Adopt-A-Dragon = Free to Good Homes!

woup's Clan
Where did my glasses go..?
Clan Info
The Golden Peak
Fr time +4
I am a non-exalting lair!
I'm rewriting my lore! Please be patient with it lol
I name all of my dragons eventually, sometimes it takes me a while to come up with a good name though
Instagram - strawberrycervine
I LOVE guardians
Fr time +4
I am a non-exalting lair!
I'm rewriting my lore! Please be patient with it lol
I name all of my dragons eventually, sometimes it takes me a while to come up with a good name though
Instagram - strawberrycervine
I LOVE guardians
Recent Comments

thanks for adopting my spiral boy. looks like he already has a mate? they will give you pretty babies for sure.


I need more friends-

I know I shouldn't be getting anymore dragons but I NEED MoonStone lol Could I get MoonStone? (it's my fault I have a dragon addiction, no worries :D)

Eyes are really hard to draw though ;-;

You can draw hands?! Not many people can draw hands *•*

Thank you again for Kruel, I gave her some lore So she will fit right in

Thanks for buying my little Cotal Boy!

No rush, you're alright!

Hey, no pressure, but were you ever going to color the drawing in Aurume's bio?

Aaaa thank you <33

I like your username :3
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