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Personal Style


Simple Pearly Necklace
Teardrop Pastel Spinel Ring




6.64 m
4.55 m
457.5 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 21, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 1219 / 27676


Aeranautics, 80182
Seamus, 94467
Adu, 9403
sheepska, 132142
Ikilou, 45008
Nocturnesan, 19670
Turtlebait 14670585
Unidra, 64884
Celes, 121299
Earthprincess: 35236
xwondera, 166387
emimelon, 167959
Aeranautics, 80182 (visiting home)
BrightLeopard, 175301
StormDragon21, 198529
RoyalUndyne, 83483
Zayev, 203531
Aeranautics, 80182 (home again)
Eviolite, 84893
Skritnaja, 21634
Yvaine, 3356
XxAsrieldreemurr, 177258
AngryJ, 177846
Korozo, 50395
Verwald, 202749


Uh-oh, looks like this dusty little boy wandered a little too far from his lair (Aeranautics, 80182), and now he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the urge to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him home instead, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here.

He remembers uncertainty. Not quite fitting in. Dewshining loved his Nature family, of course, but couldn't help the slight sigh of relief when a new clan took him in. They took him in as he was, and that was more than enough for the young pearlcatcher. However, the darkness of the Shadowy clan never seemed kind to him, and so he sought out his own life—a life of his choosing.

Dewshining found a wind clan next, taken in by the joyfulness and levity of the dragons there. So happy and free! He quickly sought to be like them, making a great number of friends. But that itch started again, that desire to go elsewhere- Maybe he would fit in somewhere else, somewhere as different as he was.

It was Arcane, then. This land of magic and mystery that would soothe his soul. Dewshining made his way proudly, hide sparkling in the way of the floating crystals, quickly taken in by a curious clan. For all his boldness, the poor pearlcatcher was ill equipped to defend himself- Which the clan quickly corrected.

The wind shifted again for dear Dewshining, bringing him back to a different wind clan. Though not the prettiest clan, they all sparkled with imagination and creativity. They became close as they soared above the clouds. This clan had a adventurous side, taking many trips to the mire and kelp beds, exploring their troves.

Once more, Dewshining found himself on the move, but this time found himself in the Southern Icefield. It wasn't long after his arrival until a clan by the name of The Terminal Burrow took him in and he got acquainted with the clan members. Turns out, despite the stereotypes, most of the dragons there were nice and welcoming and offered to let him stay for as long as he wanted. After a while, though, a female Tundra arrived by the name of Sy and the two became fast friends. They told each other of their travels, and even shared their stories with other clan members. He knew that he would eventually have to move on, but it was still nice to have a friend for a while.

He found himself in the ascent, with a decent sized very friendly clan who welcomed him with open wings. There were a great many other travelers there who were happy to share his tales from the various other places they'd been. Though a few of them were a bit full of themselves, the Clan Mother kept everyone in line. He stayed for a good deal of time, gladly whiling away in the warm air. But eventually he knew it was time to go and so he took to the current to see where it would take him next.

Finally.. a place he wasn't sure he ever wanted to be. A plague clan, dark and sinewy, the air smelling of blood and incense most nights. He wasn't sure he liked it.. until he met Samedi. A dragon much like him. They laid a nest and he watched over his eggs steadfastly. He came to enjoy and learn much from Clan Golconda, and Samedi gave him a necklace as a memento of their time together.

The next place was different. The dragons were all kind, but it was very easy to become cagey because they were stuck in a hideout. Mere hours later, he couldn't stand it anymore and left without warning.

Dewshining found himself wandering the Cloudsong only a few hours later, and encountered a large group of dragons who let him rest for the night. He didn't stay long, however - he felt the itch to travel and see more. What he did acquire, however, was a fellow traveller by the name of Vassar who claimed to have fallen madly in love with him.

Next came what could be described as the closest to home Dewshining ever had. While the craving for adventure still clung on, he though he might as well stay a while. There was a boy who loved him, and as much as it irked him, he might agree with the sentiment. He was happy with the small earth tribe, for now.

Dewshining could hardly believe he'd returned to the Shadow clan he'd left so long ago. None had a familiar face except for one, who had been so young when Dewshining left but had recently become one of the clan's leaders. Ivyrose remembered him, though, and she welcomed him back with open arms. The young Pearlcatcher heard stories from the clan scribe and shared in hunting and catching bugs for food. After a few days of acquainting himself with all the new faces, he decided it was time to start looking for a permanent home. Ivyrose was sad to see him leave but wished him luck.

Somehow Dewshining found himself back in Arcane, but this time with a group of dragons that called themselves the Galaxy Clan. Under the compassionate leadership of a tiger-striped mirror and his mate, a purple Fae with unrivaled healing talent, Dewshining began to feel like he had finally- finally- fit in. And just when he thought his world couldn't be happier... it suddenly was. He met a young, vivid winged ridgeback by the name of Nimbus. His restlessness to search for knowledge and quirky sense of humor somehow caught Dewshining's eye. Nimbus didn't even care that Dewshining was transgender- he was just accepting. The two boys became friends, and grew closer and closer... And before Dewshining knew it, he knew he'd fallen in love again.

Dewshining began to panic- how could he? After everything else that had happened in his life- and after falling for Samedi and Vassar- his heart couldn't be like this now. For Dewshining had felt that same itch, an indescribable feeling that kept him on the move. Maybe he'd find out why he did this, but Dewshining knew he would not find the answers he needed here. Still, when Dewshining finally admitted all of this to Nimbus, there was no rejection in those fuchsia eyes, just love, and sadness at Dewshining's leaving. But before Dewshining flew away, he created a nest with Nimbus and together they laid four eggs. Dewshining stayed long enough to watch them- two handsome sons and two beautiful daughters- become adults. Then, with a heavy heart, Dewshining left Nimbus and the rest of the Galaxy Clan behind.

Dewshining's next stop was the Shifting Expanse, where he was greeted by a fae who was small enough to easily perch on his pearl. He worked the hardest he had ever worked to hunt, care for familiars, and even fight. He was getting ready to leave when the clan found a lost hatchling. Dewshining decided to stay long enough to care for the young Pearlcatcher. When she finally grew up, he left with his memories, a ring from Gemstone, and the title of Dewshining the Spirited.

Dewshining's first attempt to make his way into the clan was going to be his last for those of the icy clan, have had a hard time trusting new comers. He found himself watching as the young hatchling played around the chill waters, caught Nelma a type of fish with a wide massive crushing jaw. He tired his luck only to be bitten in the progress. He jerks out of the way before anymore harm could happen to him, darting faster then ever. He finds himself, in front of Alzora, who was charming her ways with Arrow. He leaves them be in and carries onto another clan.

Feeling homesick, Dewshining stopped by his old Shadow clan again. He was surprised to see that they had turned into a newspaper company, distributing their weekly newspaper all around different parts of Sornieth. Ivyrose, his old friend, was one of the copiers and heads of the company. They hugged, and he shared stories of his travels. Dewshining tried to sleep in the resting quarters, but with the constant hustle and bustle of the company, it was hard to stay comfortable. Although he had fun meeting the company members, he had the feeling he would best take his leave soon.

During his continued traveling Dewshining took a quick break at the Pillar of the World, he was drinking some water when he suddenly heard footsteps behind him. When he turned around he saw a tundra and on the back of it sat a small fae. They both looked at him curiously and the fae started speaking.
"Hello there! Who might you be?", she asked while leaning forward over the tundras head.
Dewshining replied with his named and explained that he was just traveling through, worried that he had encroached into their lair.
"Well you're welcome to stay with us if you'd like! We have plenty of room and we'd love any and all visitors! Oh my name is Ephixia by the way, and this is my mate Zephyr", she said, nodding at the tundra she was sitting on. Zephyr awkwardly smiled and said a silent hello.
Dewshining thought of their suggestion for a bit and then happily accepted.
During his stay in the lair at the Pillar of the World he was taught how to fight and heal, to be able to support any future partners.
At last, after a long stay, he decided to move on.

The winds brought the wandering Pearlcatcher to an icy place that seemed a barren and cold land. It wasn't long before he befriended a fellow Pearlcatcher, a flashy young thing that caught his attention instantly. Dewshining decided to lay another nest, yielding a single offspring, but as soon as the egg was hatched, he was ready to wander once more. He begged the company of Dyn, but was refused as the other was feeling the pull of the Icewarden. Saddened, Dewshining moved on alone.

Just off the shore of Sornieth mainland, Dewshining alighted hesitantly once more in the Plague Domain. There he found a clan known as Z'Arduani, a clan pledged to both the Plaguebringer and the Arcanist. Most of the dragons there were friendly, which allowed him to relax his suspicions of Plague's deadly nature. He had a quick fling with a dragon named Daskess to ease his loneliness and yearning for his past mates, but this new drake was much too dedicated to his work for Dewshining to truly get to know him. He didn't stay long before thanking the Patriarch and heading on his way.

For the first time, Dewshining found himself in a clan in the Ashfall Wastes. Though it seemed more than a simple clan, this was an entire city! The place was filled with hustle and bustle and no one gave Dewshining a second thought as he meandered through the main market and its stalls. As nightfall approached, the city showed no signs of slowing but Dewshining felt exhaustion weighing heavy on his wings and came across a Traveler's Hub, an inn intended for traveler's like himself. He stayed there for the night, and for several nights following before picking up and leaving. He loved the place, but perhaps it was too large for a dragon used to smaller clans.

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