Pixel Mirrors! [open]

Nikota's Clan
*sings the Doom Song*
Clan Info
Hello all! You can call me Niko or N, whichever you prefer and I go by male pronouns. :)
I'll put more here eventually...
I'll put more here eventually...
Recent Comments

XD Yay! Someone like me! We'll get along great :) If I wasn't in Ice, Plague would've been my second choice

That is my favorite show :O That song is the bomb! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom, doom doom doom, doom doom doom doom doom doom. Doom doom DOOM. Still got it

Thank you! Welcome to FR, fellow germ! :3 Your progens are gorgeous.

And your broadcast says the doom song, are you talking about the one from Invader Zim? :0

Welcome to FlightRising :)
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