Night of the Nocturne 2023
searedwings' Clan
Clan Info
Semi-hiatus, only logging on for dailies
please be patient with me
please be patient with me
Everyone deserves their dream dragon -
reasonable haggles are always welcome!
I will take gems for gold, and vice versa!
Yes I can hold a for sale dragon for you!
New here?
Message me for a free dragon hook up as my welcome gift
Message me for a free dragon hook up as my welcome gift
There are lots of perfect breeding pairs here to choose a hatchling from, but I also do lots of random breedings in addition, because I LOVE the random and pretty color combos! I hope you end up liking them too!
About trades:
I will consider trading any item or dragon of mine listed up for sale for searing emblems, unhatched eggs, (appropriately priced) scenes, or a mix of treasure and gems. I will also consider accents/skins and even dragon trades if I have the space and believe it's a fair trade for both parties :)
More questions? Scroll on! Rules and Q's are written below!
(my two starter dragons are on page 5, and I know you didn't ask)
(they just wanted me to tell you that they're there)
I will consider trading any item or dragon of mine listed up for sale for searing emblems, unhatched eggs, (appropriately priced) scenes, or a mix of treasure and gems. I will also consider accents/skins and even dragon trades if I have the space and believe it's a fair trade for both parties :)
More questions? Scroll on! Rules and Q's are written below!
(my two starter dragons are on page 5, and I know you didn't ask)
(they just wanted me to tell you that they're there)
FR Time +3 :)
Occasionally this is an exalting lair - if you want something set aside please don't hesitate to ask as sometimes they make the big flight home. Most dragons coming in will be kept forever, all dragons will be named
* Hello, and welcome!
If you have any questions about my dragons, feel free to contact me. I have some question/answers typed out below this section in case you need to take a curious gander!
If you have messaged me already and for some reason I did not respond to you within 3 days, PLEASE gimme a poke or send another message. Sometimes my goldfish brain needs to see a bubble to remember bubbles exist. Oh, not that you're a bubble! I just forget things a lot. So maybe I'm the bubble? I live here?
Uh, anyways!
On with the show!
Q: Your dragons for sale are priced way out of my league, but I really want one! What should I do?
A: Message me! ALL haggles will be fairly considered! Chances are more than likely that I will accept, if it's not a lowball offer. My fodder dragons are usually priced a little higher to avoid quick exalts. Dragons for sale whose parents I have gened up, I will still consider reasonable haggles for. :)
Q: So what's a reasonable haggle? Aren't they all reasonable?
A: We were all new at some point, making money is especially hard when you're first starting out. I am always, ALWAYS willing to work with someone who loves a pixel dragon of mine for sale and wants it. Now, this said, I can't give my all of my stuff away for free. Especially when I have invested in the look of the parents. You and I, we play FR everyday I bet, if you love it as much as I do! Message me!! You have all the time in the world to gather funds for a dragon if you let me know the situation! I am never, ever in rush to make a quick buck. I have lair space to hold a dragon as long as needed. We can work it out :) Some rare days I will exalt for dominance, so please let me know sooner rather than later if you want someone specific saved and set aside just for you. We are all equals. Many people have taken advantage of me before on this site, I am very sad to say - I can't let that happen anymore, thus the long winded rules here. I'm sorry if this has come across as rude. A reasonable haggle is, in my own opinion, never less than half of what is listed. You can always message me to work out a payment plan if that's still too high! I don't bite. I do now ask for a down payment of 20% of original price on longer reserves of 2+ weeks, as the time I held the dragon for you was time it could've been on the market and sold to someone else, and it's also been a-munchin' on my food stores. My advice is max out your gameplay as often as you can in the fairgrounds, and if you can, hoard weird things (like a specific food) in bulk to resell from either your coliseum adventures or gathering daily. You got this! Please know if you're interested in a for sale dragon of mine and you're trying, I'm here to work with you and be your teammate - don't hesitate to reach out!
Q: All of your dragons for sale are named. What's up with that? This is really annoying because when I buy, I want to name my own dragons!
A: I get why you're frustrated. I used to wonder why other people did that too. My personal reason for doing it is that I keep and love all of the parent dragons, and it is very hard for them to see the hatchlings they loved and raised be exalted so easily so early on. Thus, the clan has decided to name every hatchling so that no guilt is left for any parent.
**If you bought a dragon from me that was named, and you intend to keep it, let me know of your intent. I will send you a free renaming scroll!
Q: Can I rent a nest of yours, or request to use one of your dragons, but with my own nest?
A: Not at this time. Please use The Nest Network if you need that kind of assistance. As for me loaning out my dragons for any breeding projects, no, I will no longer be loaning out my dragons. I will no longer risk losing my dragons or have people not following the rules we've agreed upon with the hatchlings. *From keeping my dragons, to exalting the babies as unnamed after I've asked you not too, to even selling off the extras for a profit when you are not even being asked to pay for your requested hatchling yourself- and did not discuss this with me when we were nest partners. If we made the hatchlings at your request, with MY dragon/s, you do not get to profit extra from this; the FREE dragon hatchling you requested was supposed to be your prize and the rest...are mine! Scamming another player out of XXX gems for a dragon that was FREE TO YOU IS WRONG! So no more loans - in house breeding ONLY.
Q: Can you breed a pair or certain dragons for me? I want one of their babies or a certain color combo.
A: Yes, but only if we are friends, have interacted before, or if you are a brand new player who needs a little extra help. Why is this? Some people spoil the fun: we should be able to agree it is not fair for people to change their mind on an agreement we've made about you buying a dragon *after* I've done all the nestwork and bred the dragons that you've requested. Sadly this has happened on multiple occasions.
I hate I even have to write this. I'm sure the tone makes me seem like a poopie head ;-; Please understand - I lose out on, not only a sale, but then please note, I am also stuck with the cooldown time for both parent dragons, all because someone backed out of an arranged breeding agreement. You move on, and I am reminded someone forked me over and backed out of an agreement every time I look at the cooldown times on my dragons and the babies they left me with. It is not courteous to do this to anyone on this site. This has happened on multiple occasions now (why?!), hence the really long note addressing it. It ruins the fun for everyone.
Q: I really want one of your dragons! S/he has a familiar though, and I am unsure if you will sell.
A: Probably not. As with everything, you can always ask, but there are no guarantees. Twice I've made the mistake of parting with a dragon that I really reeeaalllllyyyyyyyyyyy like, only to check back later and discover they've been exalted. Yes, I may have parted with them fairly by selling them to that people that truly seemed to be infatuated by my dragons, but my dragons mean a lot to me, and I won't part with my heart to have someone else throw it away. I know they are pixels, but I, at one point, caught feelings for them.
Yes, I know. I'm one of *those* people!
In other words, I'll probably be very stubborn about parting ways unless you can show me you care about the dragon personally, or for some reason it really means a lot to you. Older dragons in my lair will be nearly impossible to part with, and as stated before, you can ask but there are no guarantees, ever. Your spur of the moment breeding project vs. a dragon I've had for years = I gotta go with the my love for my dragons over you, sorry (not sorry)!
Q: Can I send you hatchling letters or RP with you?
A: Sure! I lead a busy life when not online, but I will always reply when I have the time. There's currently a lot going on in my personal life, so please be patient with my response time!
Lore is old, and I am far too lazy/busy to add to it right now!
One day, please forgive me!
A little about me:
Chaotic Good
Personality Type: ISFJ
Enneagram: Type 1
Favorite Colors: Black/Silver/Red
Likes: Dragons!
Dislikes: Super Cleanliness, Crying Babies, Wednesdays, Adulting
Strengths: Animals, Dragons, Naps
Weaknesses: Animals, Tape, Wrapping Gifts, Naps
Fabric/Pattern: Clouds, Polka dots, Cranes, 8x8 squares
Quotes for a rainy day: "Until we have seen someone's darkness, we don't really know who they are. Until we have forgiven someone's darkness, we don't really know what love is." - Marianne Williamson
**“Love doesn’t hurt you. A person that doesn’t know how to love hurts you. Don’t get it twisted.” - Tony Gaskins**
I was raised in the church and I took parts of it with me, but I am my own church now. I believe everyone should have autonomy and the right to make their own decisions.
Matthew 4:7
Psalms 21:11
I have worked with animals going on 15 years now! Started in private practice, to emergency services, blood bank cat colonies, and now I work for the top rated pet sitting service in town! I couldn't be happier having so many animals surrounding me in my life. It is such a cool feeling to know so many people trust and rely on our services. I have recently been promoted, please be patient with me while I learn to juggle my life once again!
FR keeps me sane at the end of the day! Can't believe it's been almost 10 years here now! I've made some lovely friends here and have interacted with truly wonderful folk. Y'all are the best community and I am so lucky to be here
Feel free to message me whenever!
I will do my best respond within a day or two
n2s - Accent: Strands of Fate
***searing emblems
**vial of elemental sight
*vial of glowing sight
*unhatched eggs
*original elemental sprites
info for me
Blood Donor Cat: My Crookie Monster - 09/2010 - 5/28/2014
(renal failure)
Blood Donor Cat: My Ranger Rick - 06/01/2014 - 6/20/2016 (neurological)
Fate's White Rabbit: My LuckyMan - Found on 03/15/10 - 9/22/2016
Pings: Beaky if we hatch a blue-tailed eye-burner from Lush and Ambi :)
Does it flow? Did I do it??
Did I answer your questions?
If I missed something, feel free to message me!
Please be patient as I work a crazy (yet awesome) job 6 days a week
Now go forth, and be SPICY!
If you have any questions about my dragons, feel free to contact me. I have some question/answers typed out below this section in case you need to take a curious gander!
If you have messaged me already and for some reason I did not respond to you within 3 days, PLEASE gimme a poke or send another message. Sometimes my goldfish brain needs to see a bubble to remember bubbles exist. Oh, not that you're a bubble! I just forget things a lot. So maybe I'm the bubble? I live here?
Uh, anyways!
On with the show!
Q: Your dragons for sale are priced way out of my league, but I really want one! What should I do?
A: Message me! ALL haggles will be fairly considered! Chances are more than likely that I will accept, if it's not a lowball offer. My fodder dragons are usually priced a little higher to avoid quick exalts. Dragons for sale whose parents I have gened up, I will still consider reasonable haggles for. :)
Q: So what's a reasonable haggle? Aren't they all reasonable?
A: We were all new at some point, making money is especially hard when you're first starting out. I am always, ALWAYS willing to work with someone who loves a pixel dragon of mine for sale and wants it. Now, this said, I can't give my all of my stuff away for free. Especially when I have invested in the look of the parents. You and I, we play FR everyday I bet, if you love it as much as I do! Message me!! You have all the time in the world to gather funds for a dragon if you let me know the situation! I am never, ever in rush to make a quick buck. I have lair space to hold a dragon as long as needed. We can work it out :) Some rare days I will exalt for dominance, so please let me know sooner rather than later if you want someone specific saved and set aside just for you. We are all equals. Many people have taken advantage of me before on this site, I am very sad to say - I can't let that happen anymore, thus the long winded rules here. I'm sorry if this has come across as rude. A reasonable haggle is, in my own opinion, never less than half of what is listed. You can always message me to work out a payment plan if that's still too high! I don't bite. I do now ask for a down payment of 20% of original price on longer reserves of 2+ weeks, as the time I held the dragon for you was time it could've been on the market and sold to someone else, and it's also been a-munchin' on my food stores. My advice is max out your gameplay as often as you can in the fairgrounds, and if you can, hoard weird things (like a specific food) in bulk to resell from either your coliseum adventures or gathering daily. You got this! Please know if you're interested in a for sale dragon of mine and you're trying, I'm here to work with you and be your teammate - don't hesitate to reach out!
Q: All of your dragons for sale are named. What's up with that? This is really annoying because when I buy, I want to name my own dragons!
A: I get why you're frustrated. I used to wonder why other people did that too. My personal reason for doing it is that I keep and love all of the parent dragons, and it is very hard for them to see the hatchlings they loved and raised be exalted so easily so early on. Thus, the clan has decided to name every hatchling so that no guilt is left for any parent.
**If you bought a dragon from me that was named, and you intend to keep it, let me know of your intent. I will send you a free renaming scroll!
Q: Can I rent a nest of yours, or request to use one of your dragons, but with my own nest?
A: Not at this time. Please use The Nest Network if you need that kind of assistance. As for me loaning out my dragons for any breeding projects, no, I will no longer be loaning out my dragons. I will no longer risk losing my dragons or have people not following the rules we've agreed upon with the hatchlings. *From keeping my dragons, to exalting the babies as unnamed after I've asked you not too, to even selling off the extras for a profit when you are not even being asked to pay for your requested hatchling yourself- and did not discuss this with me when we were nest partners. If we made the hatchlings at your request, with MY dragon/s, you do not get to profit extra from this; the FREE dragon hatchling you requested was supposed to be your prize and the rest...are mine! Scamming another player out of XXX gems for a dragon that was FREE TO YOU IS WRONG! So no more loans - in house breeding ONLY.
Q: Can you breed a pair or certain dragons for me? I want one of their babies or a certain color combo.
A: Yes, but only if we are friends, have interacted before, or if you are a brand new player who needs a little extra help. Why is this? Some people spoil the fun: we should be able to agree it is not fair for people to change their mind on an agreement we've made about you buying a dragon *after* I've done all the nestwork and bred the dragons that you've requested. Sadly this has happened on multiple occasions.
I hate I even have to write this. I'm sure the tone makes me seem like a poopie head ;-; Please understand - I lose out on, not only a sale, but then please note, I am also stuck with the cooldown time for both parent dragons, all because someone backed out of an arranged breeding agreement. You move on, and I am reminded someone forked me over and backed out of an agreement every time I look at the cooldown times on my dragons and the babies they left me with. It is not courteous to do this to anyone on this site. This has happened on multiple occasions now (why?!), hence the really long note addressing it. It ruins the fun for everyone.
Q: I really want one of your dragons! S/he has a familiar though, and I am unsure if you will sell.
A: Probably not. As with everything, you can always ask, but there are no guarantees. Twice I've made the mistake of parting with a dragon that I really reeeaalllllyyyyyyyyyyy like, only to check back later and discover they've been exalted. Yes, I may have parted with them fairly by selling them to that people that truly seemed to be infatuated by my dragons, but my dragons mean a lot to me, and I won't part with my heart to have someone else throw it away. I know they are pixels, but I, at one point, caught feelings for them.
Yes, I know. I'm one of *those* people!
In other words, I'll probably be very stubborn about parting ways unless you can show me you care about the dragon personally, or for some reason it really means a lot to you. Older dragons in my lair will be nearly impossible to part with, and as stated before, you can ask but there are no guarantees, ever. Your spur of the moment breeding project vs. a dragon I've had for years = I gotta go with the my love for my dragons over you, sorry (not sorry)!
Q: Can I send you hatchling letters or RP with you?
A: Sure! I lead a busy life when not online, but I will always reply when I have the time. There's currently a lot going on in my personal life, so please be patient with my response time!
**Have a Q that I didn't mention? Msg me!**
Lore is old, and I am far too lazy/busy to add to it right now!
One day, please forgive me!
A little about me:
Chaotic Good
Personality Type: ISFJ
Enneagram: Type 1
Favorite Colors: Black/Silver/Red
Likes: Dragons!
Dislikes: Super Cleanliness, Crying Babies, Wednesdays, Adulting
Strengths: Animals, Dragons, Naps
Weaknesses: Animals, Tape, Wrapping Gifts, Naps
Fabric/Pattern: Clouds, Polka dots, Cranes, 8x8 squares
Quotes for a rainy day: "Until we have seen someone's darkness, we don't really know who they are. Until we have forgiven someone's darkness, we don't really know what love is." - Marianne Williamson
**“Love doesn’t hurt you. A person that doesn’t know how to love hurts you. Don’t get it twisted.” - Tony Gaskins**
I was raised in the church and I took parts of it with me, but I am my own church now. I believe everyone should have autonomy and the right to make their own decisions.
Matthew 4:7
Psalms 21:11
I have worked with animals going on 15 years now! Started in private practice, to emergency services, blood bank cat colonies, and now I work for the top rated pet sitting service in town! I couldn't be happier having so many animals surrounding me in my life. It is such a cool feeling to know so many people trust and rely on our services. I have recently been promoted, please be patient with me while I learn to juggle my life once again!
FR keeps me sane at the end of the day! Can't believe it's been almost 10 years here now! I've made some lovely friends here and have interacted with truly wonderful folk. Y'all are the best community and I am so lucky to be here
Feel free to message me whenever!
I will do my best respond within a day or two
n2s - Accent: Strands of Fate
***searing emblems
**vial of elemental sight
*vial of glowing sight
*unhatched eggs
*original elemental sprites
info for me
Blood Donor Cat: My Crookie Monster - 09/2010 - 5/28/2014
(renal failure)
Blood Donor Cat: My Ranger Rick - 06/01/2014 - 6/20/2016 (neurological)
Fate's White Rabbit: My LuckyMan - Found on 03/15/10 - 9/22/2016
Pings: Beaky if we hatch a blue-tailed eye-burner from Lush and Ambi :)
Does it flow? Did I do it??
Did I answer your questions?
If I missed something, feel free to message me!
Please be patient as I work a crazy (yet awesome) job 6 days a week
Now go forth, and be SPICY!
Recent Comments
He really is beautiful! Omnea will be with me always!
thank you! looks like they missed the limelight ;3
Confetti on the front page! c:
JuicyFruit was on the front page!
Thank you for letting me know! :D
Painter (#7846188) was on front page !
Thank you for selling him! He’s a lovely addition to my lair, and I love his name! 🐉🖤
Hey! Thank you so much for selling Gharnette; she's perfect and so so beautiful. :D
Thank you so much!! You have a lovely lair!!!
Thanks! Yes she is perfect for a breeding project <3 thanks for selling her :3
cake is so cute, I'm excited to have him in my lair!!
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