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amider103's Clan
I am very normal about dragons.
Clan Info
This is Velstroy Lair. Only descendants of our founders, Genesis and Primum, may be Guardian borne. They are considered the royalty of this clan, although they do not look down upon anyone they welcome to their lair. We are a rather defensive breed that takes some time warming up to new visitors, but should you prove kind, we are more than happy to welcome you aboard.
Praise be Arcanam
***Other notes:
- I have music themes (all video game related lol) linked that I think fit my dragons, I like to think of it as pokemon inspired turn based combat as them fitting in an imaginary fangame. In this case, my dragons would be like "legendary pokemon" encounters. I'd love to hear some suggestions!
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Thank you for the offers! I will likely contact you about expanding my clan :)
Feel free to send me a message if you need any help!