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Veilspun Verse
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Female Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Eerie Cyan Forejewels
Pixie Procession
Aqua Birdskull Necklace
Silver Glasses
Burlap Hood
Water Tome
Chestnut Tail Feathers
Leather Aviator Gloves
Shabby Spats
Grove Sylvan Twist
Humble Dried Tea
Peppy Mushroom Basket



Scene: Foxfire Grove


4.99 m
5.23 m
330.19 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 12, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Skittish/Inquisitive/Communicates non-verbally

There is mud between her claws and fairies perch on her horn. They tangle their thin fingers in her mane as she writes. Pythia smells ever so slightly of the earth after a rainstorm, and there is a certain shabbiness about her that speaks of long hours in the field.

A cryptozoologist by trade, the Pearlcatcher is invested in her work to the point that she spends days at a time with very little food or rest on the track of her latest study. She is most comfortable around the creatures that hide in the remote places of Sornieth, and in fact becomes nervous around other dragons.

Most dragons stay away from her, finding her skittish and strange. She does not speak, communicating instead in patterns of gestures, and no one quite knows whether this is by choice or whether she has a voice at all.

Small and quiet and battered, Pythia makes her way through life. She has her journal and the creatures of Sornieth, and that is all she needs.

Written by Alnilam


The Study of Harbinger wrote:
Pythia had always been a silent observer. She was aware that words could only communicate so much, and that- even if she used them- no one would believe the things she said. So she carried on a silent conversation with herself in the pages of a journal. She wrote down all of the strange things she saw. It was when she was on her fourth journal, the rest of them filled to bursting with notes and ciphers, that she met a dragon touched by shade. It was certainly not her first encounter with shade-touched beings, but never before had she seen a dragon who had fallen under its influence.

She dedicated three whole chapters to her observations of Harbinger.
Harbinger's Response by Sanzuwu wrote:
Harbinger realized quite quickly that he had acquired an observer, though exactly when was a puzzle; she was quiet, and that was fine. Honestly he liked the attention, often putting on shows for the Pearlcatcher.

But eventually the prankster in him won over, he wanted to see just how far the other dragon would go to follow him. He would travel to increasingly dangerous places, sometimes observing the observer, it was amusing sometimes watching her deal with dangerous situations. He didn't actually know how he felt when he'd spy the brown Pearlcatcher again a few days later, he had a reputation for being unattached to others but it would be a shame if she didn't return from one of his 'excursions', mostly because he would no longer have the attention. He would probably call her presence a constant for a while, it took his mind off things and though he wouldn't admit it, it calmed him.


alienjack's poem wrote:
the brush rustles against your legs as you press on.
perhaps you could call it a quest but it is more of an adventure,
an exploration without a destination or goal in mind.
you keep friendship with the inky words that you write in your
journal, collect animal sketches and companions
like hoarders collect coins. the shade is all around, but it never
even tries to reach for you, almost as if it knows
that you have important work left to do. and you keep moving.
violalore's headcannon wrote:
Pythia, in fact has more than one familiar. It's in part because she considers the creatures of Sonrieth to be her friends, but some eventually grow fond of her and begin to follow her around. Some of them are docile around dragons in general, but a few have gotten into trouble with dragonkind when she travels back to civilization, which doesn't help her shyness around other dragons.
Pythia's Reading, by RedwindRising wrote:
The World
The Emperor

A faerie flutters past Rimora’s nose as you part the tent flaps and she smiles, admiring the little intruder as you settle at the table across from her. “Ah...a friend of the fae folk, are you? Good, good. There are so few in Sornieth that can call the fae their friends.” She folds her hands in front of her and leans in a bit. “Now that I think of seem You’ve spent a lot of time in hidden places, we’ll say,” she chuckled a bit, tail giving a twitch to jingle the bangle she was wearing. “Well, perhaps we can talk about that a bit more later. You’re here for a reading, and a reading you shall have.” She reaches to her cards and draws three, laying them in a neat row. “Let’s begin.”
The first card is an image of Sornieth from high above, stars sparkling in the void of space, with each of the elemental gods dancing high above their domain. “The World,” the nocturne spoke with a smile. “A symbol of triumph, and completion. You’ve come to the end of an important task, a long-term project, and you must have produced something you can be truly proud of. Maybe an observation on something elusive? Or a long journey to where you are now. Regardless, it’s come to an end in the best kind of way.”
Turning over the second card reveals an image of a stout snapper dragon, standing firm and proud against a backdrop of towering mountains. “The Emperor. Security, order, and ambition.” She ponders the card for a moment before continuing. “It may be...difficult to return to a normal routine after pursuing something so fervently, but it’s the path to your true ambitions. Return to the routine, have patience, and another achievement will come. Proper structure to one’s life is the key to true successes.”
She reaches over to turn the last card, baring a mirror dragon, teeth bared in a macabre grin and claws wrapped around the skull of a dragon much larger than itself. “Death. The end and the beginning. Don’t fret--this doesn’t necessarily mean a bad thing is incoming,” her voice dropped to a soothing note as she explained, "it just means that something is going to change. Out with the old and in with the new, as they say. Perhaps, in your effort to return to your routine, you'll find in your life. A new chapter to write, a chapter you can make yours...if the cards fall right."
With a sweep of her hand she collects the cards again, smiling up at you. "Well, I hope that might give you some insight, my friend. Tread the old paths carefully. We never know what lurks in those dark corners until we see it with our own eyes." Rimora smiles and tilts her head some, giving you a warm, gentle smile. "May the stars guide your path, friend. Have a good night."

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