
Level 3 Tundra
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Male Tundra
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Personal Style


Blue Wooly Antennae
Blue Wooly Coat
Blue Wooly Tail


Accent: Primal Flowerpot


Scene: Spring


4.05 m
2.61 m
195.41 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 22, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 3 Tundra
EXP: 419 / 1401



"There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. "


Devotion had never had a meaning to Smooth until he met Breathy. Well, met is a loose term. “Became reaquainted with” would be much more accurate. Childhood sweethearts turned devoted lovers, the Tundra pair were seldom seen without each other. And to think, it had all merely been a stroke of luck that they had ever met in the first place.

”Hey mister!” The voice of the young Tundra rang out clear across the water. Smooth had been doing his usual rounds, skirting the edges of the cliffs that dotted the Leviathan Trench. This had been his home for many moons now and he had grown used to its dangers. What he hadn’t grown used to was the intimate closeness of the Scarred Wasteland. The festering mound loomed just on his horizon, and if he merely swam out a few dozen feet he’d find himself brushing against its shores. A short flight from there and he’d be in Plague territory--a place he admittedly did not want to go. The voice came from this direction and he turned his head to regard it.

Atop one of the mounds sat a Tundra not dissimilar to he in the slightest. Her stark white fur contrasted with the noxious colors that dotted the landscape of the Scarred Wasteland, and though he couldn’t see as well as some he could just make out the faintest mischievous smile adorning her face. He did not respond for some time, merely observed, before he decided it was innocent enough to reply. He called out, loud as he could to sound above the churning currents below, “What say thee, Plague flight?”

He could hear her laugh even from there. “Watch this!” She suddenly sprang into action, bounding across the cliff face and springing into the air, spiraling upward before regaining a normal flight stance, sailing to the cliff face just above him. Now that she was closer he could see that she was, indeed, just exactly like him. The same white fur, the beautiful pink wings hardened to gems, even the same blue flecks that his mother called “stone sickness.” It was uncanny, almost. She seemed just as intrigued, and the pair stared at each other for a long while before Smooth broke the silence.

“You could have been hurt.”

“I could have been dangerous.” She lowered herself playfully, wiggling her rump and grinning at him. He chuckled despite the truth of it.

I could have been dangerous. Did you ever think of that?”

“I can handle myself.” She grinned wide. He noted her voice sounded as though her throat was scarred, scratchy and airy as it was. His own felt so robust coming out of his mouth in her presence. He wondered fleetingly if she noticed the stark difference as well.

“What did you hail me for?”

“I wanted to see if you were my doppelganger.” She flicked her tail and dropped into a sitting position.


“Mmhmm. So I could attack you first. Did you know that doppelgangers are supposed to kill each other? Mama says we all have one and that one day we’ll find each other and that’ll be the end of it.”

“That’s gruesome.”

“That’s life.” She shrugged, crossing her paws. “Do you come here often?”

“I live here.”

“Oh.” She frowned, clearly embarrassed. “Well, I should--” She took to her feet but had no traction. A loud “WHOA!” escaped her throat before she slipped and began the quick drop to the waters below.

“Hey! Watch out!” Without much of a thought Smooth dove in after her. The currents in the Leviathan Trench were known for being some of the most unforgiving in Sornieth, and though she was a stranger he could not have her death on his conscience.

And so he rescued her that day. And the day after. And the day after that one. Her “accidents” became so frequent he almost thought she was doing them on purpose. And then one day she was gone. No call from the cliff, no slips into the Sea, nothing. He moved on, his Tundra memory let her slip away and life kept going. But fate has a funny way of bringing souls together, and that was just what happened one day in the Tangled Wood.

“My lady,” Smooth swooped around the back of Breathy to her front, a bouquet of twilight mushrooms in his front paw. He presented them, grinning from ear to ear. She regarded them and him. Though their scent certainly permeated the air, another came with it, one that felt all too familiar.
“You smell like love.”

“You smell like the sea.” He pushed them toward her in a gentle insistence and she took them in both her paws, looking down at them curiously. He no longer even remembered his home in the Sea of a Thousand Currents. The salt spray from the waters came from her fur, though, and tickled his heart in ways that it hadn’t been in so very long.

The courting was easy. Their relationship fell in place with barely a whisper and soon it was clear to everyone in the clan that they were each other’s. Though Meila cracked jokes now and then about their being “twins,” Smooth was more than happy to take the comments with a grain of salt. He felt his soul was complete again.

He never left Breathy without her mushrooms. Each time they would begin to “wilt” in their special way, he’d locate and bring back more. Occasionally he included other pieces of flora that he could find, sprigs of Umbra Parthenium and Bluelipped Thresh, but scarcely anything that could be deemed a flower grew in the Tangled Wood and so twilight mushrooms it was. Breathy, for her part, didn’t seem to mind one bit. Each new bouquet was met with approval and affection.


“Breathy?” He chuckled her name, looking down at his wonderful mate who’d nestled herself against his side as he idly read a scroll about the Forum’s history.

“Do you suppose we’ll always know each other?”

The question gave him pause and he furrowed his brow, shifting to get a better look at her, “What do you mean?”

“Do you think we’ll always remember? That we won’t..wake up one day and I won’t know who you are?”

“Ah my sweet,” He pulled her in closer and nuzzled her neck, “I could never forget you, nor you I, so long as we spend each day together.”

“Will we? Spend each day together?”

“We will, my darling, we will.” He nuzzled her again, “Where is this coming from?”

“Nothing just...just a bad dream.” She smiled a tight smile and went back to regarding her bouquet. He watched her for a bit, trying to discern the true meaning behind her question, but eventually gave up and returned to his scroll. It wouldn’t be for many moons that anyone would understand her question--and she asked it often.

By then, however, Smooth wouldn’t be there to know.

"Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. "

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Made with pieces from Mibella and TheWindBloom

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Exalting Smooth to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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