[H] New Growth - 1/9 hatches
adrien1614's Clan
give me glitter or give me death
Clan Info
The Library Xenia
Espera and Casimir, two wandering orphans, shared the desire to build a peaceful community. With the aid of a team of mages adept in Nature magic, they planted the seed of what would become a massive oak tree. Over time, they shaped it into a library and home for an ever-expanding population. Dragons travel from far and wide to visit the library and conduct research.
The Adamantium Ring
An impregnable fortress lies deep within the Starwood Strand. Those who reside within are tasked with mastering the most obscure forms of magic that exist, and shielding it from those who would use it out of malevolence. However, security measures aren't what they used to be...
An impregnable fortress lies deep within the Starwood Strand. Those who reside within are tasked with mastering the most obscure forms of magic that exist, and shielding it from those who would use it out of malevolence. However, security measures aren't what they used to be...
The Western Scrapyard
An array of scrap metal and industrial waste stretches from horizon to horizon. Believe it or not, some industrious dragons make their home here. A ruthless despot demands a tithe from all who dare live within her domain. Dragons who can't pay their way don't last long...
An array of scrap metal and industrial waste stretches from horizon to horizon. Believe it or not, some industrious dragons make their home here. A ruthless despot demands a tithe from all who dare live within her domain. Dragons who can't pay their way don't last long...
The Cavalcade of the Wake
While Luminax ravages Lightweaver's domain, a grudging cohort travels through the Emperor's Wake in search of unearthed riches, cutting edge necromantic research, or the chance for vengeance. Tensions run high, but traveling together is better than chancing upon the Emperor when alone...
While Luminax ravages Lightweaver's domain, a grudging cohort travels through the Emperor's Wake in search of unearthed riches, cutting edge necromantic research, or the chance for vengeance. Tensions run high, but traveling together is better than chancing upon the Emperor when alone...
Adrien --- 25 --- they / them
FR +3
FR +3
Recent Comments
Ah! Wonderful! I love sunset butterfly a lot ;w; She's going to be a permanent addition for my lair.
Thanks so much! I'm looking to breed him and getting a more light blue dragon for my lair. But I'll probably stay with any that comes since I have fun breeding dragons, I enjoy random results, all results, hahaha!
Hi! I think I got Diver (Blue Imperial) from you. But I didn't notice he had lore until he was in my lair. I'm using him for a project, I maybe exalt after that. In that case would you like him back? :)
Haha, yeah >.>; She'll pair well with my Panthera and make pretty kitty tundras :3c Thank you for the comments!
oh!! thank you sm ; o; i absolutely love your lair as well!!
The usual market relations - not roughness. You are strange
Wow, I checked out your page, and it turns out we joined FR on the same day!
Well I hope everything works out for your friend. Like I said it's just the wrong gender.
Just came by to visit Mamba. I love your red unnamed Noc if he was a she I'd definitely want to buy it. His colors are exactly what I've been looking for, and he's Gen 1 which is also a necessity. Good luck with him. Have a great day!
I saw Pepper on the front, and she's quite the beauty!
I see that Mamba has become a Mage which is very cool. I'm enjoying seeing him evole and finding proper apearl. He is obviously found a loving lair with good friends. I'm also enjoying how your lair is expanding :)
May I use your Brilliant Beams hatchery as inspiration for creating my own? I'll make sure to give credit. I'd just be using the format, and most likely similar rules.
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