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loptyr's Clan

*laughs in evil dragon*
Ancient Lair
near the
Thorndark Altar icon

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8e717d1fe773d65a603fbc3fe08ece7199ee383d.gif welcome to my evil lair 8e717d1fe773d65a603fbc3fe08ece7199ee383d.gif
fell · they/he · frt+2

wishlist · fandragons · art shop · cs · twitter

just some guy who really loves dragons and petsites so here i am on the dragon petsite. even if my dragons have no energy i promise i'm still here. even if i'm afflicted by dragon madness i'm still here. flesh is a curse and existence is a prison. will this hell ever end? sources say no

i might be an evil dragon in a trench coat. i also might be the foolish wizard that cursed your bloodline. either way watch out for my evil miasma

if you couldn't tell yet i love villains and evildoers. but spooky persona aside i'm just here to have fun and do whatever it is i do (make fandragons) (hatch every egg that ever crosses my line of sight) (i don't even collect g1s i just love the thrill)

i also play chicken smoothie, pixel cat's end, and santae, my username is loptyr on all of those as well! always down to do cs <-> fr offsite trades, i've got lots of pets/items there so hmu.

my fandragons and dragons in the torture labyrinth will never be for sale, but feel free to visit the shadow realm, dungeon, or underworld and depending on my whims of the day you may find yourself a new flesh sacrifice lifelong companion. who said that

and finally for a bit more about yours truly: i'm a bird nerd, arachnid defender, and lover of all things nature, wildlife, and ecology! i'm an environmental educator irl and my favorite topics to teach include ornithology, ethnobotany, herpetology, and invertebrate zoology. i have a special passion for working with raptors, especially owls, and i'm always happy to talk endlessly about them! i'm a beginner taxidermist and love all things vulture culture so my living space is full of artistically dead things. and i'm a tattoo enthusiast so my body is also covered in artistic depictions of dead things. this is just my life

my other biggest interests (of the media variety) are fire emblem (jugdral+archanea, particularly the dragons and lore. you'll never guess who my favorite character is), guardians of ga'hoole, animorphs, pokemon, and wings of fire, but i'm into much, much more! lots of games and animal xenofiction and horror. my fandragons might give you a pretty good idea of what else i like. feel free to pm me or send a friend rq if we share interests, i'm always down to chat!

mods: i live with my partner jeritza!


you have reached the loptyr of bad fortune.
may evil things happen to you

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Seijuurou's avatar
November 19, 2016 21:20:58
Ithosra was the random dragon!
MaficMystery's avatar
November 19, 2016 21:20:32
Ithrosa was the random dragon and they're a beautiful bobsnek
loptyr's avatar
June 07, 2014 22:02:27
im associated with *crying noises*
Gigglets' avatar
June 07, 2014 19:04:49
loptyr's avatar
June 05, 2014 16:28:23
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Feb 27
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Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Feb 21
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Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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