Theme Week: Oldest & Youngest

Kitlin's Clan
Rear Admiral Kitlin, Song on the Wind
Clan Info
Kit's Home for Palindromes
Oh hai, thanks for stopping by for a visit! I have hypopituitary dwarfism and I love tiny dragons because they're tiny like me! Current smallest dragon: Gairth
How to tell if you have a tiny dragon: Has it reached it's first breeding cycle? If not then it's probably not done growing and some breeds grow even longer! (Like wildclaws). If your dragon is done growing you can check out Rauxel's excellent statics here: Statistics for Dragonkind to see how your dragon measures up!
I also collect dragons with palindrome ID numbers! I'm in the Asperger's range and I really find these numbers to be awesome, so I collect them if I have the room.
Palindrome count: 66
Current Palindromes:
Binary Dragons:
My wife plays too! CipherNine's Lair

Oh hai, thanks for stopping by for a visit! I have hypopituitary dwarfism and I love tiny dragons because they're tiny like me! Current smallest dragon: Gairth
How to tell if you have a tiny dragon: Has it reached it's first breeding cycle? If not then it's probably not done growing and some breeds grow even longer! (Like wildclaws). If your dragon is done growing you can check out Rauxel's excellent statics here: Statistics for Dragonkind to see how your dragon measures up!
I also collect dragons with palindrome ID numbers! I'm in the Asperger's range and I really find these numbers to be awesome, so I collect them if I have the room.
Palindrome count: 66
Current Palindromes:
- Nayan
- Aziza
- Izzi
- Otto
- Renner
- Navan
- Sanas
- Anina
- Siris
- Eirie
- Ivi
- Layal
- Viniv
- Maxam
- Elyle
- Hexum
- Chai
- Tyus
- Nyalayn
- Barab
- Shadedahs
- Ziliz
- Earrae
- Styxyts
- Cherie
- Inadani
- Nyalayn
- Lucinda
- Farore
- Ravar
- Tairiat
- Zaalkoris
- Seyes
- Stenest
- Taibiat
- Tefet
- Aionoia
- Miseresim
- Jodoj
- Issi
- Kivik
- Iacai
- Ciric
- Sinnis
- Digitaria
- Asteresta
- Elderedle
- Taciticat
- Searaes
- Non
- Fif
- Onottono
- Loracarol
- Murkrum
- Laval
- Zakaz
- Conoc
- Luminnimul
- Minim
- Zooz
- Iceci
- Kinnik
- Aranara
- Cennec
- Cantata
- Elderedle
Binary Dragons:
My wife plays too! CipherNine's Lair
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Saltpeter was on the front page - what a beaut!

Happy birthday!

Axton was on the front page!

Bedlam was on the front page! He's SO cool :)

Laval was on the front page, I love the color palette!

Talizorah was on the front page - I love how you coordinated her colors with her outfit and familiar!

Talizorah was featured! She is gorgeous!

Artemis was on the front page! She's very pretty!

Hi! Samas was on the front page.

Aionoia was on the front page! (03:59)

Karl was on the front page! What a lovely dragon!

Paxth was on the front :)
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