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Agberts' Clan
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Clan Info
--About Player--
Hi!! I'm Agberts. I'm an on-again, off-again player. Sometimes I do art. Contact me if you want a commission of one of your dragons!

Poorly Drawing My Dragons
Welcome to the Broadnott Clan.
With the departure of her former mate, Juniper has finally stepped into the line of succession behind Sarlinmen and the two of them have put aside their differences to lead the Clan into a future in keeping with the ancient traditions both of the Broadnott Clan and of the Wind Flight.
However, a second generation of Clan members have aged into adulthood and now seek not only to rebel but to rewrite the future of the Clan, seeking not knowledge or diplomacy but the thrill of the hunt, the thrill of the fight, and the thrill of endless, boundless territory. They call themselves the Children of Danann and though their numbers are small yet, they may very soon wield a great influence over the internal politics of the Clan.

—Art Threads—
Poorly Drawing My Dragons
--Clan Lore --
Welcome to the Broadnott Clan.
With the departure of her former mate, Juniper has finally stepped into the line of succession behind Sarlinmen and the two of them have put aside their differences to lead the Clan into a future in keeping with the ancient traditions both of the Broadnott Clan and of the Wind Flight.
However, a second generation of Clan members have aged into adulthood and now seek not only to rebel but to rewrite the future of the Clan, seeking not knowledge or diplomacy but the thrill of the hunt, the thrill of the fight, and the thrill of endless, boundless territory. They call themselves the Children of Danann and though their numbers are small yet, they may very soon wield a great influence over the internal politics of the Clan.
Recent Comments

Credne was on the front page!

Ebbings (#9751500) on the front page :3

Thank you, that's so kind of you to say! I was just admiring your progens, it's so lovely to see some the same age as mine. The art in their bios is so fun <3

Blessings to you and your lair. I love you.

Antonius was the random dragon!

Hahaha new best friends, perhaps? :D and I must say, yours is gorgeous as well. Such beauties!

Thank you for taking such good care of Lallia. Though 'abusive clan' makes me sad :'(
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