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh quam, pulvinar a odio in, interdum blandit mauris. Praesent vel tristique metus. Sed interdum molestie nisl, eu feugiat nisi semper feugiat. Sed venenatis libero sem, id maximus lacus accumsan vel. Nulla varius scelerisque tortor, quis consectetur mauris rutrum quis. Quisque orci ex, suscipit sit amet sodales bibendum, pharetra quis nunc. Curabitur neque libero, vestibulum vel feugiat mollis, placerat rhoncus lectus. Mauris at neque tortor.

Other Info:
Hopes and dreams. Fears. Etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh quam, pulvinar a odio in, interdum blandit mauris. Praesent vel tristique metus. Sed interdum molestie nisl, eu feugiat nisi semper feugiat. Sed venenatis libero sem, id maximus lacus accumsan vel. Nulla varius scelerisque tortor, quis consectetur mauris rutrum quis. Quisque orci ex, suscipit sit amet sodales bibendum, pharetra quis nunc. Curabitur neque libero, vestibulum vel feugiat mollis, placerat rhoncus lectus. Mauris at neque tortor.

Library Entries:
¤ Book Title - (Section)




Seth was born in the clan, and originally wanted to train to become exalted, as many dragons born through the clan are. Although it is a great honor, and he believes it would have been a good life, he decided he wanted something more than eternal servitude to the Deity of Curiosity. He dreamed of raising his own family in the clan, which would not be allowed if he became an acolyte. So, while all his siblings completed their training and moved on, he stayed behind with his parents, helping to raise their new hatchlings while looking for purpose in his own life, until his parents inevitably decided to join the ranks of the exalted as well.

Alone and living in his parents' burrow, Seth continued studying. He discovered a knack for making potions, and often sold them to merchants and travelers. He made good treasure this way, but donated most of it to the clan treasury, as his needs were simple and his wants few.

When Sasha arrived at the doorstep of the clan with a band of merchants, she was limping, dirty, and aggressive. The merchants had found her in the forest and convinced her to come with them to the nearest clan for food and healing.
Timithius agreed to treat her wounds, but the clan did not have an infirmary built yet and had nowhere to keep her. Seth immediately offered his parents den for her to rest in, as it had minimal decorations and ample room.

Sasha was distrusting, but agreed. Seth noticed immediately that she slept with one eye open and lay facing the door. After a few days of fresh food, water, and treatment, Seth still did not know anything about her. She hardly did anything but grunt when he tried to start conversations, and so half the time he ended up feeling like he was talking to himself. She seemed to prefer to brood quietly while watching everyone with suspicion.

Although he was observant enough to know something was wrong, he didn't really have the mind to understand the depth of pain that caused her to act this way. Timithius warned him that it was better to wait until Sasha wanted to talk, if she wanted to share anything at all, and that she likely would move on once she was healed.

Seth, being a bit stubborn, and letting his curiosity at this strange dragon's past guide him, brewed a potion. He didn't have a potion that would make someone talk about their life, but he had been working on a potion that he believed to be the next best thing; a love potion.

The effects were temporary, of course, and mostly just incited a crush in the affected dragon on whoever was nearby when they drank it. Seth hoped that having a crush on him would make her more likely to talk and answer all the questions burning in his mind. He offered the potion to her as a drink with her dinner, and it did work, but not in the way he intended.

Sasha, which turned out to not be her real name, broke down and told him everything she had endured and the horrible place she had escaped. Seth listened, wide-eyed and heart broken for her. He did his best to comfort her as she relaxed for the first time since she had arrived, completely exhausted from recounting everything. When she was deeply asleep he crawled out of the den quietly and ran to wake Timithius, telling the healer everything out of a mixture of grief and guilt.

Timithius admonished him, but told him to go back and watch over her, that after talking about all of that she shouldn't wake up alone. Seth did as he was told, even staying awake the whole night to make certain she slept peacefully. By the next morning the effects of the potion had completely worn off. Seth was nervous when he noticed her stirring, afraid she would figure out what he did and be angry. To his surprise, she was calm, and even asked for breakfast.

He spent they next few weeks taking care of her, bringing food, changing bandages, and even convincing her to talk to Timithius about her trauma. She opened up slowly, over the weeks, but Seth no longer cared about getting information out of her; instead he was focused on making sure she got the best care possible. He had a purpose, and it was protecting her, even if it meant leaving his birth clan when she got better.

Eventually, she began to feel well enough to go on walks around the camp. She saw the library, explored the halls, and watched the trainers at work. One morning, she told him she had decided to stay, that this clan was far from her old home and well-hidden. She could make a new life, thanks to his care while she was weak. Seth stuttered and looked at his paws making excuses about Timithius' medicine and Fireshade's cooking. Sasha stopped him by continuing, saying that she had developed feelings for him when he was willing to share his den with a stranger for no reward, and to care for them even when it wasn't his job, how he talked to her like a friend even when she treated him like an enemy. Seth started to break down, crying in shame that when she was at her most vulnerable he could only think of his own curiosity, but before he could get the words out, she wrapped her arms around him, put her head on his, and said "I know".

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