give the dragon above you a song!

n1ghtw1ngSCP's Clan
"Still existing despite everything."
Clan Info

"You, the monsters out there, the monsters in here, you are all just as real as we are. Just as real as the teeming, irrational, self-destructive humanity that remains ignorant to your plight. And the conclusion that we are all, in the end, the same stuff, I hope you can find comfort in it.
Yes, you are a monster. But, whether we are deemed anomalous or not, so is every last one of us. And that means you deserve your existence.
We secure you.
We contain you.
We protect you.
And even if you still don't get why I'm doing this, please understand that I still love you."
welcome to my silly SCP site clan!! lore + wishlist (?) below :)

"There is no Site-5."
A common enough phrase, heard around the Foundation.
Most of them just chalked it up to yet another malevolent antimeme- if they didn't know about it, or pretended it wasn't there hard enough, it couldn't hurt them.
The truth, as it often is, was far simpler than an anomalous metastasized meme complex or anything of that sort: Narrativistics had gotten ahold of the SWANN Engine.
Okay, maybe not that simple.
Narrativistics was the department people went to when Pataphysics wasn't crazy enough for them. They attempted to identify and research different narrative realities all the way up and all the way down- "as above, so below." Every narrative is fictional to another, and is the author of many more.
The SWANN Engine was developed by the Pataphysics department to allow a Foundation researcher to ascend and temporarily inhabit the mind of an "author entity"-
Anyways, it turned out that the Narrativistics boys had not only identified higher and lower narratives, there was also a good many of them on the exact same level. Completely different narratives, sure, but they were created by the same author reality, ours.
So, typical of their department, once gaining access to SWANN, they eventually tried to upgrade the machine. First, to support the transfer of more than one person. A couple people... a small group... some might have even though they were trying to transfer the whole department at once. Reaching same-level narratives was somehow far simpler than going up, so that's what they set their minds on as the first target. A random side narrative, which has a high chance of being empty, or at least safe.
It very much did not work.
Instead, it sent the two narratives on a... collision course, of sorts. Drawing them together, linking them to each other as an unintended side effect. Thankfully, it didnt result in anything major for them. Baseline Foundation reality had suffered no changes, at least none that were important enough to impact them.
The other one, however.
Meaning that, seemingly out of nowhere, there was a Foundation site, a handful of personnel, and a scattered assortment of anomalies they had to deal with. Their minds filled in the gaps from before they'd been called into existence, of course. And reality neatly molded itself to fit around this barely functioning Foundation... almost as if it had always been there.
Occasionally, more anomalies would slip through from the Foundation
narrative, or just crop up on their own. Somehow, this happened with personnel as well. However, the Foundation was built for survival, designed to last. Once seeded in reality, it only grew, like a persistent stubborn weed. Something had to deal with the new anomalies in this place, after all.

things I'm saving for: (wishlist I guess?)
, any lightning fest or tech themed skins/accents, any rainbow starsilks, LAIR SPACE + hibden. dear god
also i play on a couple different laptops and my phone. do not banish me to the shadow realm- oh right. the light realm then
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something about Creamsicle just makes me want to make them even more sillier... i just love tacking all sorts of weapons on them, it's not like they need all of that but it makes them feel very prepared :>
If you want proper HoL fandragons though my friend Galehaut has a couple! If you haven't seen them already of course. I'll absolutely guide them to check our your lair as well. Going to go through and like all your TMA fandragons asap (plus others)!
i should really get to doing mine