
Horrorterrors' Bestiary

Chronicles of the beasts Horrorterrors has encountered and collected!
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Clouded Mith
Up until recent memory, clouded miths were clouded myths. Their numbers have increased a great deal in the last century. (Colored by Hallea.)
Clubtail Jerboa
If a Jerboa ever asks you to go clubbin', decline.
Colubrid Column
The hidden labyrinthine home of the Serthis is decorated with intricate masonry like this, said to be enchanted with the souls of warriors long past.
Common Podid
The common podid has uncommonly good taste. Or tastes uncommonly good. It really depends on who you ask.
Condorwing Champion
Trained from a very early age, these young harpy warriors are often far more seasoned in the ways of battle than rival beastclan counterparts.
Conflagrant Ambassador
Though most manticores lean on sheer, indomitable strength to get them through tough situations, this one has adopted a much more subdued approach. (Flameforger's Festival 2018 Holiday Item)
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The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Wary.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Tolerant.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Relaxed.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Inquisitive.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Companion.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Loyal.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Awakened.
You have one or more copies of this familiar in your Hoard and/or Vault.

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You have one or more copies of this familiar in your Vault.

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You don't have any copies of this familiar in your Hoard or Vault.
This familiar is currently bonding with one of the dragons in your clan.

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This familiar is not bonding with any of the dragons in your clan.
You've increased this familiar's bond level today.
Click or tap here to learn more about this familiar in the Flight Rising game database.