Eldritch Touch Artistry - New SD F Skin

Ninian's Clan
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ari / fr+0
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Sure! I was probably going to put him on the AH from between 25-50k what were you thinking?

Sounds good to me c: Would you like to set up the CR?

Hi! Yes, he is available, but I don't have a set price on him yet. What do you think would be a fair price for him?

How interesting! I have a mirror boy of the exact same colors and genes as your Kinnaaan who is unrelated! Although mine was a big breeding project that involved gene and breed changes which would explain it XD

Hi, just passing by to say thanx for those kind words in forum thread.

yeah, i was so happy ena was free when i decided to change my username. ;w; i've seen rajaion and nasir around too but surprisingly not many other fire emblem usernames.

;w; more fire emblem names! i saw a post of yours on one of the forum topics and couldn't help commenting because i actually have a ninian dragon (as well as nils of course).

This pleases me

Why am I being attacked for simply fulfilling a valid suggestion that came straight from your mouth?

i have free nests but not enough lair space right now. would you be willing to wait for a few more days till i can exalt a few dergs? (also, yes, both my broadcast message and my username are twewy references XD)

I'm out of town, so it might take me a little while, but I do have an open nest I'd be happy to host your pair in!

Hehe. Looks like I learned something new today about something I grew up with X3 But dang! I thought for sure that it was the Tiamat from D&D!
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