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Morgana's Clan

Casually lurking in the shadows...drinking a cuppa tea.
Ancient Lair
within the
Great Furnace icon

Clan Info

Morgana Pendragon
"She is the darkness to your light, the hatred to your love"

Female | Adult | English | Mum to 3 little boys | Tea Obsessed | Permanently Exhausted |

My lair is all over the place. I’d like to say it was once organised and appealing to the eyes, but sadly it never has been in the 10yrs I’ve been playing xD

Current projects:
Retire all bar a few dragons and start sorting out the dragons I’ve HibDenned.

Pixel owl in siggy is by Jayfrost

Recent Comments

JovaniSkye's avatar
December 03, 2015 10:03:30
Oh wow, that's even more perfect seeing it larger! *_* And agreed. I need, like, five times the space in my siggy for good pics and then a section for raffles xD
JovaniSkye's avatar
December 03, 2015 06:33:54
I love Nebula's image and quote in your siggy! ^^
TheStormCatcher's avatar
November 02, 2015 03:07:19
i mean the blood denim lvl 14
TheStormCatcher's avatar
November 02, 2015 03:06:56
Jennvin's avatar
July 28, 2015 19:32:07
hi! i was wondering if your unnamed crim/gold/gold was for sale? ;v;
Laark's avatar
July 18, 2015 13:17:07
hey! Lucifer and leo FINALLY came through with a silver/crim/crim coatl, if you still want one hes all yours for free. if not then dont worry about it ^^
Cerviids' avatar
May 31, 2015 00:55:02
You can send the CRs if you like, i will accept them ASAP!
Cerviids' avatar
May 31, 2015 00:54:38
You are so welcome
Cerviids' avatar
May 31, 2015 00:48:47
I guess 80-85k sounds ok :) Can you keep them on hold for me while i get more coins? It may be a few days!
Cerviids' avatar
May 31, 2015 00:40:57
Hmmm i dont have a price range, what would you want for them combined?
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Date Joined
Jul 6, 2013
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Morgana's Friends

KevinsFury's avatar
KevinsFury (#26415)
ShadowNoEar's avatar
ShadowNoEar (#29897)

Are you my Mammermummy?
MorganK's avatar
MorganK (#16864)
horselover00's avatar
horselover00 (#6633)
Kea's avatar
Kea (#34389)

Toren's avatar
Toren (#28220)
Lira's avatar
Lira (#19124)
Ariados' avatar
Ariados (#32503)

And then the nightmares will begin...
Azuri's avatar
Azuri (#10694)

That one Fire Emblem nutjob.
Jojishi's avatar
Jojishi (#13637)

We Breed to Serve Shadowbinder

Recent Activity

Oct 01
Became friends with Juke
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Sep 12
Became friends with Moray
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Aug 23
Became friends with Salemancer
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

Recent Achievements

Jul 25
"Doodlebopper" is the Scientific Term
Jul 25
Clammy Claws
Jul 25
Who Nose?
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