(GIVE/GET) Childless Adults Club
corbie's Clan
Clan Info
Certified zombie breeder.
Feel free to exalt anything I breed, just please name them!
I'll definitely breed on request, either my own dragons or studding. Just message me, and we'll work something out! If you'd like non-Plague eyes, I'd also be happy to rent a nest for any pair.
Feel free to exalt anything I breed, just please name them!
I'll definitely breed on request, either my own dragons or studding. Just message me, and we'll work something out! If you'd like non-Plague eyes, I'd also be happy to rent a nest for any pair.
Recent Comments
Rillietann Was on the front page :)
Thanks! Your Dragons are incredible!
Boo was on the front page!!! My progen is also named Boo, love to see it!
You're welcome:3
Hahahah, thank you so much!
Stravinsky was on the front page!
Sorry for the random ping! Didn't notice I was in the wrong page of a give/get thread! Hope you have a very nice day ^^
OMG I didn't even notice until after your CR message BOTH of Calamity's parents were dragons you bred!! I keep buying your dragons XD
Odradek was on the front page!
Thank you so much, that's so kind of you!! Your collection looks amazing as well! I've actually been looking to expand the different breeds I have, and I would certainly be up for sale (or trade!) for nearly any of your undead hatchies - any breed I don't already have 3 or more of. If you'd like to chat more about it, feel free to shoot me a pm!! :D
what did u do to grandmama /j
Lore was on the front page!
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