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Personal Style


Winter Wind
Chillspike Collar
Chillspike Crown
Icicle Chains
Hoary Scale Wingplates
Voltaic Halo
Hoary Scale Tassets


Accent: Frosted King


Scene: Icewarden's Domain


21.83 m
17.94 m
6001.68 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 17, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Imperial
Max Level


The League
A group of ex-drifters gathered to live and work together, lead by five individuals who were publicly elected. Every person has their own role and title (code name). Every member has the right and power to respect and be respected, and only those who were accepted by all existing members can stay.
Treat those around you in the same way you’d like to be treated.


Bright, all seeing. (Greek)
The Gatekeeper | Second in Command | Herbivorous Bear

"Don’t take life for granted, you don’t deserve it if you don’t value it. There are many individuals who have to fight in order to win the chance to live. You should be thankful for every minute, be thankful for being able to breath air."

Mate: Kalmin and Sudreth

He is very calm and usually quiet. Some members joke that he is cold although everyone knows how much he cares.

The Gatekeeper.
He is the shield of the league. His dream is to protect everyone from danger, because he cannot afford to lose anything else.

“I’m glad to have you watching my back, comrade.” —— From Rageal.

Argus loves his brother. He loves him very much. He loves him so much that there is no physical way to explain how much love he has for his brother. If there is anyone dare to ask who Argus loves the most, he will answer without any hesitation – “My brother. He is the one who gave me life.”

He gave Argus a second chance to live, he gave Argus his second life – using his own life in exchange.

Argus didn’t know his mother, or father. He knew nothing about his heritage – except the fact that he is an Herbivorous Bear from the North. This was a obvious fact, any creature who has seen him would be able to tell what he is by his colouring - he looked too cold. And there is only one species of bear that survives in the cold zone, the herbivorous bear.

Cubs are closest to the first creature they see after birth, and the first one Argus saw after cracking his eggshell was his brother. Technically not a brother, since they weren't related by blood - 'a passing adult herbivorous bear' seemed to fit the situation better.

He gave two snort-filled grunts at the other bear. It was a way of pronouncing words unique to herbivorous bears and represented the newborn's affirmation of the creature they are addressing to.

"No, that's not right." The adult herbivorous bear was surprised to hear the sound, "Why is there one of 'us'? This shouldn't be right.....eggs, should all be in the breeding ground...... "

The tiny cubs called out again.

"...Listen, child. I don't know why you were born here, which is bad enough already. Even worst is that I'm lost, I can't find the way home."

The cub's tiny paws clawed at the fresh pieces of eggshell, its bright eyes gradually clouding with mist that grew thicker and thicker. Its voice even began to tremble, and it looked like it was about to cry. The adult herbivorous bear stood silently next to the newborn cub. He had never encountered anything like this before and had no idea what to do with it. He was just an unlucky man who had lost his way, and even more unlucky was the newborn before him - how could it have been born in such a place?

In the end, the herbivorous bear couldn't turn away pretending as if nothing had happened. He couldn't leave the cub to fend for itself in this barren, icy land, especially...... at a time like this.

"It's come to this, so let's give you a name? We're going to be relying on each other from now on." He turned his head to the cub lying on his broad back, who was taking small bites of the frozen eggshell. In the culture of the herbivorous bears, the newborn's name is decided by the eldest member of the pack. In this family of only two, the adult herbivorous bear takes on the role of the older one: using the wisdom he gathered from the world he has seen, giving the newborn his blessing of the ice gods.

Once, the herbivorous bears dominated the icy fields. They enjoyed the cold and the endless white of the landscape. Their long and fluffy fur made them look soft and gentle. And they truly were, as long as they were not annoyed. Rarely do other races come forward to challenge the authority of the herbivorous bears, and they would even sheltering the weaker races if they paid their respect. But perhaps, it was because they had been dominating for so long, that the gods decided it was time for a new 'king of the Icefields' - first of all, an inexplicable plague infected the main grass source that the grass-eating bears consumed, leaving to just less than 20% of quantity of what it used to be. Then while they starved, an attack targeting the breeding grounds by other races destroyed half of the eggs. Natural and man-made disasters, made it impossible for the bears to return to their former glory.

This event was a severe blow to the clan: the herbivorous bear speice wasn't reproduce through the mating of males with females, their souls reincarnated. The egg was the connection through which they were reborn into the world, and until the soul returned to the egg, the egg was just an empty shell. Without the soul, the egg was dead, but without the egg, the soul lost its light to guide them, and they are left to coil in confusion between heaven and earth, eventually dissipating into a gentle breeze. When a bear died, their corresponding egg will appear in the breeding ground and their soul will return to the land years later. They would born again and spend another life with his people. Because of this unique cycle of life and death, bears had a deep affection for their own kind. Even though it was the culture of the herbivorous bears that each newborn is not burdened with the responsibilities of their former self, nor did them need to live in the shadow of their former self - they could experience their present life as a new individual. Yet deep down they all know, the time they spent with each other can no longer be simply counted.

And the loss of half of their eggs meant that half of the clan who were returning home would never find their way back. The survivors of the herbivorous bears prayed to the gods and goddesses, "If our call reaches the other side, please let the souls of our people drift to the land in the south, ruled by the elves. Where there is sun and the flowers smell all year round, with more colours, warm breeze with the scent of grass, and the soft, fertile land. Please, let them see a sight they've never had the chance to see before they leave this world."
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The adult herbivorous bear eventually swam out of the lake of memories, "Do you like the name Argus?" He asked the cub softly, even though he knew the other could not yet understand what he was talking about. There were no other adult members here, but he still felt the need to seek the opinion of the others.

Names were sacred.

"Argus means bright and all-knowing. You will see every corner of the world and be a bright light that brings light to others." The cub looked up at him, it may not have been able to understand exactly, but it saw the hope and yearning that the name carried through the elder's eyes.

EmeraldJubilee wrote:
Argue here actually has a soft spot for hatchlings, specifically orphans. It's not surprising, looking at his own childhood, but looking at him now, it is in a way. If an orphaned hatchling shows up at the clan, he lowkey tries to spend as much time with it as possible, all while keeping up his duties. Oftentimes, this means he has a tiny Fae hatchling hanging off his antler while he scowls at any outsiders who dare her too close to his clan. 'You got something to say? No? I didn't think so. Keep walking.'





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