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Personal Style


Violet Flowerfall
Gossamer Flame Wing Ribbon
Desert Dynasty Tail Rings
Gossamer Flame Tail Ribbon
Sakura Flower Crown
Twilight Sylvan Wings


Accent: Gilded Metalworker



3.45 m
2.08 m
90.11 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 21, 2013
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 17 Spiral
EXP: 61352 / 81619






NICKNAME; nickname
GENDER; gender
PRONOUNS; pronouns
ORIENTATIONS; orientations
ALIGNMENT; alignment

LIKES; likes
DISLIKES; dislikes

NAME; relation
NAME; relation
NAME; relation




Flight Skill





Social Standing

"Quote of somebody to somebody of something haha..." MLMxEyT.gif

(name) is an aloof, yet skillful child. He was taught to fight with the intent to kill, and had exceeded the expectations of his master. He loves to play around with the children and is kind to everyone he meets. (name)'s smile can brighten anyones day, just to be honest. Jutare is his brother and best friend, and he would do anything for him. (name) lives in the same clan as Jutare and does most of the coliseum fighting, working with the pearlcatcher called (name). Apparently she works for Malediction, who exalts the trainee's.

Although (name) is cheerful and kind, do not mistake his appearance for being weak. He is deadly once he begins a fight, and the runes on his body flare up, as if to warn others to step away because the beast has awaken. Jutare has seen (name) fight, and would never purposefully make his friend mad. He silently prays for whoever has made (name) mad, because they could get torn apart if (name) isn't careful and becomes too brash.

Blessed by the Lightweaver's Priest:
During the time when Jutare went missing, (name) went on a rampage across Sornieth. Destroying anything in his path, he finally dropped deep within the forest of the light deity. Curling up, he drowned himself in sorrow. Months went by, and he would not eat nor drink, and all he did was sleep. (name) stood there for so long that moss began to grow on his wings, and the animals mistook him for a statue. Eventually, a Flowering Pohip walked up to the dragon and nudged him. (name) would not move, even then. "Hello, Young One. I am Bohi." The creature spoke first, and eventually (name spoke up. "I...." His voice cracked, and his heart quickened, but Bohi just laid down beside him. "It's okay. You must have been here for a long time. Take it slow, and don't rush yourself. I'll be here." (name) could barely pick up his head but the slight nod was still gestured towards Bohi. It took him almost an hour, but eventually he got it out. "" And with a sigh, he was glad that was over. Bohi smiled, and nudged the dragon. "(name), huh? Well, (name), how about you come with me? I can carry you to the destination, but I want you to meet someone. She is a person who can make you stronger." This caught his attention, and with a nod from (name), the Flowering Pohip Bohi slid the dragon on his back and started to make his way through the forest.

After a full day of travel, they made it to this weird landscape of ruins. It was then (name) realized where they were; they had travel to the Hewn City. A lot of Ghost Race Dragons make this place their home, scaring away any living ones that come creeping. (name)'s heart started racing, but Bohi just turned his head and tried to reassure (name). "I know what you're thinking, but don't worry. The woman that lives here is an actual living dragon. The Ghost Race has allowed her to live among them since she was abandoned as a hatchling. When it's time to sleep she plays a song for the Ghost Dragons that do live here, and we are just about to make it in time for the show." Bohi chuckled and (name) nodded, understanding but still apprehensive of the area.

It only took a few minutes before music notes slipped into his ears and clouded his mind. His eyes ventured the plain before settling on a gorgeous skydancer who gracefully moved her fingers along the flute she played. Gaze locked, his attention became hers as their eyes found eachother among the crowd. The song was finished as light trickled into the city. Siloets of dragons and hatchlings lay scattered in and on top of ruins, which slowly disapated with the rising day. Footsteps weren't even heard as she made her way to him, but his gaze never left her eyes. "You poor thing..." Thin soft fingers grazed across his withered and bony, but it burned for some reason. He hissed, jumping slightly. The jump made his bones ache, and suddenly he became agitated and tired. "Bo....hi...." (name) struggled to convey his feelings through Bohi's name, and the Pohip nodded. "(her name), our friend here obviously needs help. He's hurt badly and I don't think he has realized it until now. Making it all the way here has exhausted him. He needs rest." The woman nodded and made her way through the sleeping Ghosts. At the end of her trail a stone lay itself out, almost as if something was buried underneath. It was wide and flat enough for him to lay, but the female gathered a bunch of hay before allowing Bohi to set him down. (name) groaned as he slid off the Pohip's back and landed with a thud. Before another breath was taken, he was out cold.

Days turned into months, and then years. However, during that time (her name) aided (name) and healed his wounds. There were burns across his body from laying out in the sun, and some of his bones were disformed from staying curled up all that time. Not only that but his muscles needed to build back up along with so many more issues. He didn't mind, because (her name) helped him through it all. (her name) managed to grab some Solar Blades, which were implanted into his wings. They helped straighten out the bones and allowed him to fly like before. The only catch was that he would have to leave the Sun Jewels out in the sun to charge up whenever they turned dull. While he was working on his wings he tried to forget about the problem with his legs. Some feeling returned to them, but he couldn't get them to function properly. So, In the upcoming Lightweaver festival, (her name) snagged a pair of Luminous Legguards. They could work the same way as the Solar Blades did for his wings, just for his legs. (name) struggled with the fact that he had handicaps, and he was expecting to be ridiculed.

When the Legguards were ready to be tested, he put his weight on them, wobbled like a newborn, and fell. (her name) went to help him up but he just shook his head and sat there. One of the Ghost Dragons looked over and sighed, appearing before the boy. "What's the matter, son? Tired on the first try?" The accent was southern, deep, and a little crisp. Looking up, he saw a country attire dragon looming over him. "Well?" (name) looked back down and just...he wanted to give up. It was in that moment that (name) was sucked into a memory.

Jutare's mom had brought one of the best fighters in the Heimat to train him. He was agile and powerful, but had retired from the coliseum life to live peacefully with his mate. As a favor from friend to friend he showed up and accepted to be Jutare's teacher. (name) just showed up to heal any wounds he would get, and partially for the entertainment of watching his friend get his asss handed to him. After a short introduction the training began. It was harsh, and it was brutal. The teacher practically smothered the student in wounds yet still Jutare just kept going. When his teacher sent him over to (name) to get healed, (name) was curious yet mostly worried. "Jutare, why don't you just quit? You don't have to push yourself so hard, just stay down!" (name) was always a crybaby, and afraid at any confrontation. Jutare smiled to his best friend, and then stared off into the distance. "Life is always going to push you down. It will push you to your limits, and past your breaking point. It will drown you and at the same time it can open your eyes and make you stronger. I need this. I need to become stronger, and no matter how many times I get pushed down, I need to get back up and face whoever or whatever pushes me down. If I get pushed down a thousand times I will get up a thousand and one times. I have people I want to protect, (name). I have things I wish to do." Then, Jutare turns to (name), eyes sparkling like gold set in the sun. "Don't you?"

It was then (name) raised himself off the ground. "No." He glanced to the dragon, a determination lit within his soul. The dragon nodded, smiled, and walked back to join the others. Although he was shaky, and although he stumbled a few more times, he managed to take his first step. (her name) squealed and clapped, running up to him and hugging him tight. He fell to the ground with (her name) on top of him, and the air was sucked out from his lungs. She started apologizing, freaking out, while he coughed and wheezed. They both sat up, and stared at eachother for a long while. Bohi then interupted their lovey dovey time, and also ruining the mood. "EHEM...sorry for the interuption, but, why aren't you two together already?" (name) blushed while (her name) just smiled and teased him. "That's a good question Bohi! Why haven't you asked me out, (name)?" The way his name just rolled off her lips made him shiver in delight. There was just one simple answer. "W....well...because... why would you want someone like me?" He just stared up at the sky and sighed. "I'm not normal...I...I can't even function properly without the Lightweavers gifts, I'm a huge crybaby, and I can only fight so well. I'm not-" (her name) cut him off, kissing him gently. "You listen here, you big goof. I want you for you. I don't care about anything else. Now will you be mine or do I have to wait years before YOU say yes?" He laughed, kissing her gently, and in between kisses he just kept saying yes until she turned away, laughing. "What?" He was confused. "We have an audience, Mr.Crybaby..." She shyly pointed towards empty air, and slowly the space was filled with Ghost Dragons of all shapes and sizes. Face flushed and mind scrambled, he hid his face in the crook of her neck. Faintly, he could hear the hollers and whistles of the Ghost Dragons, but his embarassment was just too much. At least he finally obtained a love that he believed could last a long time.

Now he serves his long lost friend Jutare, with his wife to help him. (name) will never leave his friend. Not ever again.

Original Colors ---> Primary: Maize // Secondary: Brown // Tertiary: Stonewash
1st Scatter ----> Current Colors
Gene'd with Savannah // Rosette // Capsule

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