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Corde's Clan

In your darkest hour, you strike gold.
Mighty Lair
of the
Abiding Boneyard icon

Clan Info

Corde - 30 - Male - He/Him

Ayoo welcome to my page, there's not much here. I just post in the Song Tag thread a lot and sometimes commission art.

Recent Comments

AbyssStriker's avatar
December 24, 2023 08:42:44
yessssss deftones is so goooood :D
hoverfish's avatar
October 02, 2023 09:50:12
Tech was on the front page!
Eleint's avatar
January 23, 2023 16:28:34
Are my eyes deceiving me or is that the Sound of Perserverance album cover in your forum signature?
BlastHardCheese's avatar
December 31, 2020 17:46:50

I always go to the compilation vid on YouTube anytime I need a username for something lol
DarkCarnival's avatar
November 03, 2020 18:47:13
Heh, nice to see people with similar music tastes as well. You're pretty chill too
bittersuite's avatar
March 15, 2020 03:39:04
haha good to see you on the song tag thread again!! <3
Gheal's avatar
March 14, 2020 21:03:40
Thank you for commenting on Ailyth!
CowboyMith's avatar
October 28, 2018 00:58:34
sorry to comment on your profile AGAIN but it's SO cool to see someone else who listens to steely dan and king crimson and stuff (among all the rock n stuff)
CowboyMith's avatar
October 25, 2018 00:42:16
i definitely see you around the most! i love it, though. you have a really cool taste in music, too!
CowboyMith's avatar
October 24, 2018 22:39:03
you pretty much own the song tag thread and i dig that
bittersuite's avatar
July 23, 2018 01:23:49
i see you everywhere on the song tag thread n i wanna let you know you're a pretty cool dude, bro :-0
reverberation's avatar
July 20, 2018 16:12:58
late reply but god same. you're such a powerful being. you just post these images without fear of being banned. i've been banned from this website like, 3 times in my short life
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ABC song titles
Song Tag!
Song Tag!
ABC song titles
Song Tag!

Corde's Friends

Zebrafox's avatar
Zebrafox (#30214)

lets make some obnoxious skydancers together
shakespearerules' avatar
shakespearerules (#189856)
Solanaceae13's avatar
Solanaceae13 (#93014)

Trying to get online more, sorry for being slow to reply!
Aztael's avatar
Aztael (#177653)
BluiestarSS' avatar
BluiestarSS (#177448)

plus altar
Vitrin's avatar
Vitrin (#248861)

Currently Kingdom Heartaching
Lugosi's avatar
Lugosi (#324945)

TheEnderDraco's avatar
TheEnderDraco (#327336)

semi hiatus but trying to rebuild!
Zooropa's avatar
Zooropa (#203193)

Dream out loud
Taekiu's avatar
Taekiu (#331795)

ON HIATUS/ Trying my best :')

Recent Activity

Sep 09
Became friends with Littlelion420
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Dec 24
Became friends with AbyssStriker
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Aug 21
Became friends with EntropicThyme
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

Recent Achievements

Oct 04
Nap Time
Oct 04
Plenty of Food to Go Around (28)
Oct 04
Pack Your Bags and Move Away
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