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Personal Style


Winter Wind
Icicle Chains
Chillspike Crown
Frigid Emblem
Frigid Fugitive Shackles
Frigid Sash
Chillspike Collar




16.07 m
18.38 m
9250.26 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 10, 2013
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 11 Guardian
EXP: 27121 / 34264
Frozen Might Fragment
Frozen Might Fragment


Nickname: Frosty, Frowner, Grumpy

Mate: Anpiel


Akriel is one of the largest males of Clan Renegade. When Abrasaxia brought the then-small clan to the icy realms of the south, she settled them in a great glacial rift that housed a hidden, sunken city beneath the ice. Inside this city, where a great, pillared room had once been, was a vast Drake, so solidly frozen it was assumed he was dead, or a statue. Abrasaxia sensed the life yet within him and with Nebula's help, revived him. The witch's magic was strong enough to break the chains and the spell that bound him, but not strong enough to remove the shackles, which burn him with cold.


Heart of Cold - Vasuki:

Dear Naamah and clan,

I just wanted to write and tell you all that I am doing very well here in LadyMiragon's clan. The food here is great and my new den-mates are very kind. Just recently, we all went out together into the Everbloom Gardens and Iris, the clan matriarch, asked me to accompany her since I was new to this hunting area. At first, I was really overwhelmed. Iris let me lead for awhile, but I quickly gave up and sat down angrily because I was scaring everything away and I kept getting us lost. There were just so many smells, and sounds, and colors that everything looked the same to me and it was just confusing. Iris then came up next to me and gave some encouraging words. She was very kind about it and then proceeded to teach me how to navigate the Gardens. Iris is really amazing.

However, just recently, the clan leader, LadyMiragon, decided it was time for us to move flights. Iris and Aron, her mate, weren't exactly happy with the idea of moving, and neither were some of the other dragons, but LadyMiragon reassured us it was for the best. She told us it wasn't because the other Nature clans were rude or anything, it was just because she thought it better for our clan and our future young to move somewhere else. Where did we move, you guys might ask. We moved to the ICE CLAN! Isn't that awesome!? Now I can see you guys more frequently then before and now I can show fiance.

I know, I know. How can a dragon who's heart is made of cold fall in love and be engaged? Well, I've got one word for you. Yuki. When I first came into LadyMiragon's clan, I was not exactly a happy camper. I was rude and sought every opportunity to return to the Ice Flight. I even got into a fight with Raniero, the ice-colored imperial and Enyo, the spiral with an annoyingly fast clouddancer. That was not a fun night to say the least. After a few days of being angry and licking my own wounds, I caught this glimpse of a white slender tail. It was one I had never seen before here or back home. I quietly crept. around the corner and then...I saw her. That heart that I thought cared nothing about anyone except for the Icewarden and myself, melted in an instant. From then on, I sought every opportunity to talk to her and be better drake; the rest is history. Now I'm engaged and am excited begin a new life with her in a new home, or old in my circumstance, with a clan we both love.

Yuki, in case you guys were wondering, is a pure white and beautiful Coatl who used to live in the Lightning Flight, but moved to Nature, seeking an opportunity to explore. She is one of the kindest and gentlest dragonesses you will ever meet. She loves draklings and she is just...amazing. I just can't explain in words how beautiful she is too me.

Anyway, I can't wait to come visit you guys since I live so close now, and show you Yuki. She and I are both really excited to see you.

Hail the IceWarden!


From Anpiel to Vasuki Heart-of-Cold

Dearest Vasuki,

It is well and well to hear from you! I wondered how you might fare in lands so distant and different from our own, but if our clan leader, Black Abrasaxia, has taught us anything, it is that home is a matter of the company you keep, and not where you lair. I do believe you shall be welcome anywhere you go, and am glad you have a place among such fine friends.

There are always conflicts at first. When I came to Renegade Clan from the Sunbeam Ruins, I was shy and fearful, and knew no-one. I ran swiftly afoul of one of the clan's hunters-in-training, Aariel, who was younger then and something of a bully -- not at all the temperament one would expect from one born into Wind Flight! (I do not know if you remember her; a thickset skydancer with wings the color of sunset and dusky skin. I thought her homely at first, but now I envy her brilliant yellow jewels!)

Anyway, I am ashamed to say that I responded in kind, and we had quite the feud until Abrasaxia herself intervened and sent us both to dig for treasures and curiosities in the ruins for a week. The indignation and shared frustration of it gave us something in common, and by the time we returned we were, if not friends, at least allies.

It helped when I learned that most of her fierceness was false, a cover for the fear and loneliness she felt after being sent away from her rather large family when she had not wanted to go. Now we are friends. She presented me with a gift of fine wing bangles when I produced my first clutch of eggs -- you and your brother! -- and I gave her a fine sash when she was accepted into the ranks of the hunters.

I suppose what I am long-windedly trying to say is that it is only after making the effort to understand one another that we can truly judge the character of a dragon's heart. Some dragons are indeed truly terrible in every way, despicable beings, but it is not proper or fair to judge too swiftly. And Abrasaxia would not, I think, have sent you to a clan with any such dragons in it. I hope you make friends of rivals, and may you never make rivals of your friends.

I could not be happier to hear of your beloved. I have not found it to be the case that those born in the Icewarden's realm are truly cold at heart. It is merely that they do not love easily. Your father was born of Ice, like you. Like you, he thawed swiftly when presented with the right beloved. I think I know how your Yuki must feel. It is a proud thing, to have won the regard of one born into Ice. I think those of Ice Flight secretly have brave but fragile hearts, and that is why they guard them so fiercely!

You must come and visit. Our lair is much larger than when you left, and there are many new friends to meet. A group of Tundra dragons joined us recently. Imagine how long we went living here without any natives of the region! Strangely enough, only one was born in the frozen lands. The rest are from much farther north. They have proven steady workers and gentle friends, and have shared many songs with me. A strange breed, and so very furry, but delightful in their way.

Which reminds me! I have been made Mistress of Musical Arts! I work closely with our Gala Mistress and our Storyteller and Chronicler, and when time permits I teach the hatchlings and help the caretakers Dagiel and Karael -- I know you must remember them, all black as midnight and covered in black diamonds -- determine which of them might have musical aptitude. It is a great honor to serve the clan in this way. I am beyond proud. (I do not think it unseemly to be proud of oneself for such an achievement!)

You have no new siblings yet, but I think you might, soon. Your father has that look in his eye once more, and there are nests free. I hope that when you visit, there will be little brothers and sisters for you to greet.

Your father, laconic beast that he is, bids me send his love, and I send mine. I shall tell Abrasaxia that you are well, though I think you only met her once, and you were the tiniest little thing. Still, the welfare of all of us, scattered though we may be, is dear to her, and she shall be pleased to hear of your success.

I wish you many adventures, many friends, and good hunting. Do visit soon, and bring Yuki; if she wishes to come, she is welcome. I do not mind the cold anymore, but it would warm my heart and your father's too to see your face again. I am pleased that you are now so near. Our matriarch may move us again, in her neverending quest for I-know-not-what, but it will not be anytime soon, and we will have much time to visit. (You simply must come and show off, dear, since the magic that transformed you. You would be lovely to me in any shape, but I confess, coatls are quite lovely. I do see why you find yourself enamored of one!)

Brightest greetings,

Anpiel Silvertongue, Mistress of Musical Arts and your loving mother

(paid 650g)
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