Spring Egg Trade 2022!

SummerMiko's Clan
I'm the Dragon that Broke Space-Time and now I'm Rotten.
Clan Info

Retired RS Member
Hello. My name is SummerMiko, but you all can call me Mikki. I do rp, though I'm pretty shy about it. Don't be a stranger!
DISCLAIMER TO THE ADMINS: I share my computer and IP with a lot of people. There are at least three accounts I know of. So I'm not multiaccounting. I'm just nerding with my friends.
I have no clue how many people at my workplace play, so please be advised.
Angusthehunter is my partner, whom lives with me.
CapnJax is one of my coworkers whom sometimes works the same shift as me.
Lucifer is my wish list dragon!
If you see an ungrown baby and you want one, by all means, just ask! I'd love to help aspiring breeders and the like.
I have big plans, and even bigger ambition!
Now... If only my wallet had enough to store that big ambition~
...I'll work on it as I go! That is the Artist way!
Goals right now: Any Scrolls are helpful!
And thus it started with the companionship of Michaelina, the Nocturne, and Tasha, the Coatl. The two agreed that, despite the elements competing for Dominance, they would accept any dragon in need of refuge, and shelter them from the harmful creatures which wished ill upon their kin.
Soon enough, the clan known as "The Qo" came into being. A helpful clan, whom always tries to do well on promises. Never turn a blind eye to those in need, yet do not give the ungrateful stranger the opportunity to rob you blind.
....Nomadic, and no longer finding home in their caverns... The Qo have settled themselves amongst the scarred lands of the Wyrmwound. Curious by technology, and having survived their own hardships, Tasha and Michaelina have settled themselves at the advising of a close ally clan. To watch over each stronger generation. And to survive.
Speaking of survival...
The Qo have recently taken refuge within a tunnel system they established within Luminax's stomping grounds. With having been residing in the Hellwell for so long, the clan continues to work subterranean-style. Luminax's heavy clawsteps sometimes shakes the ceiling but it's fiiiiiine...
The clan still functions as normal. And the Nature Dragons even seem fine with the change, too.
Neighboring/Sister/Brother Clans (basically my follow forevers):
Angusthehunter (Roommate)
Recent Comments

Yeah, I was on hiatus for awhile there and when I came off hiatus I moved to Ice for a change of scenery.

Momento mori, friend

I already got one, but ill let you know if ill have gems to trade. I still need 1 more dark sclera lol :P could you hold it for me? I currently have egg selling So i might get them next day

Hey im wondering if you could sell dark sclera scroll for 200g? I understand if not

Anton was on the front page

Aoi was the random dragon! She's so pretty!

Np, and I see! She's very nice, so I understand why you hesitate to exalt her

Of course! Congrats on her getting featured!

Ayy, I saw Kuthal too! She's absolutely incredible!

Kuthal (in your den) was on the front page!

kuthal was on the front page

Shurgal was on the front page! Such a colorful dragon! I looked at your lair and my goodness, Dark is gorgeous!!! Such beautiful dragons!
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