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pinwheelviper's Clan

Radio Silence.
Venerable Lair
hidden in the
Foxfire Bramble icon

Clan Info


Oh, look at that. It appears you're lost (what's with dragons like you and getting lost anyway?). After wandering through the dangerous Foxfire Brambles and accidentally stepping on more than a few mushrooms, you find yourself at the entrance to a cave. You enter the cave, but find nothing of note. Oh well, perhaps you'll stumble onto some other clan... eventually...

In the reeds behind you, Èibhlin and Evren snicker at what a good job they have done hiding the clan lair. While Nectar dsitributes blueberries and orange slices among the young hatchlings and Trickery steals yet another pair of goggles from Russet. Penumbra can be seen with her mate, Lichen, together they are teaching their successors, Lavender and Ikan, how to properly lead the clan.

The Glowing Night is not know for terrible tragedies, or shade infested monsters (though one could argue Desperation fits the later category quite well). It's just a peaceful place where dragons live without having to deal with Beastclan raids or Emperors or any of the other nasty things hiding the darker corners of in Sornieth.


Dream dragons:


R.I.P Swiftwings

Note to self:

- Work on dragon bios

- Add Betony to Aftermath's list and Dream Dragon list

- Add little map widgets to the bios to show where each dragon originates from?

- Look for groups like Old Oaks that take in old dragons?

- Remember it was Space who sniped me

Also known as:

Pinwheelviper on Deviantart

pinwheelviper on Sylestia

Pinwheelviper on mostly everything.

Recent Comments

Hyzo's avatar
November 18, 2015 13:36:48
Saw your post on the Q&A about the four islands between water and plague - the artwork renders on them if you hover on plague, hover on water they're the color of the outside border. So... they belong to plague but are surrounded by water!
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Apr 8, 2015

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The vivid unknown of Dare Ma'Adini
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She/Her, FR +3
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at least we'd get insurance for a wizard attack!
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KCGallows (#115078)

Star Wars trash 5evr
Pouffling's avatar
Pouffling (#107513)

In this household we stan all good father figures in media.
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probablyawitch (#191669)

just having a time
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CristalShadow (#196089)
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Darkgirl15273 (#192420)

Recent Activity

Mar 02
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Tundra Female, 1 Mirror Female, 1 Mirror Male
Mar 02
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Fae Male
Feb 04
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Fae Male, 1 Fae Female

Recent Achievements

Feb 05
This One Possesses a Certain Flair for the Dramatic
Feb 05
Special Eyes (Pastel)
Jan 24
This Seems Like Maybe a Bad Deal
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