[LF] Almost Everything!
Opulent's Clan
Back from another accidental hiatus. Catching up, whoops
Clan Info
- Literally all of this is at least a year outdated and completely irrelevant; I'm too lazy to go through and fix it right now -
FR tumblr: opulent-dragons.tumblr.com
Nest Rentals:
Closed for now while I get caught back up and get everything back in order.
Eventual specific dragon wants in no particular order:
(long-term things I eventually want to get when I have the space and feel like specific dragon hunting)
Achievements & Badges:
1. Snow Bank 5 participation
2. Ice Arena II, Second place team (trophy by batmom)
3 & 4. Snow Bank 6 & 7 participation
- I've completely lost track and have no idea anymore. Lots of everything.
Notes to self:
Recent Comments
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I hope she finds a good home with you!!
Is there any way we could haggle down his price?
I want to get him as a prince Philip durg
\\waves British flag