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Personal Style


Ancient Broadsword
Firebreather Cape
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Armlet
Navy Aviator Satchel
Nomad's Sandwastes Sash
Gold Filigree Breastplate
Nomad's Sandwastes Vest
Gold Filigree Gauntlets
Gold Filigree Tail Guard
Nomad's Sandwastes Socks
Simple Gold Wing Bangles




3.56 m
3.58 m
567.89 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 03, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Skydancer
EXP: 884 / 11881
Shining Might Fragment


Valian - Iliean; means "who is brave". Valian is the shortened form of 'Felvalian' meaning "he who is brave".

Valian was born within the continent of Eve -- not really commonplace for many other races outside of Humans. He was raised within the outskirts of the town of Blackwell, and typically enjoyed going out to hunt with his father. Whenever they returned home, Vale would be more than happy to help out his mother skin, prepare, and cook a lot of the meals at home for their family. With these things having been picked up at a young age, he was quick to be able to fend for himself and make sure that he knew how to make the best of a survival situation.

Keeping to Blackwell and enduring some scathing remarks from Humans that were never really fond of Elves in general, Valian had learned to keep mostly to himself and avoid conflict to the best of his ability. Despite this, his father had taught him self-defence and told him that if anyone was to start a fight with him, he would at least be prepared for hopefully turning the tables on them and getting them to leave him alone. Vale's primary method of fighting is using someone's weight against themselves since his father said that it would be effective in wearing out his opponent.

Most of Valian's fighting had been in school when attended a public venue for education. There were others like him -- scorned or made fun of for not being Human in Human lands. It was with those that were also made fun of that Valian had found himself more fond of. The Ulowan, other Elves, and even the rare Orc that had been raised in Eve's lands were those that were ostracised from most circles, and generally the target of malicious pranks and words. Valian had typically been one that insisted that others stopped, though this seemed to get more trouble than he bargained for in many cases.

Because Valian had been a little more adamant about stopping the bullying rather than remaining complacent, or non-confrontational in this sense, he was usually a little more of a target. This had led to being sent home, or having talks with his parents and the school representatives about his behaviour. Usually when asked, Valian would claim that he never actually hit anyone... which was always true. In many cases, however, the Humans would typically get a biased agreement. Vale would typically be sent home with warnings and negative marks on his school report in terms of behaviour. It got to the point to where his parents had considered going back to Ili'ta for him to have a better learning experience.

When they asked Valian for his input, he stated that he did not want to go to lands he did not know. He also explained that his friends that were in the school needed him -- that without him, he was scared of what might have happened to them. It was then that Vale's parents had understood why it was that Vale had been meeting with the head of the school more than they did when they were younger, and had apologised for bringing him there thinking that Eve would be a good experience for the family. Though Vale held nothing against his parents for it, he appreciated their apologies, and thanked them for allowing him to continue going to school for his rather honourable and selfless reasons of taking the heat for his friends to avoid seeing them hurt or worse.

In the coming years, Valian made a number of friends that had been of differing races and branches of. There were some Humans that seemed to sympathise for them that Vale had gotten to know and somewhat trust, though a lot of his personal loyalties were in those that were considered the minority in a continent that was made up primarily of a certain kind of race. Granted, with Valian's race being Iliean, he had often gone overlooked the older he got, with a lot of the flack and heat still being directed toward those that were Anaeum, Offworlder, or Orcen in appearance. Still not things that Vale had found himself too fond of, and still things that he had often interjected himself into to break up any starting conflict.

Entering his adult years is when Valian started to take some of his training a little more seriously and did more strength exercises to help with his personal prowess, and to help his father out around the house now that he was growing into a fine young man by Elvish standards. In that time, one of his friends (an Ulowan girl by the name of Mairwen) that had recognised Vale's efforts and training had said that he had a family relative that did sword play and sword fighting, and that if he was interested, Vale could always inquire about days where he could. At first, Vale had blown it off, though after he had finished his final years of school, he asked his friend about it.

Excited, Mairwen had scheduled a visit with their family member and with Vale for later in the week. When Vale arrived, he had been acquainted with his new mentor, Tala Sythus. Admittedly, Vale did not feel too terribly comfortable when he had first seen the woman donned in what struck him as garments built for stealth and sticking to the shadows.
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