
Level 5 Skydancer
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Flamerest Fiendcat
Flamerest Fiendcat
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Energy: 0
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Fire icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Female Skydancer
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Fire Tome
Ornate Copper Bracelet
Bloodscale Chest Guard
Crimson Rogue Bracers
Copper Earrings of Transmutation
Ornate Copper Necklace
Crimson Rogue Wing Guard
Searing Emblem


Accent: Wing Chimes



3.92 m
5.34 m
666.16 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 07, 2015
(9 years)


Skydancer icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 5 Skydancer
EXP: 4929 / 5545





(Ship's Records)

About Zul-Yumaya

As the head of Ship's Records, Zul-Yumaya is responsible for maintaining logs of all of Asenoi's missions. Xe also has an encyclopedic knowledge of Fire Fleet, starship
organization, and the history of Asenoi's crew.

Records of Starship Asenoi of the Fire Fleet

About the Fire Fleet

Fire fleet summary:
"Fire Fleet ships are the best built among all the fleets, due to the talent and experience of the Fire Smiths. They serve an integral role to the rest of the fleets, building ship parts that can be bought for repairs and maintenance. Just as they are creative, however, they are also destructive, with some of the best weaponry among the fleets. Fire ships have power, propulsion, heating, and forging systems that are all closely tied together, usually all drawing from the same power source, so they've learned how to be efficient with energy." - credit: Llealynarisia

Ships of the Fire Fleet
(This info was cross-posted to the main Spaceflight Rising thread)

Fire ships are massive, built in deep-space Forge stations so large that an entire hull can be cast and annealed within them. By tradition, the ships are christened not with champagne, but with a crucible of lava poured directly over the prow. The pattern into which it solidifies will mark the ship forevermore, like a fingerprint.

When in stealth mode, they appear as dark as any quiescent mountain. But inside the thick skin of the ship lies a raging furnace driven by a fusion reactor at its core. When captain wishes to reveal the ship, its outer hull layer splits with glowing cracks, til it flickers like coals in the dark. The pattern of cracks can be used display its class & registry, or even coded messages.

Fire ships carry an array of weaponry. Infrared lasers are most commonly used in long-range combat, but plasma is also a favorite. Yet the most legendary ability of a (large, say, Caldera or Inferno class) fire ship is the so-called "kiln maw." When an enemy is vanquished, Fire commanders seldom bother with dragging the ship home to be deconstructed or bartered back to its home fleet. Instead, a hatch is opened in the belly of the Fire ship, and the defeated ship is drawn inside. Any crew who have not already surrendered or revealed themselves will be literally smoked out. Then the ship itself will be taken apart by the very best Fire forge-engineers, and any parts that aren't of specific interest will be burned for fuel or melted down. It is said that some of the old battle-scarred vessels of the Fire fleet have collected enough raw material this way to built two or three clones of themselves-- no insignificant statement, given their bulk.

(The legend that "Fire doesn't take prisoners" is false, as their commanders have no interest in needless death-- but it would not be wrong to say that this fleet of builders has a streak of vindictive, jealous pride when it comes to the ships themselves.)

There are also an array of non-combat ships. The most impressive among these are not so much ships as space stations: huge deep-space habitats, often in the shape of a bicone or a square bipyramid. They can be as large as cities, with multiple heart-like engines that pump heat and air toward their extremities. Most orbit hot stars, or even lie at a safe orbital distance from tempestuous accretion disks, soaking up their radiation as fuel. Some have no parent star, and mine raw materials for their nuclear reactors from nearby rocky bodies. Most are highly industry-focused, with forges and workshops nestled inside them near the central reactors. They may also serve as ports for traveling starships.

Fleet classifications:
Flare class - diplomatic vessels; quick, bright, and welcoming
Cinder class - mining and material transport vessels
Bellows class - repair vessels, for servicing other ships mid-voyage
Forge class (station) - where the rest of the ships are built
Hearth class - small outpost space stations, mostly for temporary housing
Ember class - personnel transports, shuttlecraft
Magma class (station) - effectively small cities
Tephra class - small, fast, and agile, primarily used as scout ships or for precision combat
Candle class - medical vessels, no weaponry
Vulcanian class - science vessels, equipped with the very best sensors
Inferno class - giant engines of war and transport; huge but unwieldy
Caldera class - the fleet flagships, balanced vessels used for combat in wartime and for exploration in peacetime.

Divisions and Duties
(crew links in progress - will be added as I work on bios)

Command Division:

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The top post on the ship.

Permanent leaders. Few Burnwalkers transfer to other ships. A Burnwalker is considered to have an almost spiritual duty toward their vessel, and are attached to it for life. A ship is nearly always constructed under the watchful eye of its future Burnwalker(s).

Close relationships. Most ships have two Burnwalkers. Some have one, others have three or four. They have formal priority rankings (primary, secondary, etc), but it is considered extremely bad form for one to pull rank over another. Consensus between them is paramount. Regardless of number, non-solitary Burnwalkers generally consider themselves to be “life partners” in some sense, and it is not uncommon for them to be romantically involved.

Historic etymology. The word “Burnwalker” comes from the earliest days of interplanetary spaceflight. The leaders of missions to new worlds would typically be the first to set foot on soil, and would burn the outline of their first footprints into the ground using a torch (or their breath) wherever terrain allowed. This practice has been discontinued for the obvious reason that some planets visited by the fleet are inhabited and do not take kindly to their world being defaced and claimed, but the name persists. Occasionally, alliances involving the Fire Fleet or its ships are ritually sealed by the exchange of plaques or tablets bearing the footprints of both parties' leaders.


Command Division:

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Deputized leaders, in charge of a particular division.

Unlike Burnwalkers, Forgemasters generally have primary duties to a non-command division of the ship. They are usually elevated by Burnwalker decree to represent and organize and their division, and to provide counsel for Burnwalker decisions. For example, a dragon may work in medical sciences, but also be the Forgemaster in charge of the entire science division. Most Burnwalkers were Forgemasters on other ships before receiving their own command.

Misleading title. Forgemasters are not necessarily in charge of anything related to engineering. The term arises simply from the fact that Forgemasters were first designated to handle affairs in the belly of the ship-- colloquially referred to as the Forge because of its proximity to the hot engines-- while the Burnwalker(s) were busy on the bridge.


Bridge Operations:


Steers the ship.

Helmsdragons are pilots with the specialized knowledge necessary to control their vessel. Many have experience as strikers, navigators, or both. They are also necessarily well-versed in the ship's systems, and work closely with the tactical team to optimize their performance in combat.


Bridge Operations:


Deploys ship's weaponry in combat, and provides advice on offensive maneuvers and capabilities.

A tactical post requires much more expertise than the stereotypical “point and shoot”. The tactical team must be intimately aware of all strengths and weaknesses in the the ship's weaponry, as well as being widely knowledgeable on the offensive capability of enemy ships. Nerves of steel and excellent claw-eye coordination are a must; automated targeting systems can only go so far in the heat of combat.


Bridge Operations:


Charts routes, keeps a catalog of known star systems.

In addition to simply plotting the course of the ship, navigators are responsible for keeping Command informed about the ship's surroundings. They monitor other vessels, both Fleet and non-Fleet, and keep notes on all known systems in the area readily available-- including Fleet relations, resources, satellites, and port policies. They work closely with onboard astrophysicists to map and avoid hazards in space, or to identify areas of scientific interest.


Biological Science


Experts on biology, ecology, botany, zoology, and biochemistry among other subjects.

Biologists, especially field specialists, are critical members of away teams to unexplored planets. They help catalog, identify, and research new species and environments. The biological science department also works closely with life support specialists on the systems team, the medical team, and the hearthkeepers in charge of caring for familiars.


Physical Science

Experts on astrophysics, planetary science, materials science, and warp mechanics, among other subjects.

Astrophysics experts research and map the surrounding space and identify hazards. Planetary scientists, including geologists and meteorologists, are typical away team members. Materials scientsists and experts in quantum computation work with the engineering division, while warp experts work with propulsion. All fields are involved in calibrating sensors and writing scripts for real-time sensor analysis, in concert with the systems team.


Arcane Science

Cross-disciplinary scholars of magic.

Although the Flame Fleet does not specialize in the use of magitek, it deals with plenty of arcane issues. Arcane experts work across fields, helping physical scientists to identify arcane effects, tactical experts to deal with arcane attacks, and doctors to handle medical problems that affect dragons' magical capabilities.


Social Science

Experts in the many cultures, languages, and histories of sentient life.

Starships encounter all manner of life and civilizations on their travels through the cosmos. Social scientists document new languages and cultural practices, and advise Command on the correct protocols for dealing with dignitaries from known civilizations. They are also first-contact experts, prepared to handle encounters with truly unknown planets in accordance with Fleet protocol and ethical standards.


Medical Science

Healers of all kinds and specialties.

No ship should take flight without doctors on board. No matter how much care is taken with safety standards, the fact is that space is dangerous, and injuries are common across divisions, disciplines, and missions. Doctors apply knowledge from both the biological and arcane sciences to treat wounds, diseases, and mental health problems. They are also in charge of monitoring the crew's overall health and advising on preventative health measures. On rare occasions, they are also called on to treat non-draconic patients-- no easy task.



Engineering generalists, in charge of dealing with all ship's systems that do not fall under the purview of the propulsion or algorithms teams.

Starships are extremely complex machines. From life support and climate, to intra-ship communications, to tractor beams, systems engineers cover it all. Whether it requires a wrench or a quantum dot array to fix, they'll get it done. (Fleet legend holds that a Burnwalker of passionate temper once quarrelled badly with his systems team and left them behind on a shore leave planet in a fit of pique. He didn't make it out of the star system before something broke on board, forcing him to turn around and make his apologies to his subordinates.)



Custodians of the primary engines and warp drive.

Propulsion specialists monitor the status of the great reactor at the core of the ship, and the warp drive which draws the vast majority of its power. Being stranded in space is a common fear among young crewdragons, which propulsion experts are generally quick to allay. They seldom mention the flipside of the equation: that power loss is actually the best possible outcome from a major engine destabilization. The worse possibility? Cataclysmic eruption of the core reactor.



Custodians of the ship's central computational hub.

Managing every moment-to-moment operation of a large ship would require more dragons on duty than such a ship could carry. Instead, much of the ship's function is automated. Computers process sensor data in real time, using trained neural nets to generate alerts for the bridge crew. They regulate temperature, taking into account fluctuations from engine use or star proximity. And of course, they perform the most critical function function of all: fast and accurate data recall, based on user search terms. The algorithms team writes, refines, and monitors all of these invisible functions.


Striker Pilots: General notes

A Caldera-class ship carries a variety of smaller ships. Some are simply for short-range transport and supply carrying. But others are Strikers: small, agile, and tough, designed work independently from the mothership. Even in peaceable times, Strikers often dart around the mothership in a cloud, on the watch for beastclan pirates or for resource-rich planets where they might drop in and gather supplies. The pilots take their division name from the ships, and like the ships are divided into three classes.


Striker Pilot:

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Offensive and defensive combat.

As the first line of attack, primary strikers are equipped with imposing, fiery weaponry and extremely fast propulsion systems. Their pilots are often seen as hotshots, performing tricky and dangerous maneuvers in the heat of battle. Primary strikers display their gleaming colors proudly, letting the enemy know exactly with whom they're engaged. From a distance, they appear as a cloud of sparks.


Striker Pilot:

Medical and repair carriers, and backup combat.

Support striking may be less glamorous, but it's no less critical or difficult. Support strikers have to avoid crossfire, keep track of the big picture of a skirmish, and perform delicate maneuvers to assist damaged primary strikers. For example, a support pilot might need to slow a disabled ship's out-of-control spin using tractor beams, then dock alongside to check on the pilot and provide system patches. Support strikers have excellent defensive shields, more cabin space, and better fine-control propulsion systems than the other classes.


Striker Pilot:


Stealth, espionage, and surprise attacks.

Even among other strikers, these ships are considered mysterious. Their exact capabilities are kept under wraps, known only to Burnwalkers, and the void striker pilots themselves-- who generally handle their own repairs. Some witnesses claim to have seen void strikers appear in a flash from the emptiness of space, or fire weapons unknown to the rest of the fleet. More often, enemies of the Fire Fleet-- such as pirates, or even dictators on backwater planets-- will simply disappear in the vicinity of a large ship. Or information will come to light without an apparent source. Fleet legend claims that void strikers are constantly engaged in complex hidden wars with enemy spies, cloaked and out of sight.


Ship's Services:


Keep order on board.

Fleet personnel are held to the highest standard of discipline, but that doesn't mean there's no need for ship's security. Fiery tempers can cause fights to break out on occasion, and encounters with alien substances and diseases on occasion wreak havoc with the mental state of the crew. Ship's security also guards prisoners, potential hostiles, and dignitary figures who must enter the ship for any reason.


Ship's Services:


Spiritual guides serving the Flamecaller.

Although starship operations may appear on the surface divorced from spirituality, loyalty to the Flamecaller underlies the emotional life of a Flame ship's crew. Vestals are priests and counselors, versed in the rituals of life, death, and the many calendar holidays. They are also friends to the crew and beacons of strength in times of need.


Ship's Services:


Those who maintain the daily functions of the ship.

The varied duties of daily “home” life fall to hearthkeepers. They tend onboard nests, educate the young, prepare meals, keep track of ship's stores-- and, of course, maintain the ship's records. They care for the crew's beastly familiars, and organize the great hordes. Hearthkeepers are among the most beloved members of the crew for their tireless efforts.


Note: Thanks are due to Magdaneela (#86321) for creating the dividers used in this bio, and making them freely available!
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