Just wanted to say your dergs Starseeker is a bundle of cuteness! *-*
You're Lisa Frank derg is amazing!
Redprince is also a bundle of cuteness!
And you have a G1 that has the love/affection genes! That's flipping awesome! :O
I wasn't able to snag one of smoothie and sorbet's hatchlings so I wanted to know, if you can let me know when you'll bread them again, the pearl with opal is so pretty and i would love to get one :0
tfw u accidentally exalt ur gen1 fodder producing grinder
Larkspir (#159076)
Lurking is a full time job
QueenHarpy (#49862)
Faeyra (#231639)
Uh oh, I'm bored. This might get dangerous.
Silverpine (#220048)
DragonSoul (#96613)
Laggons (#402859)
Get it because lagg and dragon hahaaaa
FlavoredSoap (#473284)
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Just wanted to say your dergs Starseeker is a bundle of cuteness! *-*
You're Lisa Frank derg is amazing!
Redprince is also a bundle of cuteness!
And you have a G1 that has the love/affection genes! That's flipping awesome! :O
Have a good day/night! :)