How old are you w/o saying ur real age

Kaizu's Clan
Still forgetfull but not as bad as I used to be.
Clan Info
Currently: doing stuff... random stuff.
If you're asking about a dragon, please link back to the dragon you're asking about to make it easier for me to find them.
Dragons in my hibernal den are not forsale, please don't ask about them.
Ginichimaru0003 is my fiancee and we tend to share IP addresses often when we are at each others places.
I would LOVE to get letters from the babies of my dragons.
I am 2 hours a head of FR time. My days and nights are messed up due to insomnia, so there is no telling what time I'll be on. But when I'm on I'll try to reply to all messages and and alerts.

Notes to self;
re-reorganize lair
Shinitori interested in cryshimbelly seafoam nocts
Ping Tiriea for xxx midnight noc/coatls
leveling Ember for sgkat

Notes to self for scrolls
need to rework this
Working on - Expanding the lair

Breeding plans
-Graben x Virus -waiting for genes and breed scroll
-Nenuial x Scylla -scatter scroll for Nenuial and genes for both
-Shade x Izzy -SD scrolls and genes for both
-Rualothim x Aghaturace
-Pinky x DarkForest
-Alaerthrithu x Flora
-Bill x Trace -spiral scrolls and genes for both
-Blooded x EarthSong
-Unnamed x Gwenn -waiting for a name for the male
-Hohenheim x Sabrina
-ShadowEmber x Gaf
-Zoro x NicoRobinchan
-Daemon x Angel
-DarkPlague x Fern
-FrostBitten x Unnamed -waiting for a name for the female
-SchattenFittich x MonkeyDLuffy -tiger scroll for both
-NoodleButt x Unnamed -waiting for name, genes and breed scroll for female
-DeSmet x Charmante -waiting for genes for Charmante
-Grudge x Unnamed -waiting for breed change scroll for female and genes for both
-Unnamed x Unnamed -waiting for genes for both along with names
-ALL waiting for space in the lair-
-Graben x Virus -waiting for genes and breed scroll
-Nenuial x Scylla -scatter scroll for Nenuial and genes for both
-Shade x Izzy -SD scrolls and genes for both
-Rualothim x Aghaturace
-Pinky x DarkForest
-Alaerthrithu x Flora
-Bill x Trace -spiral scrolls and genes for both
-Blooded x EarthSong
-Unnamed x Gwenn -waiting for a name for the male
-Hohenheim x Sabrina
-ShadowEmber x Gaf
-Zoro x NicoRobinchan
-Daemon x Angel
-DarkPlague x Fern
-FrostBitten x Unnamed -waiting for a name for the female
-SchattenFittich x MonkeyDLuffy -tiger scroll for both
-NoodleButt x Unnamed -waiting for name, genes and breed scroll for female
-DeSmet x Charmante -waiting for genes for Charmante
-Grudge x Unnamed -waiting for breed change scroll for female and genes for both
-Unnamed x Unnamed -waiting for genes for both along with names
-ALL waiting for space in the lair-

Recent Comments

Okie doke, She's RTB in 3 days I I'll keep her unbred till you are ready :)

Oh I love the color ranges ^.^ if he gets a tertiary soon she can breed with 'em, but I have a really bad problem with breeding shares...I hate, and cannot send over my dragons xD reeeeeally big issue I have...could I possibly hold the nest...?

As much as Bloodmoon would like a little 'date'...I prefer breeding her with similiar-gened dragons...with Iri / Shim / Circuit...Ricinus is lovely, but paired with Bloodmoon their offspring are quite plain (Looked in Scrying Workshop) other suggestions?

Hehe, sorry for being a ninja xD and Bloodmoon is one of my bloody favorites ;3 lol, pun...

Lair space is really expensive the more you want. I just need to pay a damn 650K for 95 slots. XD Sounds like a nice color combo!

OMG HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? been such a very very long time D;

Let me know when you do xD

Where did you get the adorable pixel pearlcatcher in your siggy?


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