Modern dragons have entered the game with two new genes. plus new achievements, and Baldwin's Bubbling Brew receives rebalances for level 19!
Have you heard what the buzz is all about? Insects are swarming across Sornieth, and bug-loving dragons everywhere are taking advantage of it!
This month, all of dragonkind come together to participate in the Trickmurk Circus. This festival celebrates the Shadow Flight.
We’re thrilled to introduce Effects, a brand-new system of optional, animated cosmetic enhancements that let you add a touch of magic, mystery, or majesty to your dragons.
Players sensitive to motion can also turn off these effects in a new accessibility setting found in Account Settings here.

Site Status

Ember Mouse Glowing Pocket Mouse Storm Seeker Death Seeker Emerald Webwing and Ruby Webwing now face opposite directions from their match.
Adjustments to Baldwin recipes for level 19 have been applied. More info here!
QoL Update - Paused effects no longer skip forward when resumed.
Dragon Share Theme Week: Springtime Dragons!
The Eclipse Gene Expansion errors thread is now closed.
Exalt Bonuses
For today only, exalting dragons that meet this criteria will net bonus riches!
Saffron Tertiary+
2500 treasure

Guardian Breed +
1250 treasure

Falcon Gene +

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