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Personal Style


Infectionist's Emblem
Red Birdskull Headdress
Skeletal Chimes
Bloodscale Chest Guard
Black Linen Chest Wrap
Crimson Aviator Gloves
Red Birdskull Legband
Bloodscale Tail Guard



Scene: Sunparched Prowl


6.41 m
7.9 m
389.79 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 29, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Mirror
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



trait, trait, trait


tumblr_inline_o0idkcgvMJ1qg2i5p_540.png Deadland Disciple

OGYBD1J.png Gender: Female
Sign: The Scholar
Mate: n/a
Familiar: n/a

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec laoreet diam. Nullam sodales congue blandit. Phasellus eu erat pellentesque, scelerisque leo sit amet, vulputate ipsum. Morbi a elit eget diam porttitor euismod sit amet sed leo. Quisque malesuada suscipit elit nec ullamcorper. Phasellus ultricies vulputate sem, sed rhoncus ligula rutrum quis. Nullam finibus, augue venenatis scelerisque aliquet, tortor lectus placerat nulla, et ornare enim ligula et purus. Proin sit amet ipsum pretium, blandit risus sed, accumsan lacus. Aenean interdum fermentum nisl vel sollicitudin. Fusce eu blandit nibh. Integer est mi, varius ut ante eu, molestie faucibus elit. Aliquam at venenatis libero. Donec elementum eget ligula vitae tempor. Vivamus non suscipit justo.

Crystal Quartz Crystal Quartz Crystal Quartz Crystal Quartz

flight icon by oseim | hatch sign lore by usbdongle



Hello. I am Tuberculosis. And I have come to spread my consumption unto your lair...

Being born from the Wyrmwound, a child of Plaguebringer, Phthisis decided from a young age that she was meant for big things. When she was called upon to do her due diligence, she leapt at the chance to aid in carrying his plague around Sornieth. She has been promised to be placed in a forever home the completion of her task, and she can't wait for her adventure to begin...

With all eyes on the Shade-infected, none were expecting the sudden visitor to be bringing a malady upon the clan. Phthisis was granted access to their lair, a place at the clan’s communal meal and lodgings for the night.

The Mirror was reserved in her speech, offering little of herself bar that she was travelling Sornieth. General opinion was that it was a reasonable stance to take. It was to be expected that not every passerby was so inclined to socialising as many of the wanderer-Flight were reputed to be.

Some were perfectly content with such company. Though it was a source of suppressed mirth: the contrast between how unrestrained Phthisis was in satisfying her appetite, and Melreyna, the Mirror who lead the clan, and her abstemiousness. Not that the two paid much notice.

Although Phthisis had been able to encounter a fair number of the clan at the communal evening meal, she was aware that not all the clan had been present. So, once night had fallen and those who’d retired for the night had had a chance to fall asleep, the Plague Mirror went to see about ensuring she’d visited every member of the clan.

However, this endeavour was interrupted by an encounter with the night-guard, who took her for a restless wanderer. On her request, he was glad to show her where water might be drawn. So, unbeknownst to the clan, Phthisis had set in motion the chain of events that would force the clan into adapting for their survival.

The full account of the Stanzascale clan’s first outbreak.

"Tumor to go!" Ciara muttered the pun to herself as she trudged up the floating staircase towards their floating island where she would meet their second to the last visitor and the rest of the clan. She could've taken a shortcut: their pink transport beam that could've have transported her immediately to the meeting place. But she took the spiral staircase instead so she could think of how would this immunization would play out.

Even if the clan had already recovered their physical strength from the last two diseases, she noticed that their energy or should she say the liveliness of her clan just died out. So she had to think of a way to bring that back. 'They'd think me mad but oh well..'

Having arrived at their rendezvous, she was greeted immediately by their second to the last mirror Pthisis. The mirror's name reminded Ciara of the word "thesis" that she encountered in a reading material from the Light Flight and so she decided to call the mirror that as a joke.

"Are you ready to spread your disease Thesis?" Ciara asked the mirror who chuckled. "You know my name's not pronounced that way but of course I am!" Pthisis replied. "I have already started spreading it while we were waiting for you."

"How about being silly then?Are you ready for that?" Ciara followed up. "What are you talking about?"the mirror asked confused. Before Pthisis could ask further, Ciara announced. "Listen up Emberites! To spread Thesis's disease effectively you all have to roll on the grass back and forth!" The clan went silent as Ciara barked the order and a wave of confusion followed after.

"Ugh, I thought this may happen" Ciara muttered. She looked for Inazuma for support who only knew of their plan and the only one who could get the whole clan moving. She found the elder Imp and gave the signal. "DIDN"T YOU BUTTHEADS HEAR WHAT CIARA SAID?!! START ROLLING OR YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE OF THE DISEASE!" the imperial roared and started to lie on his back to roll.. And the clan obeyed.

"Have they gone all mad?" Pthisis thought as imps,nocs and the rest of dragon kind started to toll awkwardly on the grass. Ciara just smiled and started rolling too. The mirror approached her and asked. "I know I'm here to spread my disease but this?"

Ciara paused from the rolling . "Well to quickly explain, I just want the my clan to be relieved from the stress of all these infection-cure cycle. And acting silly is one of them de-stressors. You should try it out!" The guardian explained before she resumed rolling again. 'Thesis just shook her head but it wouldn't hurt to try.....


"This would be one of the weirdest experiences I'd ever had." Pthisis said as she left the clan, excited for her next destination.

When 'Thisis came the clan was swamped with work, she stealthily spread her disease and on the way out snagged a glowshroom and maple leaf.

all dressed up
in the lair


Clan Scatterspark was sleeping off their flu when Phthisis came. Fortunately, she didn't have too much trouble finding the entrance to their lair on her own; the scent of medicinal herbs was pretty strong.

The Spiral on watch, Apple, sprang out of his coil in alarm at Phthisis's gentle nudge. "I'm awake!" he cried, "I was awake the whole time! Hello!" His caterwauling caused a stir within the den, and in no time, several dragons were at the mouth of the cavern to greet their visitor (and swat at Apple for falling asleep on the job).

The Scatterspark dragons were feeling less than sociable, but Phthisis took it in stride. Several of the clans she'd visited so far had been growing weary of the well-intentioned onslaught. It was clear that they were trying, though, as they fed her bits from the supper they were preparing, and relatively patiently allowed her infectious ministrations. Before long, she was off again, with a bag of trinkets at her hip. Adam walked her out of the lair, inviting her to come back again when they were all feeling a bit more lively.

Phthisis arrived at Clan Twinstar's lair to find a surprising scene. The clan had been so weakened by the plagues brought upon it so far that Kelran had ordered them all to retreat to the stronghold's main spire, so that they would stand a better chance defending themselves, should Beastclans or rival dragons decide to attack.

Sure enough, a group of Centaurs had decided to take advantage of the clan's weakened state. They had constructed a makeshift battering ram to try and break into the spire, and were busily looting whatever food and valuables they could find. But just as they were about to break down the doors, Phthisis suddenly landed right in the middle of the warband, catching them completely off guard. She glared at the Centaurs for a moment before hitting them all with her plague breath. It wasn't long before the Centaurs were forced to make a hasty retreat, coughing and wheezing in agony.

Kelran and the others hobbled their way outside to meet their unlikely savior, only to realize that it was the fifth of the Mirror dragons that Leon had invited to infect their lair. There was no time for the dragons to flee back inside before Phthisis went to work infecting them all with her disease- Tuberculosis.

Before long, the whole clan was in agony. They could barely say a word before being interrupted by a round of painful coughing. None of them could get any sleep, which was a major problem since few of them had had any rest in days. And all the while, the clan's shaman, Kizzy, continued trying to convince everyone to praise the Plaguebringer. Or at least she did until the clan's Matriarch, Gazer, finally mustered up the strength to smack her out of it.

At long last, Phthisis decided her work here was done, and it was time to move on to the next clan. No one came along to see her off this time, but that didn't concern her. She knew that while Clan Twinstar may not have realized it yet, they were growing stronger, slowly but surely.

Only one plague still remained...

In Lair

Phthisis glided down to the beach of the Gladeveins. Her journey had been easier than the others' because of her huge wings and ability to swim. She crept through the undergrowth, trying not to be noticed. As she reached the next clan's Nocturne tree, and the three Nocturnes hanging from the branches, she sighed deeply and quietly. Her magical ability to see the infection she spread confirmed that it had reached all three Nocturnes. Smiling, she crept onward.

It was the middle of the day, so almost everyone was awake except for a few Shadow dragons and the Nocturnes. Phthisis hovered at the edge of the main clearing for a moment, then composed herself and slunk in. The dragons turned to look. Some shied away.

Obviously they've figured it out, Phthisis thought. "Are there any other Plagueborns here I can talk to?" she said loudly, at the same time trying to project her infection as far as she could.

A vine curtain over a lair entrance parted, and another Mirror came out. "Oh, another one of you," Marrow said resignedly. "You're the second-to-last, right? You guys are creating a lot of work for me."

One of the other dragons turned in surprise. "You know what's been going on?"

Marrow hesitated. "...Yes. The first visitor told me what was happening, so that I could be prepared with my medicines. I should have told the rest of you, but you would have avoided or turned away the visitors, and that would defeat the whole purpose of them coming all the way to the Labyrinth." She explained the Plaguebringer's idea of spreading curable infections throughout the clan to strengthen immune systems, hopefully strengthening them to the Shade plague too.

Phthisis nodded. "Yes, I am the second-to-last. We're not supposed to tell you what the other dragons carry though, so I'm afraid I can't warn you of the last." As she said this, she slunk around the dragons, very close to them, as they tried their hardest to not back away again. "I carry tu-ber-cu-lo-sisssss." She spit and hissed the last word, completing her rounds of all the dragons in the clan. "And I believe my work here is done. I wish you luck with my disease, and the next dragon's as well." Marrow dipped her head in acknowledgement as Phthisis folded her wings and ran off into the forest.
Phthisis enters the lair

Seeing the toll of this experiment was taking on their clan leader, his Captain of the Guard, Furiosa, took up the challenge of escorting the next carrier through their lair; giving her clan leader time to rest and recuperate.

Like with all the others, Trick of the Light followed them around. This time, however, the Trick of the Light grows bolder with each passing Plague dragon, and she is no longer timid or cautious around them. Following them boldly, watching them carefully, ensuring they make it safely to their border and onto the next lair.
Furiosa escorts Phthisis around their humble lair

Phthisis arrived into the land of black sand. She stayed there for a while and kept company by the well known cursed dragons of the clan. After she told the cursed ones her adventures she had a nice chat with Tyve. Soon time came for her to leave. A smile plastered on her face, she took off to the next flight.
Little party with the cursed!

Her next stop was the Sea of a Thousand Currents, where the next clan lived. Phthisis was surprised when her welcoming party turned out to be made up of Wind dragons, not Water dragons like she expected.

"Hi there!" said the Spiral, twisting knots in front of her. "I'm Reedweaver! I'm one of the guards in the clan."

"Hi there!" said the Nocturne, his voice matching Reedweaver's perfectly. "I'm Gale! I'm also one of the guards in the clan."

"And I'm Rose," said the Skydancer. Her antennae twitched as she read Phthisis's emotions. "Yes, normally we would send a Water dragon to escort you to the lair. However, our usual escorts are still recovering from a bout of the dragon flu, so we Windies were sent instead. We can do an equally good job at breathing underwater, you know."

Using their combined magic, the three Wind dragons created a bubble large enough to carry all of them down to the Leviathan Trench, where the clan lived. The Clan of Roaring Waters welcomed her heartily, though because of the dragon flu they were still quite tired and not looking forward to adding tuberculosis on top of that. The clan healers did manage to get a blood sample from her though, so they could create a vaccine for her disease later.

In the meanwhile, Phthisis had a good meal, romped around with fellow Mirrors Nightmare and Coppice, and generally enjoyed herself while trying to sneakily spread her disease around the clan as best she could. (Which is very hard if half the clan is made up of seers and oracles.) Finally, she had to leave, and the clan thanked her and her kind for sharing their strength with the clan and the greater Sorneith so they could fight off the Shade Plague.
In the lair

Phthisis arrived at clan Manatou just as those who were still able, we're setting up for the mid day meal outside by a flourishing garden. A lone skydancer was watering in one corner but he stopped as soon as he caught sight of her. He set down the watering can and slowly approached her since none of the others seemed to notice her, and offered her a greeting. "Are you one of of the remaining two Plague mirrors that are suppose to visit? Don't mind the others, they're still in recovery but feel well enough to help out."

He guided her to the lair's entrance, his steps slowing as they walked through and into the main chamber. Dragons were bustling around, doing light chores to a chorus of sniffles and sneezes, punctuated by an occasional cough. Phthisis glanced around in surprise, none of them looked direly ill or acted extremely weak. She looked back at her guide and offered, "It would appear your healers have worked out a cure, or at least have devised a medicinal brew that gives them some relief from the worse of the symptoms."

"Minnie has worked wonders, she's spent many a sleepless night working on a cure in her lab. Oh, I'm Gerald by the way. If you'll wait here, I'll let the clan leaders know that you've arrived." With that, he headed down a wide hall and managed to avoid a hatchling that was running recklessly in his direction. "Aaron, sloooow down! You're liable to trip someone. That wouldn't be of any help to anyone." The young nocturne nodded and apologized, then turned around and headed back in the direction he had come from. At a much lower rate of speed.

It wasn't long until the clan leaders approached, the little female fae seemed withdrawn and let her mate speak as the came to a stop. "Welcome Phthisis", Chotak said as he took his mate's hand in his. "We're pleased to have you here. We can begin any time but if you may, could we wait until after lunch? Beth, our head of kitchen has finally felt well enough to prepare meals and whatever she's been cooking, smells wonderful!" Phthisis chuckled at his last statement, then nodded as she sniffed the air. "I think I can wait...until AFTER we eat!"

So the Plague dragon enjoyed a delicious meal, while listening to the patriarch tell about the previous visits of her siblings. When he finished, she turned and regarded Banae a moment before finally saying, "I know this will seem harsh but you have to expect to lose some people, it's a necessity in order to make all of dragonkind stronger. I am sorry for your losses, yet you have to persevere and not flail in self loathing for helping to save Sornieth!"

The tiny fae's head shot up as she gave Phthisis a shocked look, seemingly surprised that the mirror had guessed at how she felt. "Yes m'lady, I know how it is. You're the leader, the one who's suppose to guide and protect the clan. But that doesn't mean you have to take blame for every single ill that befalls a member, even if you initiated the cause. When you replied to the call for volunteers, you stated that the entire clan was behind you. Has that changed now, now that you've lost a couple?"

Banae blinked as she slowly began to shake her head, her voice was barely above a whisper as she began to speak. " I don't..I don't really know. It's been so hard to find the time or strength. And..", she paused as her brows drew together, her mate placed a comforting wing around her as he interceded. "We recently had a clan meeting and everyone still feels the same as they did when we first started, a few even went as far as saying they'd gladly do it all over again if it meant vanquishing the Shade forever!" The mirror nodded in approval, then readdressed his mate. "Banae, know that what you are doing is on behalf of Sornieth. You have taken the greatest risk that any leader could but it was taken in order that future generations will be safe from the darkness and destruction of the Shade! There can be no greater gift than that to leave for your descendants, no greater legecy to aspire to. So hold your head high and know your sacrifices are not in vane. You and the few other clans that are participating, have decided to make a stand against something that even the deities themselves couldn't quite destroy. Now I must be going, I still have a few more stops to make!"

As she was getting ready to leave, Banae hesitantly approached her. "Did you really mean all of that, what you just said?" Phthisis nodded emphatically while answering, "I most certainly did! You and your clan are only a small portion of the entire race, yet you still offered in helping to beat the Shade. I'd say that was cause for a little pride, by being brave enough to stand for your convictions even in the face of adversity." With that she gave the matriarch a nod, then saluted her before turning around and leaving at a trot. She smiled to herself as she broke out in a run. Soon she'd be able to return to the Plague lands, her mission completed and that the world would be safe.
Phthisis being hosted in clan Manatou

Phthisis having a conversation with Sector
With apparel

When the fifth plague stumbled upon Starsky, she very well thought it was too late and all the dragons succumbed to the shade. A rustling in the trees that turned into a large imperial alerted her otherwise.

"... Apologies, many of my clanmates aren't exactly jovial at the moment. We... lost someone very dear to us all... on top of all of this illness..." He sighed. "This way. We all have jobs to do, I suppose." After leading her to the huddled mass of dragons, he flew back to his position in the trees. The group seemed so miserable, Phthisis was sure she would be met with no resistance. It would spread, they'd be stronger, and everyone could move on with their lives. With little fanfare she did her job. Though a hardened survivor she may be, the atmosphere in the once cheerful meadow was oppressive. There was no delay as she took off once more.

Hanging out with the faes

Phthisis didn’t want her time at her destination to be dull and boring. No, she wanted it to be exciting! The trip was dull enough, if this turned out just as bad as the trip, she was certain she’d keel over and die!

Okay, maybe not die. But still. Maybe die just a little bit. Phthisis wasn’t incredibly thrilled about the fact that she was sent to not a clan, but a small family of traders, either. Innately boring. Phthisis quickly stopped thinking about how terribly bored she was when she noticed a group of two skydancers and a guardian standing in a clearing, all with similar colorations. Just three? Gosh, they could’ve at least had the decency to be a large family, but noooo, we’ve gotta be a tiny, unimportant family! But Phthisis angled herself downwards, preparing to land anyway. Landing on a large boulder behind the small group, Phthisis dug her claws into the rock and puffed her chest out, before loudly announcing, “Helloooooooo down there!”

The dragons turned around quickly, the guardian and one of the skydancers glaring at Phthisis while the other one looked frightened. “Who are you? And what do you want?” the angry skydancer shouted, disgust tinging his tone. “We have no business with dragons of.. your sort.” “Aww, don’t be like that! I’m just here to say hello,” Phthisis said, jumping off the rock, and slowly walking towards the grouchy skydancer. “We don’t need filthy guests like you. Get out,” the skydancer growled as Phthisis approached. “And if you take one more step towards us, I will rip your face off.”

The other skydancer finally spoke up. “Uhm, d-dad… please don’t, she didn’t do anything..” “QUIET, ICARUS!” The older skydancer yelled, glaring at his apparent son. “Just, be quiet. this dragon is a threat, we are going to remove her,” He added, before turning his attention back to Phthisis, who’d kept moving forward despite his threat. “Okay, that is IT!” He lashed out at her, and Phthisis ducked out of the way before leaping back. “Darn! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed..” She mumbled. “Oh well, whatever… see ya.” And with that, she dashed off, taking off into the air. “Well, time to go back to Plague.. let’s just not mention this to the Plaguebringer.”
Phthisis and the family

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