
Level 25 Skydancer
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Opposing Forces
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Skydancer
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Teardrop Citrine Armlet
Teardrop Citrine Leg Band
Black Linen Leg Wraps
Veteran's Leg Scars
Untamed Claws
Luminous Halo
Luminous Halo
Celestial Attendant


Accent: Augmented Avionics Y



4.18 m
3.64 m
657.55 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 18, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level
Blinding Slash












Okay. How about we get this over with quickly?
I'm Zero, one of the Alliance's three Administrators.
Officially I lead our division for Jurisdiction, but behind the scenes, I'm in charge of more than one branch.

First, and most importantly: Law enforcement. When it comes to law and order, you'll listen to me.
Doesn't matter which division you're in - you mess up, I'm the one who deals with you.

Go ahead, fight me on it. You'll see what you get.
I don't have time for pointless bickering, and especially no time for morons who think they need to challenge my authority.

Second, I'm overseeing resource management.
Somebody's got to have an eye on the growth and logistics of the Alliance, and that somebody is me.
It's not as flashy or endearing as science and raising hatchlings, but go figure how far those would get if nobody bothered to keep things organized.

I am a jerk with a heart of gold
I have much to give, and I know what it's worth
If you can't see it, you don't deserve it
Gold is rare and valuable
Earn it, or leave it


Say Nothing

Let's get one thing out of the way already: I'm not a nice dragon.
I have no reputation for being kind, and you better not expect anything different.
If you want to get along with me, stay in your lane and don't cause problems.
I don't care about making friends, but I'd rather be around creatures I can tolerate.

Great. Now that we've settled that, here's the deal:
I lead this clan together with Eve and Lumi. The two of them created specialized branches for science and guard work, so those are their jobs.
Me, I deal with discipline and business. Leading the Alliance isn't all fancy magic experiments and sitting on nests.

I'm not social. For all I care, most dragons can stay away from me.
All that matters is data.
I regulate and handle the Alliance's resources. That's what I'm good at, and that's all you'll ever need to talk to me about.
Don't bother me with nonsense. If you want to get on my good side, work.

[Work In Progress]


So Many Nothings

I'd love to have time to throw other dragons a pity party, but fact is, I don't.
I'd call it irony that someone named Zero never had a single thing. Friends? Attention? Talent? A deep inner well of charisma and irresistable charme? Hah! ...My fault? Probably.
By all standards of dragonkind, I'm unlikable.

Abrasive. Rude. Selfish. Just a few out of many unpleasant words that would be used to describe me over the years of my youth.
I had never bothered to go out of my way to make friends, and nobody bothered with the effort to befriend me.

So it shouldn't come as a surprise to you that I went against the instincts imposed on me by my breed, and left my birth clan behind for good.
Where to? At first I didn't know.

They always say you should be true to yourself and how that's the true path to happiness.
But tell me: what if you just truly are a jerk?
Because that's exactly what I got called whenever I forgot to keep myself in check, and it made me about as happy as one would expect.

As a dragon with a zero percent approval rating, what was left for me to do? Did my failure awake a hidden desire for me to prove myself and become a better character?
Yeah, no. I ended up alone.
Why Star Wood Strand? Maybe I hoped the stories about dragons losing themselves here were true.

Nothing To Lose
What happens next? Did a lucky twist of fate lead me to great fortune? Did the deities take mercy on me?
You probably didn't consider any of this, because by now you know enough about me to figure that good things don't happen to me.

I lived alone for a while, and it was bearable. ...What. Expecting me to cry out for company and love? If that was what you were thinking, you're either very dense, or you've adopted my humor. Both would be awful.

"But Zero", you may ask, "You're leading the Alliance now, so something must have happened."
Obviously. First, though, let me give you a list of things that didn't happen.
Eve and Lumi didn't stumble upon me wandering these lonely woods and took pity on my yearning soul.
They also didn't save my life from eternal damnation and formed a close and unbreakable bond with me over this.
If you're hoping for a heartwarming story about me offering them protection and friendship, please get your head examined. ...No, not by Eve. She's not done figuring out how to transplant brains, but that probably won't stop her from trying.

Let me make it short for you:
Three dragons and a hatchling invaded my territory, the male attacked me, and I killed him.
That's it, that's the story of how Lumi lost her mate.
It's also the story of how the Alliance started. Why? Because when a dragon twice your size threatens to crush you while you're still exhausted from a previous battle, you play nice or you die.

Eve left me two choices. I'd share my territory with the three of them, or she'd kill me.

I don't know why I didn't let her end me. Let's just assume it was a jerk move. Something about how killing me would have satisfied their wish for revenge, maybe.
Truth is, I have no clue.
All I know is, I had nothing to lose, but something to gain.
They disliked me, but they were company.

...Wipe that grin off your face. Now.

All Or Nothing

Okay, at this point you might be wondering why you're still listening to me. We've established that I'm not a nice personality, and not a talented storyteller.
Chances are it's gonna continue like that, right?
Actually, no.

Character development is for real dragons, too.
Look, I'd been caught in an annoying situation. I was forced into sharing my territory with two dragons who had every reason to hate my guts. ...Them, and a hatchling.
Did I put enough emphasis on the part where I killed that little guy's father? No?
I did. Because I'm not nice.

You'd think, maybe, that they would at least be avoiding me. We would tolerate each other, but when you've killed someone's loved one, there's no room for blooming friendship.
But things came a little differently.
I may be a loner, but Lumi wanted more company. And Eve adores her like a sister.
So what do we have? One dragon who wants to make more friends, and one who will make sure the first one gets what she wants.
Did I have a say in this? No.
They started inviting others to live here. Against my will, we ended up forming a clan.

I didn't care much, at first. Why would I? You will, at this point, be aware of my apathy towards other dragons.
But sometimes, life has a way of being full of surprises.

Remember what I said about being threatened by dragons twice my size and not being in any state to fight them? And about how it would be better to play nice than to get killed?
I didn't know back then, why I didn't fight Eve. End my life a little faster, not like anybody would have cared.
I chose life over death.

Knowing what kind of dragon I am - would you expect me to end up fighting two bloodthirsty Mirrors for the sake of a clan that I didn't feel I belonged to?
No? Me neither.
But that's what happened.

It damn near killed me, but I won. And I guess something fell into place during the fight.
If I wanted to be poetic, I'd say I had a revelation.

Oh, what would that be, you ask?
I realized I'm a jerk. But not a monster.
I'm not friendly. I'm not gentle or loving or noble. But I have a heart.
There was a part of me that didn't want Eve, Lumi and Dawn to die. A small part that felt like I should make up for what I did to them when we met.

I said that the fight almost got me killed. And I really wasn't a pretty sight after that.
With both of my wings almost entirely torn to shreds, and a broken arm, it looked like flight would be a no-go for me. Not a good thing for a loner.

But if one of the dragons whose lives you saved is a genius, you're in luck.
Eve's a genius. Ruthless, but a genius.
For my service to their clan, she fixed what was broken. We may have had a long talk about choices.

What did I choose, then?
Company. From that, all else followed.


Nothing More To Wish For


{X} - Archaic (#19153)
{X} - ZizanChan (#34287)
{X} - bioluminosity (#268338)
{X} - Gwynivere (#318408)
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