me waiting for bag

windsgrace's Clan
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Windsgrace, a small settlement on the Windswept Plateau...
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I’ll add you as a coworker! If you click on the nest in my profile, it’ll take you to the hatchery!

Hi hi! I’m setting up a hatchery, if you’d like to join! You have such pretty babies, I bet it’ll be hard for anyone to say no to!

Oh my gosh, you have such pretty children!! Is it bad that my favorites are Comet’s children?— Haha!

How’s everything going?

zephyr is a gorgeous boy! i love the red on him, it goes really nice with the seafoam-y green :D

Happy late birthday!

So Nemesis and Comet’s brother, is named TaxEvasion. It makes me laugh whenever I see Athring’s children list, very pretty names then there he is... TaxEvasion.

Thanks for buying your unnamed imperial! I hope she is a good addition to your lair :)

Want a gift, to help start your clan?

Lewyn is so pretty! Such soft colors!

It’s nice to meet a new breezybutt under Lord Poolnoodle! Welcome to the Wind Flight!
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