Just as an FYI, I took interest in your double bubblegum bogsneak boy you posted on the topic where the person was seeking eyeburners and bought him. Trying to be kind so you can post that he's been sold. I'm a sucker for pink poi/tox/glims.
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Fae Female, 1 Tundra Male
May 11
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Tundra Female, 1 Guardian Female, 1 Guardian Male
May 11
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Guardian Female, 1 Guardian Male
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Apr 25
You'll Get Nowhere With Those
Apr 24
Festive Favors: Wavecrest Saturnalia
Apr 24
Finalization of the Incubation Station
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she has some different genes than her dad, but if you want her send me CR for any amount you want! :3