
Level 7 Pearlcatcher
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Ice icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Pearlcatcher
Male Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Scavenger's Tatters
Runaway Rotclaw
Red Rose Flower Crown
Tawny Antlers
Brown Birdskull Headdress
Boneyard Tatters
Skeletal Chimes
Glowing Red Clawtips
Maroon Arm Wraps
Bloody Neck Bandage
Forest Green Wing Wraps
Nomad's Sandwastes Socks
Bloody Leg Bandages
Magician's Cobwebs
Red Warrior Face Mask
Veteran's Leg Scars


Accent: Rotrock Reliquary V2



7.3 m
3.76 m
630.27 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 29, 2013
(10 years)


Pearlcatcher icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 7 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 19 / 11881





What is dead may never die

ice_banner.png shadetouched%2001.png


Suo is a strange addition to the clan of Queen's Revenge. He is more of a walking corpse than a living dragon, a cold, dry, half dead wight wandering in the halls and tunnels of the clan's property. More than half of his clanmates avoid him out of fear and detestation.

Back then when the small ragtag pack that would later become the Queen's Revenge found a cold, abandoned ice nest in the Frigid Floes there was only shards of darkened ice eggs left. The place had an ominous spirit and the hunters were about to pass when they heard a pitiful whine and cough from the cold nest, and they found a scrawny and sickly pearlcatcher hatchling beneath the abandoned nest's twigs, snow and shattered egg shells. After a short debate whether the sick 'catcher would be a danger to the pack or not, he was taken into the caring custody of the few more compassionate dragons of the young clan. Against all the odds the young dragon christened as Suo did not perish despite the sickness he carried, and he grew up ailing yet alive, his wings underdeveloped and skin stretched thin on top of his bones.

During his adolescence when Suo was quite not yet a hopeless case and his condition was still a mystery he begged to be a part of a convoy just about to depart on a trade trip to the mainland, where few of the clan's members wanted to fill some of the rarer supplies and maintain diplomatic relations with a couple of friendly clans the pack had been in touch with. Suo wanted to see at least a small piece of the world that seemed so distant and unachievable for him. The pack gave him their approval in the hopes of the convoy finding a healer at the mainland who could help the sickly, spotty, miserable pearlcatcher youngling.
Journey across the sea was perilous, and Suo had never been happier in his short pitiful life than when he finally felt solid ground underneath his claws again. That happiness was soon diminished during the few next months as healer after healer couldn't help him, let alone identify his ailment, until the very last one he met. The healer glanced at him only once and cursed, then sent a quiet prayer to her patron deity. "Shade has touched you, cursed one", she crooned, her voice filled with pity and fear. The pack traveling with Suo was visibly startled. A shadetouched! Among their kin! Was it contagious? Would Icewarden and all the rest curse them, doom the pack to annihilation?
That was the day when Suo's world felt like it had ended. As the pack left in awkward silence and were on their way to the journey's last destination, clan Tuulikoto in the Wind Flight's territory, no one dared to say what everyone was thinking - you can not heal from the touch of Shade, not when you have been cursed with it from the birth and it has worked its havoc and ruin in your body for years. Suo was very quiet for the rest of the trip, feeling numb and half scared to death whether his pack would abandon him now that his illness was revealed in its true terror. He didn't think he would make it very far on his own.

As the small, quiet convoy arrived at their affiliate clan to trade and make deals about the future, Suo slipped quietly into hiding, away from the negotiation lairs where he felt more anxious than ever. He had been admitted with permission in the clan Tuulikoto's grounds even despite his condition, but was told to stay out of the way and not to approach hatchlings. This is why he almost had a heart attack when a pretty pearlcatcher lady approached him and asked for his name, being curious why a guest of her clan was in hiding. Suo was terrified but managed to mutter how he wasn't supposed to approach everyone, and as the beauty pressed the issue with a worried tone he couldn't help but blurt his miserable secrets, not being able to hide his curse from this honest, kind-hearted dragon. The lady pearlcatcher was surprised, probably a bit startled even, but didn't leave him. After the first shock she introduced herself as Eriin and stayed with Suo much to his surprise, giving him solace he hadn't experienced in years, and his soul craved. Two young pearlcatchers talked through the night, and the next morning Suo knew he didn't want to leave.

It took some talking, some promises and little bit of suspicion before Suo was granted a permission to stay "for now" at the foreign clan, the wind dragons being healthily suspicious of the shadetouched wanting to stay. Eriin spoke for his behalf and she was tasked with overseeing the clan's sickly guest, to make sure he wouldn't cause any damage. The few years Suo spent at clan Tuulikoto with Eriin were the happiest of his life to this date. They sat at meadows, Eriin weaving flower crowns for them, they strolled on the salty, windy beaches of the Windswept Plateau and tasted the seafoam on their beaks, and eventually, they shared their bloomed affection and love under the belt of night stars, her light green and his ice cold eyes reflecting the thousands of stars looking at the doomed lovers. Eriin laid a nest of three eggs and in a five years time they hatched, crushing the image of an idyllic life and hopes the two young 'catchers had shared. All three hatchlings were girls that could had been pretty if it wasn't for apparent sickness the sisters shared, and for a split second Suo was sure he had inflicted them all with the Shade that marked him. He wanted to die. After a healer had taken a look at the just hatched baby dragons both Eriin and Suo sighed from relief as they weren't shadetouched, just sick, but that relief soon turned to sorrow as two of the hatchlings didn't survive for long. The last one living seemed strong and healthy enough to leave the clan Tuulikoto and with heavy hearts the parents allowed her to leave on her journey, but it did not take long as they received a short, cruel letter informing them of their last daughter's departure of this world.
Both Eriin and Suo took the news hard, and in her sadness Eriin grew distant to him. Suo couldn't help but to blame himself - the whole tragedy was his fault after all - and quietly he decided that he had to leave the clan as he couldn't take the crippling anxiety and self-hatred anymore. He had nowhere else to go but to his original pack overseas, and without knowing if they would still take him back he bid his mournful goodbyes to Eriin and her clan, keeping the last flower crown that she had made him as the only memento of the brief happiness he had been blessed with.

Heartbroken and sick, it was a miracle Suo survived back to the home of his pack in the Southern Icefield. He didn't know if they would shun him, but as he arrived he was quietly welcomed back, and no one made a scene of the shadetouched returning to them and being a danger to the others. The council discussed the matter and agreed that Suo had been a member of the pack from almost the very beginning, making him family. You do not abandon kin.
It took just a few years for the pearlcatcher's condition to worsen, and after a hard winter his surface veins begun to crackle and tear open, leaving him looking horrid and bloody. The blood never stayed fresh for long as his body had always been dry and cold like a corpse, and so the blood just dried on his scales before a new wound ripped open and dripped blood on him again. His clan became more and more worried and scared, but since he didn't smudge anything on blood or smell particularly foul (or like anything at all, actually) he was left alone.

When the clan decided to move to the Sunbeam Ruins, the third sea voyage he had to make almost took his life. It would had been a mercy, but through luck or misfortune he survived and had to make a new home for himself in the Light's territory. The clan became more aware of the very real threat of Emperors as they had entered the terrible behemoths' place of origin, and soon Suo found himself being useful for the clan for the very first time in his life. When any imperials passed away in the clan's territory, he disposed of the bodies via burning them so his pack and kin would be safe from the threat of the beasts made of nightmares. Queen's Revenge was grateful, and soon his duties expanded to caring for the terminally ill as they passed away, making sure they were taken to burial chambers and given a respectful wake, then burned and buried safely. None of the other dragons in the clan wished this position upon themselves, and Suo did not mind, vice versa he was more content than he had been for years. He had a purpose, he contributed to the clan he owed so much, and he felt at least the tiniest bit needed again. Over time along his fragile veins also his ribs and spine bones surfaced, and he grew a grotesque extra limb, but so far his abhorrent mutations haven't completely disfigured him or rendered him inert. He takes his position as the clan's undertaker seriously and solemnly, and while he is out of his duties he keeps mostly to himself.

Despite being in a fairly better place for now, Suo treasures a small poison vial in his small quarters, just in case. One can take only so much sadness and pain for one life.

Clay Fertility Statue Hallowed Ivy Unnatural Leg Bones Winter's Delight suo%2002.png Red Rose Flower Crown
shadetouched, unknown parents


art by Echinoderma
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