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Personal Style


Fiendish Emerald Nightshroud
Fiendish Emerald Ghastcrown
Fiendish Emerald Pendants
Fiendish Emerald Grasp
Fiendish Emerald Forejewels
Fiendish Emerald Taildecor
Fiendish Emerald Clawrings


Accent: Undrowned


Scene: Elder Sea


16.95 m
15.24 m
11249.22 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 18, 2015
(8 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 10 Guardian
EXP: 1037 / 27676


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Iron A.K.A. Stricker

Midnight Pools Advisor

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Progenitor of Driftless Region, pulled back from the void of serving under the Stormcatcher. As unhinged as Midnight Pools is, he seems detached from this plane, as if somewhere a part of him still lingers amongst the other exalted.

The entire clan of the Driftless Region stood clustered on top the mesa they called home, every dragon stood there, heads bowed. Not a single dry eye as the lightning and thunder rattled the heavens, drowning out their sorrow. For that morning their progenitor dragons, Midnight Pools and Iron, had exalted themselves together to the great Storm Catcher, leaving behind friends and family.

The weight of the accumulated grief rested most heavily on Star, who now found herself the new leader of the clan. And as she stared out at the faces of her clan, she felt the steel in her spine melt just a little. They all looked so uncertain, lost, confused. What was she to say?

When she opened her mouth however, she discovered it was surprisingly easy to tell the tale of Midnight Pools and Iron.

”It all started not too long ago in the Shifting Expanse at the base of the mesas we call home. Midnight didn’t have a place to call home, and she wasn’t exactly looking for one either. But as she traversed the carrion canyon, devoid of life, careful to step over the bones of those less suited to survive, she was seeking shelter from the afternoon sun that had killed those less fortunate than Midnight; who didn’t want to stay long in the sun with scales as dark as hers.

Close to the shadows, that was when she first saw him. He was one of those dragons that make you wonder how is it possible that it is still alive? Midnight didn’t have a gentle bone in her body, nor anything to ease his suffering. She found a clan nearby that volunteered to pick him up and take him to their healer. Midnight was thankful, she thought that dying from dehydration would be a terrible way to go. She didn’t plan on seeing him ever again. However, come the next morning she found herself returning to that lair again.

She first saw him lying on a stone slab, he was already sedated when she entered the room. Lying on the table as the healer had been removing his scales carefully, so she could better see what was really going on in his malnourished body, which was smaller than an average male guardians. It was so silent in that room, all you could hear was the noise from the healer as Midnight watched this precious guardian dragons soul. Midnight thought it strange that she felt her stomach was twisted in knots, as the guardian lay immobile, he looked so fragile and so lonely.

Apart from his bad eye, his broken leg, his mutilated tail, he suffered from dry scales that hadn’t shed properly. He suffered from starvation and a weak immune system, which had been compromised by a deadly disease that left the healer confounded, she kept giving Midnight a look of concern as there was no cure. Only a slow death. Midnight however watched as the dragon, although sedated, started to try standing on his feet. That’s all he had known so far, making it on his own without the help from anyone. The guardian had an iron soul.

Weeks passed as Midnight had extended her stay in the lair, watching Iron turn from wild and feral to tender and loving. Midnight could tell he craved her attention by the way he complained or would fake a cough or phantom pain to get her attention. He was the perfect dragon for Midnight, who hadn’t told anyone, but was also sick. It was what had led her to leave her lair and remain a vagabond til death claimed her. But just as amazing was how Midnight and Iron enjoyed each other’s company more and more with each passing day.

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Those two enjoyed their attention, walked side by side as if they belonged together. Weeks past, and with no reason to stay apart anymore the two made it clear they needed to be together, both sick and infected. Both claim they have no idea what it was that made them need each other so much, but they did everything together, eat and sleep together. Iron was so small next to Midnight; If you didn’t know, you would think she was a mother looking after her fragile hatchling. Midnight wondered if this was what it was like to have a charge, however, she also knew that he was not her charge. And she was okay with that, she felt happier this way.

When Iron was strong enough to travel the two parted the lair that had fostered them, turning down the offer to stay permanently. The two looked at one another and knew they would be happier on their own. Which is where they stumbled onto the abandoned lair that would become the Vagabond Drifts.

Iron loved to bask in the sun, Midnight built a small throne for him in front of the largest windows that faced the rising sun. Every time she checked on him, there he was, lying in the sun. Midnight would claim she could see every detail of him, his face and body. As if you could see right through him, into his pure crystal soul.

Iron stayed with them for three months, with more doctors’ visits, anti-bodies, and a rigorous diet. Some days he looked so much better, he even gained use of his shattered leg. He began to climb the stone structures surrounding the plush throne that had been built for him, surprising Midnight when he would pounce down on top of her. Some days though he appeared to be getting worse. He would lose weight, his skin would shed poorly, leaving his skin irritated with sores.

In the days that followed Iron wouldn’t leave his spot where he sat before the sun, no matter what was going on around him. As the days stretched to months, Iron was closing into himself. He always appeared smaller in stature, but suddenly, he was looking a lot smaller even, his weight diminishing til you could count the individual vertebrae of his spine. His beautiful scales never grew back. Every day he spent more and more time in his favorite spot. Alone. Under the sun. He spent less and less time with the lair, including Midnight Pools who had seemed to also be withdrawn from those around her. Regardless of what happened in his room, visitors or dragons coming and going, Iron wouldn’t leave his spot, wouldn’t even check to see what was going on around him.

For the last time, his room was busier than usual, dragons were running about their work. Iron didn’t even turn around to see who was at the door as Midnight walked in. He was in his throne, looking out the window and facing the sun the entire time she stood there. It was as if he couldn’t make up his mind if he wanted to sleep or stay awake. Midnight wanted to embrace him, but he looked so lost in his world that she didn’t dare disturb him.

T he following morning, Iron fell asleep there in the arms of the morning sun. And never woke up.

“Maybe he was gazing out that window trying to decide when would be the right time for him to fly away to the Storm Catcher. He came into a world too busy and hectic for someone that fragile and discreet. He lived his live in the margin, and had left as quietly as he had come. With a dignity, you rarely see in us dragons.” Star finished sorrow fully as she looked one more time to the setting sun, wondering if any dragon of the Vagabond Drifts would come to understand Iron’s love for the golden sun.

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