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Espeon5712's Clan

If you find a way out of gen 1 hell, come back and tell me.
Ancient Lair
on the
Starwood Strand icon

Clan Info


~ Welcome to My Lair! ~


Hello fellow dragon hell denizen!

If you really want one of my dragons, don't be afraid to ask. If it's a hatchling, I tend to have them up for 8kt , so go grab it. Gen 1s are a little more complicated. There's a pretty good chance you won't get it, but it doesn't bother me that you're interested.

In case you missed it, this is a primarily gen 1 lair. If I bought your dragon and it isn't a gen 1, there's a 95% chance it'll be exalted soon. If you catch me before I send it off to Spacedad or whoever's paying well this week, I'm happy to send it back for the price I paid for it.

Don't think gen1s are automatically saved though. I often purge my lair, or buy a dragon and decide I don't want it after a while. Please don't be that person that gets mad at me for exalting a perfectly good gen 1. Or for breeding it for that matter...

I'm +0 FR time, so the clock on the top of the screen should be a good indicator of if I'm awake yet! Though I'm not always on so that probably doesn't help much...


things to do:

- gene the gen 1's to their best potential

- dress everyone nicely (subjective, but important)

- get a fully expanded lair

- get a fully expanded den (rip eggs)

- obtain all not impossible familiars (coli, mp, gmp, swipp, ect.)

- win a Roundsey dragon (managed to win a few other things so far, but no dragon yet. One day...)


- a 5 digit to spoil the heck out of

- art for the permadergs (maybe)

- all the dragon monies (currently need more treasure for once. Huh)

- familiars I don't already have

- Scrolls of Renaming

- eggs to fuel my gen 1 addiction

- A primal eye scroll or 10

- a few more hours in the day


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Imgur Account

Dragon Bio Resources: Comprehensive

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Whoa, how'd you get down here dude. Props to you for sticking around so long,
assuming you really are here....

Recent Comments

Carvanha's avatar
November 20, 2024 02:28:58
Rune was on the Random Dragon!
Lealeath's avatar
June 24, 2023 18:10:53
Zafer was on the front, really lovely colours
SilverNW's avatar
September 08, 2021 16:36:51
Ah okay. How does 200g plus a firefly gene sounds? I can also do 500g?
SilverNW's avatar
September 08, 2021 15:34:30
Are you perhaps interested in dragons in this lair lab?
SilverNW's avatar
September 08, 2021 14:41:41
Hello! Saw that you just hatched a silver/moon dragon. Are you interested in selling?
TheDEV1L's avatar
August 21, 2021 08:26:11
Frescati was on the front page! He’s beautiful!
Rauv's avatar
July 21, 2021 19:19:30
Brenoch was on the front page! He's a delight <3
UserOfShadows' avatar
June 29, 2021 07:29:42
Pearl was on the front page. <3
DancingHare's avatar
March 02, 2021 13:55:42
Pumpkin was on the front page! She is so wholesome! Also the fancy word for candlemaker is "chandler" ^^
thefrogg's avatar
March 02, 2021 13:53:11
Pumpkin was on the front page!
sockmonkeygerald's avatar
March 02, 2021 13:53:04
Pumpkin was on the front page, she's cool! (Love her broadcast :)
Andelice's avatar
August 12, 2020 23:33:27
Nyx was the random dragon :3
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Date Joined
May 20, 2015

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Espeon5712's Friends

GuardianOfEnergy's avatar
GuardianOfEnergy (#84082)

Mm, something's cooking! Kinda smells like... BURNT OTTSEL?!
MementoMoe's avatar
MementoMoe (#84232)

Many down more to go.
SheSerendipity's avatar
SheSerendipity (#190358)

I'm a Space Case!
GrimdarkRoxy's avatar
GrimdarkRoxy (#167630)

Blessed be the weird
Nowai's avatar
Nowai (#67451)

Breathe. Don't you die on me
Katalist's avatar
Katalist (#165667)

You betwitched me, you evil magpie! You're not a dragon!
scared's avatar
scared (#197539)

i am scared
Aequorin's avatar
Aequorin (#2730)

Chaos199's avatar
Chaos199 (#40172)

Wishing you all a warm farewell
byeyonara's avatar
byeyonara (#112083)

lancer ga shinda

Recent Activity

Mar 01
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Sandsurge Female
Mar 01
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Fae Male, 1 Tundra Female, 1 Fae Female
Mar 01
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Imperial Female

Recent Achievements

Jan 11
Eschews Clues... Creates Ooze (Yellow)
Jan 11
The Expiration Date Wasn't a Suggestion
Jan 04
You Got More Than You Gave
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