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Gold Aviator Scarf
Golden Glow Alchemist Tools
Gold Steampunk Tail Bauble
Gold Steampunk Spats
Gold Steampunk Gloves


Accent: Rooting for You



4.56 m
4.14 m
409.48 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 31, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Skydancer
EXP: 305 / 11881




  • none


Formerly a Pearlcatcher named Casanova




”Even a pearl as pure as yours has an imperfect grain of sand at its center”

Casanova viewed this statement as unacceptable and made every possible attempt to brush it off. But it haunted him, the phrase hung like a thick smoke in the air, the harder he tried to forget it the more it tormented him. He knew he would have to do something about this imperfection, for he is a Pearlcatcher and he is above imperfections.

Finally he decided to ask Salvistar, clan leader of Crosiafall, whom he viewed as very wise even if he wasn’t a Pearlcatcher. Salvistar confirmed his worst fears, pearls are made from a single grain of sand. Displeased with this knowledge he started seeking out other dragons to see if there was a way to remove this imperfection.

Whispers in the dark and rumors in back alleys, spoke of a nameless Mirror residing in the Abiding Boneyard. One who could grant your deepest desires. But many who have sought out the Mirror would not speak about their experiences, they tried to warn Casanova that the cost would be high. He decided that no matter the cost he would seek out this Mirror and have them remove the imperfect grain of sand from his perfect pearl.

Finally the night came for him to start his journey; the moon was full and high, offering him much light. At the gates of Crosiafall Salvistar met with him and tried to convince him not to go, that it was not worth his life should he not make it through the the Scarred Wastelands, but his mind was set. As he turned to leave Salvistar reminded him that, no matter what, he would always have a place in Crosiafall, nodding the Pearlcatcher turned and travelled under the full moon.

After a long hard travel he finally made it to the Abiding Boneyard, secreted in the massive skull of a long dead dragon he found the Mirror. It was hard to tell the gender of the Mirror or any physical details for that matter. It wore a hood, pulled down low over its eyes and had only a single Tallow candle for light. A voice spoke to him, more like a whisper making Casanova lean forward, straining to hear what the Mirror had to say.

“Why have you traveled here?”

Puffing up his chest in a display of bravery he explained about the grain of sand in his pearl that his wished removed. The Mirror waved a claw dismissively at him, clearly his display of bravery was wasted on the Mirror.

“The cost is too high for you. Leave”

Thinking of all his wealth, he couldn’t believe that the cost was too high for the likes of him. Refusing to take no for an answer he pressed the Mirror further, imploring it. He could not live with this imperfection in himself. A sickening smile slowly spread across the Mirror’s face, the Tallow candle only making it more gruesome. The Mirror then let out a bone chilling cackle.

“It is done.”

Lightning lit the inside of the skull and Casanova blacked out. When he came to he was on the outskirts of the Scarred Wastelands. Checking himself over he was relieved to find that he was unharmed, until he could not locate his pearl. What kind of a Pearlcatcher was he without a pearl? The answer was clear, an outcast. In his shame he found himself wandering away from the Starfall Isles, away from home and everything he knew. He wandered for years though Dragonhome and through the Viridian Labyrinth. Then past the Beacon of the Radiant Eye, and the Fortress of Ends in the south. Everywhere he went he was met with disapproving looks and scorn. Hungry, lonely and hurting he decided to put Salvistar’s words to the test, it couldn’t be any worse than the welcome he had received everywhere else. So he returned to the Starfall Isles, to the Observatory where his clan had made its home.

Salvistar was there when he arrived at the gates. He braced for the worst, waiting for the insults to be thrown his way. Salvistar simply stepped to the side and welcomed him home, mentioning that his den was still how he had left it. Weary and relieved he slunk to his den and didn’t leave it for many days. Clan runners brought him food and water, he hardly ate anything. More often than not the runners would bring back out the food untouched. Enough time had passed to cause the healers to worry about him, at first he refused admittance, but Salvistar firmly insisted that he at least let the healers look him over. Depression had fully engulfed him, without his pearl he no longer knew who he was.

At the suggestion of Aeryc, the clan elder, Casanova visited the Records Hall. There he found many documents with information on who he was before he had left on his mission to the Scarred Wastelands. All the documents painted an image of a haughty, pompous, and spoiled Pearlcatcher that cared nothing for the feelings of others; just looked to please himself. That couldn’t have been all there was to him?

He retreated to the Healing Gardens where the healers offered him sleeping tonics and watched over him as he tossed and turned in a restless sleep. Many nights passed like this, until one night a dream came to him. A dream so real he could have reached out and touched that Mirror.

All the anger he had bottled up now came bursting out of him like an erupting volcano. The nameless Mirror simply smiled at him.

“You agreed to any cost.”

Casanova repeated every curse and insult he knew over and over until his voice ran hoarse. Finally he stopped, out of breath and completely drained of energy. He simply glared at the Mirror as it spoke.

“When one of your own kind learns to love you, you will find peace.”

He woke up in a cold sweat, the Mirror’s voice ringing in his head. How could any Pearlcatcher love him?

Weeks turned to months and he slowly started to realize that he couldn’t go back to the way he was before. He had been changed, and he had insisted upon this change himself, he had no one to blame, not even that Mirror. He began to reinvent himself. No longer the self-centered dragon of his past, he began by helping in the mending wing. It was there, in the Healing Gardens he met her.

The most beautiful Coatl he had ever laid his eyes on, Marmairo was her name. She was in the Healing Gardens for sleeping tonics as she was suffering from a broken heart. She had journeyed to Crosiafall to answer an advertisement for love posted by Valentine, however after their first nest Valentine confessed that his heart belonged to another. Too heart-broken to leave, she lingered in Crosiafall. He was very nervous talking to her and she was very hesitant to let anyone get close, but eventually they wore each other down and they were able to get comfortable in each other's presence.

Casanova was really happy with who he was becoming; all the changes he had made in his character. He was helpful and generous, and for the first time he finally cared about someone more than himself. He didn’t need his pearl to know that he loved her.

With no need to find a Pearlcatcher to love him, he found his peace in Marmairo.That is when it happened.

Light permeated through his entire body, his once leathery wings grew bigger and feathered. His long whiskers disappeared and gave way to a feathered crest around his face as his neck grew more serpentine. The horns on his head shrank away and formed a translucent bony sphere, delicate antennae sprouting out just behind it.

For the Mirror had never meant that he needed another Pearlcatcher to love him. He simply needed to love himself, flaws and all.


After his transformation to a Skydancer, Casanova changed his name to Samsara. He and Marmairo have performed the ritual that binds them as mates and are very happy together. In homage to his former breed his familiar is named Pearl.

Samsara is the repeating cycle of birth, life and death, as well as one's actions and consequences in the past, present, and future.

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