hahah what a funny coincidence xD I tried to find yours in your lair so I could have a look but couldn't find him lol
Mine is actually a fandragon! So the glowing eyes were absolutely necessary xD
Hey! I wanted to let you know that Firestorm's eggs hatched. She had a daughter that looks almost exactly like her, too! Let me know if you want that little one, or her sister or brother!
Hello! In response to the question about a hatchling from Firestorm, she and Roden just made a nest, so I'll let you take a look at their offspring when they hatch and you can pick one to adopt! Until then, have a lovely day!
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Mirror Female, 1 Mirror Male
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Dec 11
Fathomless Appreciation
Nov 15
Contoured For The Gods
Nov 15
Famous in the Gene Circuit
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Yours is so pretty, is he a fandragon too? Asking because of the name^^
He looks so good with glowing eyes too *o*
Mine is actually a fandragon! So the glowing eyes were absolutely necessary xD