what happen

Velanna's Clan
Clan Info
Alex || 20's || they/he/she/don't care || FR time || EXALTING LAIR!

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Clan Evlan
It's been awhile. Dragons near the back with compound names (like Bonebraid or Grimwing) are in line to be exalted. Lmk if there's a problem. Also sorry for the eyesore mess, I'm aiming for marigold/amethyst/magenta and I'm not good at this game. ~~~~ |
Lore High winds, lightning strikes, raiders, toxic waste, and extreme temperatures—there seems to be no end to the list of dangers you face crossing the Carrion Canyon. It’s not a trip to be taken lightly, and it’s best if you can avoid taking it all. Yet here you are. Alone. The skies above have turned too turbulent for flight, so you make your way across an ancient looking bridge. The harsh desert winds haven’t been kind to the structure, and it sways beneath your feet with the howling of the wind. Below you, the aforementioned toxic waste lies in piles of leaking barrels, and other assorted trash. If you look too close, you can see the remains of the travelers who had come before you, now picked clean by a variety of scavengers and beasts. Partway across the bridge, you feel as if you’ve acclimated to its unnerving sway. You take a moment to admire what the natural beauty canyon could have, if someone ever cleaned the place up. The sheer cliff walls are certainly impressive. This confident investigation leaves you peering at a strange series of copper spheres wedged into the folded crevices. They appear to be made out of thick, woven wire, but their mechanical purpose eludes you. While you’re distracted, even if it’s just for a second, the bridge gives way from beneath you. You try to catch yourself, to prevent a freefall into a rough bed of hazardous wastes, but the remains of the bridge slip from your grasp. Before you could use any abilities you might possess to catch yourself, a massive blue imperial bursts out of a crack in the canyon’s wall and snatches you away. By the time you orient yourself in her grasp, she’s swooped through the canyon and into another massive crevice that had been hidden in the cliff’s wall. The imperial dumps you into dim antechamber, then moves to block the entrance. Your eyes adjust, and you see a small pair of glowing blue eyes watching you from above. A teal fae is clinging to a copper sphere, like the ones you saw outside. Once you meet her gaze, she drops and hovers just in front of you. She’s wearing a flower crown and a threadbare cape, but you can tell by her haughty posture that she holds authority here. The dark imperial bows her head towards the tiny dragon, confirming that suspicion. “Here’s the deal, traveler, as one-sided as it is,” the Fae said, in a characteristically flat voice. “You leave us all the treasure you can spare, and then a little more, and Mal over there sets you back across the Canyon, and back on your way towards wherever you might be headed.” You open your mouth to ask what happens if you find those terms unreasonable, but she’s already answering the question. “If you don’t like that, well, you’ll stay here for a while. Maybe I’ll find you useful, or maybe Artemis will take care of you. She’s our, ah, I forget what she calls herself. HR representative? Hiring manger? Not sure, doesn’t matter, but she reports back to the Boss. The big Boss, I mean, not me. That Boss is always looking for new hires, and I’m sure he could find a position for someone like you. So what’ll it be?” |
Recent Comments

Stardust was on the front page!

Thanks for purchasing those two Imperials! ^^

Be sure to take care of that little guy, even if you intend to exalt him.

Thank you for purchasing Brisk! :D

Yay lightning clan! =D
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