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Warrior Cats herb Guide

Alder bark - Toothaches. Eat.

Alfalfa - used to prevent tooth decay.

Aloe Vera - Use the gel inside of leaves to cure skin problems or burns.

Ash (tree)  - New shoots are to be eaten, and chewed and applied to the bite of an Adder or Viper to stave off the effects of its poisoned bite.

Beech Leaves - used for carrying herbs.

Bindweed - used to fasten sticks to broken limbs to keep them in place.

Blackberry Leaves - when chewed to a pulp, it helps eases the swelling of bee stings.

Blessed Thistle  - increases circulation of blood

Borage Leaves  - used to treat fevers and helps nursing mothers with their milk supply. Borage should never be used dried, only green.

Bramble Twigs - Chew this into a fine syrup. It helps to sleep.

(Broken) Rosemary Blossoms  - used to heal eye infection or to cover up wounds around the eyes or eyelids.

Broom - poultice helps broken legs and other serious wounds

Burdock Root - When the dug up root has been washed, it can be chewed into a pulp which is good for all cuts and scrapes, especially rat bites, even if they're infected.

Burnet - Used in traveling herbs. Helps wounds heal faster.

Catch Weed - Burrs can be used to help hold treatment onto a cat.

Catmint - used to treat whitecough and greencough; can help to relax a cat

Celandine  - used to treat ailments of the eyes. Used to strengthen weak eyes.

Chamomile  - used to calm a cat. Leaves and Flowers may be consumed to sooth a cat and add to their physical strength.

Chervil - used to treat bellyache. The juices of the leaves are used for infected wounds, and chewing the roots helps with bellyache.

Chickweed - used to help treat greencough. If there is no catmint around, it is a good substitute to counter greencough.

Cob Nuts - made into ointments.

Cobwebs  - used to stop bleeding. Generally only used with wounds that risk bleeding heavily as they can cause increased risk of infection.

Coltsfoot - This flowering herb is effective against kittencough, and the leaves can be chewed into a pulp which can be eaten to help shortness of breath

Comfrey  - used to treat broken bones

Daisy Leaves - If chewed into a paste it can be a useful remedy for aching joints.

Dandelion Leaves - used to calm a cat

Deadly Nightshade - small dark purple berries that are just as poisonous as deathberries

Deathberries - Deathberries (known to Twolegs as yew) are so poisonous that a single berry can kill a young cat. Extremely deadly

Dock - Good for making a cat's coat as slippery as a fish, the leaf can also be chewed up and applied to soothe scratches. (Chew it up and spit it out to make a cat's coat slippery). Also good for treating rat bites.

Dried Oak Leaf - Used to stop infections.

Echinacea - Used to ease infection.

Fennel Stalks - break the stalks and squeeze the juices into the recipient’s mouth to ease hip pain.

Ferns - Used to clean out wounds.

Feverfew  - used to cool feverish cats and treat head pain. Leaves can be used to reduce fever, in addition to being consumed to aid against colds and stomach ailments.

Foxglove - Seeds are used to help the heart, but they can EASILY cause paralysis and heart failure. The leaves are used on deep wounds to stop bleeding quickly. ALMOST ALWAYS KILLS! USE AS A LAST RESORT (IF EVER)!

Ginger - used for asthma and coughs

Goldenrod - A poultice of goldenrod is great for healing wounds, and can also help aching joints and stiffness.

Grass - use to treat bellyache

Gumweed - Helps seal wounds from infection and helps to heal the wound quicker

Hawthorn Berries - Used for indigestion

Hawkweed - useful when treating illnesses.

Hedgehog Buds - Used to treat/cure runny noses

Heather Nectar - used to sweeten herbs.

Holly Berries - POISONOUS! While not as dangerous as deathberries, they are still a danger to kits.

Honey  - used to treat sore throats. Particularly good for smoke inhalation.

Horsetail - The leaves of this tall plant can be used to treat infected wounds, usually by being chewed up for a poultice. The sap can also be used in combination with cobwebs to stop heavy bleeding

Iris - Used to stimulate breathing during the birthing process; can also be used for kit's sore throats. Everything but the petals is poisonous.

Ivy - Used to help calm a cat and help heal small scrapes. Also used for coughs, if nothing else is available.

Juniper Berries  - used to treat bellyache. Berries ease the stomach and can serve as a counter poison. Leaves are used to ease coughs and other respiratory problems. Also used to help treat shock.

Lamb's Ear - used to give a cat strength

Lavender - Leaves & flowers are particularly good when eaten for easing pains in head and throat, and curing fever. Inhaling the scent of fresh flowers can also calm the nerves.

Lotus - Used as an energizer to help keep you awake.

Mallow Leaves - Used to treat bellyaches.

Marigold - The petals or leaves can be chewed into a pulp for a poultice to wounds, as well as stopping infections. One of the best herbs for cracked paw pads. If eaten can make a cat expel poisons from the body by vomiting.

Milkweed - Use to treat sores or burns. Do not use around ears or eyes. Poisonous when eaten.

Moss - Makes good bedding

Mouse Bile  - used to remove ticks from a cat's coat. Press on ticks. Soon they'll drop off. Warning! Do NOT eat mouse bile or you'll have that horrible taste in your mouth for days! To carry around, put mouse bile in a big leaf and wrap up the leaf and you can carry. Be sure to wash your paws when done. In a stream of course!!!!

Narcissus - Soothes a cat when she is having contractions

Nettle (leaves)  - The leaves are applied to reduce swelling

Nettle (seeds)  - used to counter poison. The seeds are swallowed

Parsley - Used to stop the flow of a queen's milk; also used to soothe bellyaches.

Pawpaw - Used to treat kittencough

Poppy Seeds - The best herb there is to numb pain, distress, and shock and ensure a good night's sleep

Ragweed - used to give a cat strength *similar to Lamb's Ear

Ragwort - Even though ragwort is used for medicinal uses, it is highly poisonous, as it often gets cows and horses very sick. Use yarrow right away. Juniper also helps afterward. Don't eat!!! Use alongside juniper berries in a poultice to treat aching joints.

Raspberry - An herb used in kitting, It could be a painkiller, or to help stop bleeding during the kitting.

Rosinweed - Used to clean out the system when poisons have been digested

Rush - Used to bind broken bones

Sage Roots - Use for cracked pads, use with poppy seeds

Skullcap Seeds - Used to give a cat extra strength

Snakeroot  - used to counter poison

Sorrel - used to soothe scratches

Stinging Nettle - The leaves are used to reduce swelling. The seeds are used to counter poison by inducing vomiting.

Tansy  - used to treat coughs. Leaves may be chewed to relieve joint aches. Flowers should be consumed to remove coughs. Pregnant Queens should NEVER be given Tansy, because it causes miscarriages.

Thyme  - Should be consumed to calm the anxious cat, or to aid in bringing restful sleep.

Tormentil - chew this and place it on the wound to expel poison.

Water Mint - The best cure for bellyaches. Eat. Has a really good minty taste, you'll know when you eat it.

Wild Garlic  - rolling in this can help to keep out infection. If you got lots of cuts and scrapes, especially from rat bites, make sure you roll in some wild garlic to keep out infection.

Willow Tree - Water from beneath the bark of the flowering willow may be dripped into the eyes to help clear blurriness of vision. It may also be applied to dry patches of skin to sooth itches. Small amounts of Willow Bark may be consumed to ease pain, act against inflammation, and to ease diarrhea or fevers.

Windflower - Used to treat stomach cramps, such as when a she -cat becomes pregnant

Wintergreen - used to treat wounds and some poison.

Witch Hazel - Used to give you an extra boost, this will wake you up (energizer)

Yarrow  - used to make a cat vomit and expel poisons from the body. Entire plant should be consumed to induce vomiting. Entire plant should be chewed and applied to wounds to relieve pain and prevent infection. Only give it to cats that ate something poisonous. Sometimes when cats are really sick yarrow is used to make the patient vomit out the sickness. That only works sometimes. This herb can also be used as an ointment, used to soften paw pads

Yew (Deathberries) (Night Seeds)  - POISONOUS! Roots & leaves may be chewed together and applied to sore places. If a cat eats them (most likely a kit), then scoop all the berry leftovers out of their mouth. Then force them to swallow yarrow. The victim will vomit out most of the poison, but not all of it. They will be very sick for the next few days.
Warrior Cats herb Guide

Alder bark - Toothaches. Eat.

Alfalfa - used to prevent tooth decay.

Aloe Vera - Use the gel inside of leaves to cure skin problems or burns.

Ash (tree)  - New shoots are to be eaten, and chewed and applied to the bite of an Adder or Viper to stave off the effects of its poisoned bite.

Beech Leaves - used for carrying herbs.

Bindweed - used to fasten sticks to broken limbs to keep them in place.

Blackberry Leaves - when chewed to a pulp, it helps eases the swelling of bee stings.

Blessed Thistle  - increases circulation of blood

Borage Leaves  - used to treat fevers and helps nursing mothers with their milk supply. Borage should never be used dried, only green.

Bramble Twigs - Chew this into a fine syrup. It helps to sleep.

(Broken) Rosemary Blossoms  - used to heal eye infection or to cover up wounds around the eyes or eyelids.

Broom - poultice helps broken legs and other serious wounds

Burdock Root - When the dug up root has been washed, it can be chewed into a pulp which is good for all cuts and scrapes, especially rat bites, even if they're infected.

Burnet - Used in traveling herbs. Helps wounds heal faster.

Catch Weed - Burrs can be used to help hold treatment onto a cat.

Catmint - used to treat whitecough and greencough; can help to relax a cat

Celandine  - used to treat ailments of the eyes. Used to strengthen weak eyes.

Chamomile  - used to calm a cat. Leaves and Flowers may be consumed to sooth a cat and add to their physical strength.

Chervil - used to treat bellyache. The juices of the leaves are used for infected wounds, and chewing the roots helps with bellyache.

Chickweed - used to help treat greencough. If there is no catmint around, it is a good substitute to counter greencough.

Cob Nuts - made into ointments.

Cobwebs  - used to stop bleeding. Generally only used with wounds that risk bleeding heavily as they can cause increased risk of infection.

Coltsfoot - This flowering herb is effective against kittencough, and the leaves can be chewed into a pulp which can be eaten to help shortness of breath

Comfrey  - used to treat broken bones

Daisy Leaves - If chewed into a paste it can be a useful remedy for aching joints.

Dandelion Leaves - used to calm a cat

Deadly Nightshade - small dark purple berries that are just as poisonous as deathberries

Deathberries - Deathberries (known to Twolegs as yew) are so poisonous that a single berry can kill a young cat. Extremely deadly

Dock - Good for making a cat's coat as slippery as a fish, the leaf can also be chewed up and applied to soothe scratches. (Chew it up and spit it out to make a cat's coat slippery). Also good for treating rat bites.

Dried Oak Leaf - Used to stop infections.

Echinacea - Used to ease infection.

Fennel Stalks - break the stalks and squeeze the juices into the recipient’s mouth to ease hip pain.

Ferns - Used to clean out wounds.

Feverfew  - used to cool feverish cats and treat head pain. Leaves can be used to reduce fever, in addition to being consumed to aid against colds and stomach ailments.

Foxglove - Seeds are used to help the heart, but they can EASILY cause paralysis and heart failure. The leaves are used on deep wounds to stop bleeding quickly. ALMOST ALWAYS KILLS! USE AS A LAST RESORT (IF EVER)!

Ginger - used for asthma and coughs

Goldenrod - A poultice of goldenrod is great for healing wounds, and can also help aching joints and stiffness.

Grass - use to treat bellyache

Gumweed - Helps seal wounds from infection and helps to heal the wound quicker

Hawthorn Berries - Used for indigestion

Hawkweed - useful when treating illnesses.

Hedgehog Buds - Used to treat/cure runny noses

Heather Nectar - used to sweeten herbs.

Holly Berries - POISONOUS! While not as dangerous as deathberries, they are still a danger to kits.

Honey  - used to treat sore throats. Particularly good for smoke inhalation.

Horsetail - The leaves of this tall plant can be used to treat infected wounds, usually by being chewed up for a poultice. The sap can also be used in combination with cobwebs to stop heavy bleeding

Iris - Used to stimulate breathing during the birthing process; can also be used for kit's sore throats. Everything but the petals is poisonous.

Ivy - Used to help calm a cat and help heal small scrapes. Also used for coughs, if nothing else is available.

Juniper Berries  - used to treat bellyache. Berries ease the stomach and can serve as a counter poison. Leaves are used to ease coughs and other respiratory problems. Also used to help treat shock.

Lamb's Ear - used to give a cat strength

Lavender - Leaves & flowers are particularly good when eaten for easing pains in head and throat, and curing fever. Inhaling the scent of fresh flowers can also calm the nerves.

Lotus - Used as an energizer to help keep you awake.

Mallow Leaves - Used to treat bellyaches.

Marigold - The petals or leaves can be chewed into a pulp for a poultice to wounds, as well as stopping infections. One of the best herbs for cracked paw pads. If eaten can make a cat expel poisons from the body by vomiting.

Milkweed - Use to treat sores or burns. Do not use around ears or eyes. Poisonous when eaten.

Moss - Makes good bedding

Mouse Bile  - used to remove ticks from a cat's coat. Press on ticks. Soon they'll drop off. Warning! Do NOT eat mouse bile or you'll have that horrible taste in your mouth for days! To carry around, put mouse bile in a big leaf and wrap up the leaf and you can carry. Be sure to wash your paws when done. In a stream of course!!!!

Narcissus - Soothes a cat when she is having contractions

Nettle (leaves)  - The leaves are applied to reduce swelling

Nettle (seeds)  - used to counter poison. The seeds are swallowed

Parsley - Used to stop the flow of a queen's milk; also used to soothe bellyaches.

Pawpaw - Used to treat kittencough

Poppy Seeds - The best herb there is to numb pain, distress, and shock and ensure a good night's sleep

Ragweed - used to give a cat strength *similar to Lamb's Ear

Ragwort - Even though ragwort is used for medicinal uses, it is highly poisonous, as it often gets cows and horses very sick. Use yarrow right away. Juniper also helps afterward. Don't eat!!! Use alongside juniper berries in a poultice to treat aching joints.

Raspberry - An herb used in kitting, It could be a painkiller, or to help stop bleeding during the kitting.

Rosinweed - Used to clean out the system when poisons have been digested

Rush - Used to bind broken bones

Sage Roots - Use for cracked pads, use with poppy seeds

Skullcap Seeds - Used to give a cat extra strength

Snakeroot  - used to counter poison

Sorrel - used to soothe scratches

Stinging Nettle - The leaves are used to reduce swelling. The seeds are used to counter poison by inducing vomiting.

Tansy  - used to treat coughs. Leaves may be chewed to relieve joint aches. Flowers should be consumed to remove coughs. Pregnant Queens should NEVER be given Tansy, because it causes miscarriages.

Thyme  - Should be consumed to calm the anxious cat, or to aid in bringing restful sleep.

Tormentil - chew this and place it on the wound to expel poison.

Water Mint - The best cure for bellyaches. Eat. Has a really good minty taste, you'll know when you eat it.

Wild Garlic  - rolling in this can help to keep out infection. If you got lots of cuts and scrapes, especially from rat bites, make sure you roll in some wild garlic to keep out infection.

Willow Tree - Water from beneath the bark of the flowering willow may be dripped into the eyes to help clear blurriness of vision. It may also be applied to dry patches of skin to sooth itches. Small amounts of Willow Bark may be consumed to ease pain, act against inflammation, and to ease diarrhea or fevers.

Windflower - Used to treat stomach cramps, such as when a she -cat becomes pregnant

Wintergreen - used to treat wounds and some poison.

Witch Hazel - Used to give you an extra boost, this will wake you up (energizer)

Yarrow  - used to make a cat vomit and expel poisons from the body. Entire plant should be consumed to induce vomiting. Entire plant should be chewed and applied to wounds to relieve pain and prevent infection. Only give it to cats that ate something poisonous. Sometimes when cats are really sick yarrow is used to make the patient vomit out the sickness. That only works sometimes. This herb can also be used as an ointment, used to soften paw pads

Yew (Deathberries) (Night Seeds)  - POISONOUS! Roots & leaves may be chewed together and applied to sore places. If a cat eats them (most likely a kit), then scoop all the berry leftovers out of their mouth. Then force them to swallow yarrow. The victim will vomit out most of the poison, but not all of it. They will be very sick for the next few days.
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[center][img][/img] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Waspstar (previously Waspcatcher) [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 53 moons [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] tom [u][b]Clan[/b][/u] Stoneclan [u][b]Rank[/b][/u] Leader [u][b]Sexuality[/b][/u] homoromantic demisexual [u][b]Height/Weight/Breed[/b][/u] 8 in/9 lbs/Exotic Shorthair x Javanese [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Despite his gruff appearance, Waspstar is a kind and compassionate cat, who leads with his heart. He seems to be very quiet, but this is because he will easily give away his emotions when he speaks. He cares a lot about his fellow clan mates, but he is a very humble tom who hates when cats treat him differently because he's leader. While he is emotional, he has learned to rationalize and will force his feelings to the side when necessary. Because of this, he is not afraid to give fair punishments when he has to. [u][b]History[/b][/u] Named after his stripes, Waspkit and his sister were born during a famine, and their mother struggled to feed them. Never the less, the clan persisted and both the kits survived. However, the kit's father, Sharpsong, died of starvation. Silentstep was devastated, and she was forced to retire early do to her grief. She didn't even come out of her den for Shellpaw and Wasppaw's apprentice ceremony. This rejection hit Wasppaw hard, and he began to resent his mother. His sister, Shellpaw, was unable to watch her mother suffer, and left the clan for Sunclan, knowing she'd be welcomed. Wasppaw felt deeply betrayed. His hatred for his mother deepened as he blamed her for his sister's departure. He continued to miss his sister, but he created a facade of hatred for Sunclan to silence any doubters of his loyalty. A few moons later, he was named Waspcatcher for his hunting ability, and became a warrior. To this day, he regrets not having his sister at his side when they became warriors. After becoming a warrior, he quickly became skilled at hiding his raging emotions, and many cats looked up to him. On the outside he became calm and mellow, even though at every gathering his heart would twist at the sight of his sibling. He hid this well, and even his biggest doubters forgot about his possible love for a cat from another clan. When he was appointed deputy he was shocked, as the leader had continuously criticized him for being irrational and emotional. Never the less, he proved himself a skilled deputy and leader afterwards. [b][u]Friends[/u][/b] [url=]Aries, [/url][url=]Wolfstalk[/url], he generally considers the entire clan his friends [u][b]Family[/b][/u] Mother: Silentstep (Stoneclan NPC, skinny light grey and white she cat) Father: Sharpsong (Deceased) Sister: Shellbrook [u][b]Mate/Crush[/b][/u] None/[url=]Wolfstalk[/url] [u][b]Mentor/Apprentice[/b][/u] Storkleg (Stoneclan NPC, pale brown tabby tom)/[url=]Littlepaw[/url] [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] He is a small, compact cat with a broad, flattened muzzle. His legs seem almost too long for his body, and he has a thick, silvery pelt with dark stripes. His eyes are a deep amber. [u][b]Inactivity[/b][/u] dead [u][b]Extra[/b][/u] if you have a problem with someone, PM them, or Galazybunny [img][/img] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Shellbrook [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 53 moons [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] she cat [u][b]Clan[/b][/u] Sunclan [u][b]Rank[/b][/u] Warrior [u][b]Sexuality[/b][/u] bisexual [u][b]Height/Weight/Breed[/b][/u] 10 in/7 lbs/Exotic Shorthair x Javanese [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Shellbrook is the polar opposite of her brother. Where he is emotional, she is apathetic. She has long perfected the ability to perfectly mask her emotions, and many cats think she's heartless. However, she is actually a very kind and sweet she cat, you just have to get to know her first. She sees emotions as something that need to be treasured, so she will only express them when absolutely necessary. [u][b]History[/b][/u] Named after the soft grey of her pelt, Shellkit excelled in almost all things. She was a great hunter and fighter from a young age, and cats constantly praised her. Her mother however, was too busy grieving to notice the accomplishments of her kits. This enraged Shellkit, now Shellpaw, and she eventually left the clan, unable to handle her mother's rejection. She hated leaving her brother, because she knew he needed her, but she could no longer stand trying to please a cat who did not care. She was welcomed with open arms in Sunclan, and she did even better there. She preferred the open plains to the cramped tunnels of Stoneclan, and became one of the best runners because of her long limbs. Her warrior name was given because of her calm, quiet personality, and she takes great pride in it. When her brother became deputy, and then leader, of Stoneclan, Shellbrook could not help but be jealous. She had always wanted to be leader, but she doubted it would ever happen while she was in Sunclan, as she still felt slightly ostracized because of her origins. Despite this, she tries to maintain some kind of relationship with him, and will have short conversations with him at gatherings. However, these are always formal as neither of them want to compromise their loyalty. [b][u]Friends[/u][/b] Maplebush (Sunclan NPC, tortoiseshell she cat), [url=]Cloudripple[/url], [url=]Petaldawn[/url] [u][b]Family[/b][/u] Mother: Silentstep (Stoneclan NPC, skinny light grey and white she cat) Father: Sharpsong (Deceased) Brother: Waspstar [u][b]Mate/Crush[/b][/u] None/None [u][b]Mentor/Apprentice[/b][/u] Timbermask (Sunclan NPC, cream and brown tabby tom)/[url=]Swiftpaw[/url] [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] Shellbrook is a tall, lanky she cat with long, powerful legs. Her face is long and slender and perfectly frames her striking green eyes. She is the same pale grey as her brother, but she has more solid grey markings than him. [u][b]Inactivity[/b][/u] dead [u][b]Extra[/b][/u] if you have a problem with someone, PM them, or Galazybunny [img][/img] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Salmon/Salmonnose [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 26 moons [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] she cat [u][b]Clan[/b][/u] Sunclan [u][b]Rank[/b][/u] Warrior [u][b]Sexuality[/b][/u] homoromantic pansexual [u][b]Height/Weight/Breed[/b][/u] 12 in/12 lbs/Somali [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Salmonnose is a strong, confident she-cat who is not afraid to speak her mind. She has no tolerance for being treated as lesser for being born a kittypet, and she is very willing to prove her fighting skills to any cat who questions her. Because of this, she will often get into skirmishes with Stoneclan cats who make fun of her collar. While she is only interested in romantic relationships with females, she will flirt ceaselessly with any cat, no matter their gender. She's well aware she's pretty, and she often flaunts this. Most cats know her for her temper, but she prefers subtle jabs over teeth and claws. [u][b]History[/b][/u] Born a kittypet, Salmon was always feisty. She was the only one of her litter to survive, and her mother always credited her strength for that. Salmon never met her father, and the only thing she knows about him is what her mother told her. As she grew, she became more and more restless from being confined in the house. Seeing this, her mother would constantly sneak her out, away from the two-legs eyes. One day, when she was sick of staying around, she sneaked out alone. While she had planned on returning, she quickly met a small band of rogues. They welcomed her in, and Salmon completely forgot about her kittypet life, greatly preferring the rough life of a rogue. She first came into contact with Sunclan when they got into a border skirmish while she and her friend's were hunting on their territory. She fought bravely, impressing one of the warriors. Before she and her rogue group moved on, the warrior found her in the middle of the night, complimenting her bravery and skill. Flattered, Salmon returned the favour, asking where all those cats learned to fight. This lead to the warrior explaining clan life, and the idea of it appealed to Salmon. While she enjoyed the nomadic life of a rogue, the idea of having a higher purpose was appealing to the young she-cat, and she said goodbye to her rogue friends, returning to the Sunclan camp with the warrior. While she refused to give up her kittypet name entirely and remove her collar, she did earn the warrior name of Salmonnose, given for her abnormally large and vibrantly coloured nose. Sunclan cats were mostly accepting, but she gets into many fights with Stoneclan cats. Some of these happen at Gatherings, and she has been repeatedly punished for breaking the truce. [b][u]Friends[/u][/b] [url=]Silverpaw[/url], [url=]Dustwing[/url] [u][b]Family[/b][/u] Mother: Perch (Kittypet NPC, pale ginger she cat) Father: Alani (Rogue NPC, bright orange tabby tom) Sister: [url=]Vulpes[/url] [u][b]Mate/Crush[/b][/u] None/any pretty she-cats [u][b]Mentor/Apprentice[/b][/u] Thunderpatch (Sunclan NPC, cream tabby tom with pale grey markings)/[url=]Silverpaw[/url] [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] Salmonnose is a abnormally large dark ginger she-cat, with a thick tuft of fur around her neck. She has a bright green collar with the name tag Salmon, and dark amber eyes. [u][b]Inactivity[/b][/u] NPC [u][b]Extra[/b][/u] if you have a problem with someone, PM them, or Galazybunny [/center] [center] [img][/img] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Bittenpaw [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 13 moons [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] tom (uses they/them pronouns) [u][b]Clan[/b][/u] Stoneclan [u][b]Rank[/b][/u] Apprentice [u][b]Sexuality[/b][/u] Undecided (leaning towards heterosexual) [u][b]Height/Weight/Breed[/b][/u] 7 in/8 lbs/Aegean [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Bittenpaw is a shy, awkward cat who has trouble with even the simplest conversations. They're often uncomfortable in social situations, and try to avoid them as much as possible. However, they do have a strong desire to make friends and really try hard to speak to new cats. Their anxiety often holds them back, but they've been working hard to improve themselves and get braver. [u][b]History[/b][/u] Originally born as Barkkit, they grew up alongside their sister, Beekit. Beekit had always been more outgoing than them, and seemed to excel at everything. This caused their parents to favourite Beekit, and they began ignoring their other child. In an attempt to prove themselves, Barkkit snuck out of camp. While exploring, they found a small tunnel and poked their head down it. It turns out this was a terrible idea, as a particularly angry pika bit the side if their face. Their cries of pain were heard by a patrol, and they were rushed back to camp. Their ear had been torn, and the wound travelled over their eye and down their face. Their mother, wanting to teach them a lesson for their foolishness, renamed them Bittenkit. They had been 5 moons old at the time and originally, the medicine cat had expected they would make their apprentice ceremony. But the wound got infected, and they were forced to continue treatment while Beekit became an apprentice. The infection permanently blinded them in their injured eye, and their apprenticeship was delayed until they were 9 moons old. A couple moons after finally becoming an apprentice themselves, Beepaw became a warrior. This devastated Bittenpaw as they had always expected to become a warrior at the same time as their sister. Despite the many condolences, Bittenpaw was ashamed of themselves. They had been trying to prove themselves their sisters equal and because of that, they would never be. Beeleaf would always be ahead of them, and it only worsened Bittenpaw’s self doubt. They also hated the stares they got because of their wounds, and they still avoid going to gatherings because they feel like a disappointment to Stoneclan. [b][u]Friends[/u][/b] [url=]Stormpaw[/url]/[url=]Littlepaw[/url] [u][b]Family[/b][/u] Mother: Snowspeckle (deceased) Father: Blizzardclaw (deceased) Sister: Beeleaf (Stoneclan NPC, grey tabby she cat with dark stripes) [u][b]Mate/Crush[/b][/u] None/None [u][b]Mentor/Apprentice[/b][/u] [url=]Wolfclaw[/url]/N/A [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] Bittenpaw is a small, compact tom with a thick, short pelt. They are a black tabby with large patches of white, one of which is covering half their face. Their ear is torn, and they have a jagged scar over the side of their face. One of their eyes is green and the other is blue. [u][b]Inactivity[/b][/u] NPC [u][b]Extra[/b][/u] Their blue eye is blind because of their injury [center][img][/img] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Roundpaw (previously Squish) [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 18 moons [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] she cat [u][b]Clan[/b][/u] New Mountainclan [u][b]Rank[/b][/u] Apprentice [u][b]Sexuality[/b][/u] homosexual/questioning [u][b]Height/Weight/Breed[/b][/u] 10 in/15 lbs/Scottish Fold [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Roundpaw is a nervous she cat who often feels inferior. She's generally soft spoken and quiet, and will take most insults with nothing more than a slight grimace. However, this doesn't stop her from standing up for herself occasionally, especially when cats comment on her weight. Her weight has always been a sore spot for her, and she sometimes feels like there's nothing she can do about it. But she will fight tooth and claw if she has to, to defend either herself or her loved ones. [u][b]History[/b][/u] Born a kittypet, Squish's mother died during labor. She has no siblings, and she doesn't know who her father is either. Since she grew up very sheltered, she had no idea that her Two-legs were over feeding her. She rarely left their nest, and never went further than their yard. Eventually she gained so much weight she began having health issues and difficulty moving. Because of this, and because of a strange group of cats that wondered near her yard, she wanted to get away from her Two-legs. One day, one of the strange cats stopped to talk to her. She noticed how slender and muscular he was, and she asked how he got like that. He told her about 'Mountainclan' and how they had to fight to survive. Intrigued, Squish asked if she could join. This made the cat laugh, and he said a fat kittypet like her would never survive. Offended, she insisted, and the new cat relented, bringing her back to his leader. [b][u]Friends[/u][/b] none (for now) [u][b]Family[/b][/u] unknown [u][b]Mate/Crush[/b][/u] None/[url=]Rookstar[/url] (developing) [u][b]Mentor/Apprentice[/b][/u] [url=]Rookstar[/url]/N/A [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] Roundpaw is a fat brown tabby she cat with spots of white over her belly, muzzle and legs. She has a short, stubby tail and legs and oddly folded ears. Her eyes are a striking blue-green [u][b]Inactivity[/b][/u] NPC [u][b]Extra[/b][/u] She just joined Mountainclan Her Two-legs didn't bother to give her a collar because she never went anywhere[/center] [center][img][/img] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Chinookbreeze [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 17 moons [b][u]Gender[/u][/b] tom [u][b]Clan[/b][/u] New Mountainclan [u][b]Rank[/b][/u] Medicine Cat (training camp) [u][b]Sexuality[/b][/u] homoromantic asexual [u][b]Height/Weight/Breed[/b][/u] 8 in/7 lbs/Siberian mix [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Chinookbreeze has always been a ditsy tom, and he is unbearably naive. He talks the ears off any patient he has, and many cats find him obnoxious. Despite his unbearable optimism, he can be very self deprecating at times. Nevertheless, he loves cheering up his patients, especially when most of them are injured apprentices that feel like they will never succeed. His usual line for this is "Well look at me, I somehow managed!" [u][b]History[/b][/u] His parents were some of the first cats to join Mountainclan, and they were originally clan cats. Chinookpaw and Elkpaw traveled with their father to Mountainclan, leaving their mother behind in Sunclan. When they arrived, Chinookpaw was shocked by the brutality of it all. However, he hid this well, but it was quickly made apparent that he would be better suited to being a medicine cat. He was constantly forgetting herbs, and would accidentally hurt cats more because his paws slipped. But his mentor, Ottersnatch, still persisted. Ottersnatch was always violent for a medicine cat, and he died in a fight with a Sunclan patrol while he was gathering herbs. Chinookbreeze had only just earned his full title, and he was completely unprepared. Because of his lack of skill, he tries his best to heal the cats who need his help, but he is not great at it. [b][u]Friends[/u][/b] none (for now) [u][b]Family[/b][/u] Mother: Leafdapple (Sunclan NPC, grey and tan tabby tortoiseshell she cat) Father: Stumptail (Mountainclan NPC, tan tabby tom with a short tail) Sister: Elkdust (Mountainclan NPC, tan tabby she cat with light grey flecks) [u][b]Mate/Crush[/b][/u] N/A/None [u][b]Mentor/Apprentice[/b][/u] Ottersnatch (deceased)/none [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] Chinookbreeze is a scruffy tan tabby tom with a thick pelt. His belly is a pale brown, and he has two small scars over his muzzle. His eyes are a bright yellow. [u][b]Inactivity[/b][/u] NPC [u][b]Extra[/b][/u] He's not a very skilled medicine cat because of his clumsiness, but he tries his best [/center]

Waspstar (previously Waspcatcher)

53 moons




homoromantic demisexual

8 in/9 lbs/Exotic Shorthair x Javanese

Despite his gruff appearance, Waspstar is a kind and compassionate cat, who leads with his heart. He seems to be very quiet, but this is because he will easily give away his emotions when he speaks. He cares a lot about his fellow clan mates, but he is a very humble tom who hates when cats treat him differently because he's leader. While he is emotional, he has learned to rationalize and will force his feelings to the side when necessary. Because of this, he is not afraid to give fair punishments when he has to.

Named after his stripes, Waspkit and his sister were born during a famine, and their mother struggled to feed them. Never the less, the clan persisted and both the kits survived. However, the kit's father, Sharpsong, died of starvation. Silentstep was devastated, and she was forced to retire early do to her grief. She didn't even come out of her den for Shellpaw and Wasppaw's apprentice ceremony. This rejection hit Wasppaw hard, and he began to resent his mother. His sister, Shellpaw, was unable to watch her mother suffer, and left the clan for Sunclan, knowing she'd be welcomed. Wasppaw felt deeply betrayed. His hatred for his mother deepened as he blamed her for his sister's departure. He continued to miss his sister, but he created a facade of hatred for Sunclan to silence any doubters of his loyalty. A few moons later, he was named Waspcatcher for his hunting ability, and became a warrior. To this day, he regrets not having his sister at his side when they became warriors.

After becoming a warrior, he quickly became skilled at hiding his raging emotions, and many cats looked up to him. On the outside he became calm and mellow, even though at every gathering his heart would twist at the sight of his sibling. He hid this well, and even his biggest doubters forgot about his possible love for a cat from another clan. When he was appointed deputy he was shocked, as the leader had continuously criticized him for being irrational and emotional. Never the less, he proved himself a skilled deputy and leader afterwards.

Aries, Wolfstalk, he generally considers the entire clan his friends

Mother: Silentstep (Stoneclan NPC, skinny light grey and white she cat)
Father: Sharpsong (Deceased)
Sister: Shellbrook


Storkleg (Stoneclan NPC, pale brown tabby tom)/Littlepaw

He is a small, compact cat with a broad, flattened muzzle. His legs seem almost too long for his body, and he has a thick, silvery pelt with dark stripes. His eyes are a deep amber.


if you have a problem with someone, PM them, or Galazybunny



53 moons

she cat




10 in/7 lbs/Exotic Shorthair x Javanese

Shellbrook is the polar opposite of her brother. Where he is emotional, she is apathetic. She has long perfected the ability to perfectly mask her emotions, and many cats think she's heartless. However, she is actually a very kind and sweet she cat, you just have to get to know her first. She sees emotions as something that need to be treasured, so she will only express them when absolutely necessary.

Named after the soft grey of her pelt, Shellkit excelled in almost all things. She was a great hunter and fighter from a young age, and cats constantly praised her. Her mother however, was too busy grieving to notice the accomplishments of her kits. This enraged Shellkit, now Shellpaw, and she eventually left the clan, unable to handle her mother's rejection. She hated leaving her brother, because she knew he needed her, but she could no longer stand trying to please a cat who did not care. She was welcomed with open arms in Sunclan, and she did even better there. She preferred the open plains to the cramped tunnels of Stoneclan, and became one of the best runners because of her long limbs. Her warrior name was given because of her calm, quiet personality, and she takes great pride in it.

When her brother became deputy, and then leader, of Stoneclan, Shellbrook could not help but be jealous. She had always wanted to be leader, but she doubted it would ever happen while she was in Sunclan, as she still felt slightly ostracized because of her origins. Despite this, she tries to maintain some kind of relationship with him, and will have short conversations with him at gatherings. However, these are always formal as neither of them want to compromise their loyalty.

Maplebush (Sunclan NPC, tortoiseshell she cat), Cloudripple, Petaldawn

Mother: Silentstep (Stoneclan NPC, skinny light grey and white she cat)
Father: Sharpsong (Deceased)
Brother: Waspstar


Timbermask (Sunclan NPC, cream and brown tabby tom)/Swiftpaw

Shellbrook is a tall, lanky she cat with long, powerful legs. Her face is long and slender and perfectly frames her striking green eyes. She is the same pale grey as her brother, but she has more solid grey markings than him.


if you have a problem with someone, PM them, or Galazybunny



26 moons

she cat



homoromantic pansexual

12 in/12 lbs/Somali

Salmonnose is a strong, confident she-cat who is not afraid to speak her mind. She has no tolerance for being treated as lesser for being born a kittypet, and she is very willing to prove her fighting skills to any cat who questions her. Because of this, she will often get into skirmishes with Stoneclan cats who make fun of her collar. While she is only interested in romantic relationships with females, she will flirt ceaselessly with any cat, no matter their gender. She's well aware she's pretty, and she often flaunts this. Most cats know her for her temper, but she prefers subtle jabs over teeth and claws.

Born a kittypet, Salmon was always feisty. She was the only one of her litter to survive, and her mother always credited her strength for that. Salmon never met her father, and the only thing she knows about him is what her mother told her. As she grew, she became more and more restless from being confined in the house. Seeing this, her mother would constantly sneak her out, away from the two-legs eyes. One day, when she was sick of staying around, she sneaked out alone.

While she had planned on returning, she quickly met a small band of rogues. They welcomed her in, and Salmon completely forgot about her kittypet life, greatly preferring the rough life of a rogue. She first came into contact with Sunclan when they got into a border skirmish while she and her friend's were hunting on their territory. She fought bravely, impressing one of the warriors. Before she and her rogue group moved on, the warrior found her in the middle of the night, complimenting her bravery and skill. Flattered, Salmon returned the favour, asking where all those cats learned to fight. This lead to the warrior explaining clan life, and the idea of it appealed to Salmon. While she enjoyed the nomadic life of a rogue, the idea of having a higher purpose was appealing to the young she-cat, and she said goodbye to her rogue friends, returning to the Sunclan camp with the warrior.

While she refused to give up her kittypet name entirely and remove her collar, she did earn the warrior name of Salmonnose, given for her abnormally large and vibrantly coloured nose. Sunclan cats were mostly accepting, but she gets into many fights with Stoneclan cats. Some of these happen at Gatherings, and she has been repeatedly punished for breaking the truce.

Silverpaw, Dustwing

Mother: Perch (Kittypet NPC, pale ginger she cat)
Father: Alani (Rogue NPC, bright orange tabby tom)
Sister: Vulpes

None/any pretty she-cats

Thunderpatch (Sunclan NPC, cream tabby tom with pale grey markings)/Silverpaw

Salmonnose is a abnormally large dark ginger she-cat, with a thick tuft of fur around her neck. She has a bright green collar with the name tag Salmon, and dark amber eyes.


if you have a problem with someone, PM them, or Galazybunny



13 moons

tom (uses they/them pronouns)



Undecided (leaning towards heterosexual)

7 in/8 lbs/Aegean

Bittenpaw is a shy, awkward cat who has trouble with even the simplest conversations. They're often uncomfortable in social situations, and try to avoid them as much as possible. However, they do have a strong desire to make friends and really try hard to speak to new cats. Their anxiety often holds them back, but they've been working hard to improve themselves and get braver.

Originally born as Barkkit, they grew up alongside their sister, Beekit. Beekit had always been more outgoing than them, and seemed to excel at everything. This caused their parents to favourite Beekit, and they began ignoring their other child. In an attempt to prove themselves, Barkkit snuck out of camp. While exploring, they found a small tunnel and poked their head down it. It turns out this was a terrible idea, as a particularly angry pika bit the side if their face.

Their cries of pain were heard by a patrol, and they were rushed back to camp. Their ear had been torn, and the wound travelled over their eye and down their face. Their mother, wanting to teach them a lesson for their foolishness, renamed them Bittenkit. They had been 5 moons old at the time and originally, the medicine cat had expected they would make their apprentice ceremony. But the wound got infected, and they were forced to continue treatment while Beekit became an apprentice. The infection permanently blinded them in their injured eye, and their apprenticeship was delayed until they were 9 moons old.

A couple moons after finally becoming an apprentice themselves, Beepaw became a warrior. This devastated Bittenpaw as they had always expected to become a warrior at the same time as their sister. Despite the many condolences, Bittenpaw was ashamed of themselves. They had been trying to prove themselves their sisters equal and because of that, they would never be. Beeleaf would always be ahead of them, and it only worsened Bittenpaw’s self doubt. They also hated the stares they got because of their wounds, and they still avoid going to gatherings because they feel like a disappointment to Stoneclan.


Mother: Snowspeckle (deceased)
Father: Blizzardclaw (deceased)
Sister: Beeleaf (Stoneclan NPC, grey tabby she cat with dark stripes)



Bittenpaw is a small, compact tom with a thick, short pelt. They are a black tabby with large patches of white, one of which is covering half their face. Their ear is torn, and they have a jagged scar over the side of their face. One of their eyes is green and the other is blue.


Their blue eye is blind because of their injury

Roundpaw (previously Squish)

18 moons

she cat

New Mountainclan



10 in/15 lbs/Scottish Fold

Roundpaw is a nervous she cat who often feels inferior. She's generally soft spoken and quiet, and will take most insults with nothing more than a slight grimace. However, this doesn't stop her from standing up for herself occasionally, especially when cats comment on her weight. Her weight has always been a sore spot for her, and she sometimes feels like there's nothing she can do about it. But she will fight tooth and claw if she has to, to defend either herself or her loved ones.

Born a kittypet, Squish's mother died during labor. She has no siblings, and she doesn't know who her father is either. Since she grew up very sheltered, she had no idea that her Two-legs were over feeding her. She rarely left their nest, and never went further than their yard. Eventually she gained so much weight she began having health issues and difficulty moving. Because of this, and because of a strange group of cats that wondered near her yard, she wanted to get away from her Two-legs.

One day, one of the strange cats stopped to talk to her. She noticed how slender and muscular he was, and she asked how he got like that. He told her about 'Mountainclan' and how they had to fight to survive. Intrigued, Squish asked if she could join. This made the cat laugh, and he said a fat kittypet like her would never survive. Offended, she insisted, and the new cat relented, bringing her back to his leader.

none (for now)


None/Rookstar (developing)


Roundpaw is a fat brown tabby she cat with spots of white over her belly, muzzle and legs. She has a short, stubby tail and legs and oddly folded ears. Her eyes are a striking blue-green


She just joined Mountainclan
Her Two-legs didn't bother to give her a collar because she never went anywhere


17 moons


New Mountainclan

Medicine Cat (training camp)

homoromantic asexual

8 in/7 lbs/Siberian mix

Chinookbreeze has always been a ditsy tom, and he is unbearably naive. He talks the ears off any patient he has, and many cats find him obnoxious. Despite his unbearable optimism, he can be very self deprecating at times. Nevertheless, he loves cheering up his patients, especially when most of them are injured apprentices that feel like they will never succeed. His usual line for this is "Well look at me, I somehow managed!"

His parents were some of the first cats to join Mountainclan, and they were originally clan cats. Chinookpaw and Elkpaw traveled with their father to Mountainclan, leaving their mother behind in Sunclan.

When they arrived, Chinookpaw was shocked by the brutality of it all. However, he hid this well, but it was quickly made apparent that he would be better suited to being a medicine cat. He was constantly forgetting herbs, and would accidentally hurt cats more because his paws slipped. But his mentor, Ottersnatch, still persisted.

Ottersnatch was always violent for a medicine cat, and he died in a fight with a Sunclan patrol while he was gathering herbs. Chinookbreeze had only just earned his full title, and he was completely unprepared. Because of his lack of skill, he tries his best to heal the cats who need his help, but he is not great at it.

none (for now)

Mother: Leafdapple (Sunclan NPC, grey and tan tabby tortoiseshell she cat)
Father: Stumptail (Mountainclan NPC, tan tabby tom with a short tail)
Sister: Elkdust (Mountainclan NPC, tan tabby she cat with light grey flecks)


Ottersnatch (deceased)/none

Chinookbreeze is a scruffy tan tabby tom with a thick pelt. His belly is a pale brown, and he has two small scars over his muzzle. His eyes are a bright yellow.


He's not a very skilled medicine cat because of his clumsiness, but he tries his best

Yup, those forms work! But in the future, please don't ping me, since I am already subscribed.

As for the IC chat, it will be made once there is enough characters have been created. The IC chat begins with a gathering.

And one question, Do you have a discord? Just yes or no will work. We have a discord chat for just talking and planning RP events.

Yup, those forms work! But in the future, please don't ping me, since I am already subscribed.

As for the IC chat, it will be made once there is enough characters have been created. The IC chat begins with a gathering.

And one question, Do you have a discord? Just yes or no will work. We have a discord chat for just talking and planning RP events.
Red - He/They
Art Shop
Bio Shop

I do have a discord, it's cerkowah#2729

I can't wait to start!! This concept seems really cool :D
I do have a discord, it's cerkowah#2729

I can't wait to start!! This concept seems really cool :D

I can put the characters into the ranks once i get home tonight. They'll be done by tommorow.

I can put the characters into the ranks once i get home tonight. They'll be done by tommorow.
Red - He/They
Art Shop
Bio Shop

Hello! I haven't done a Warriors RP in quite a while, but this looks like fun! ^^ [img][/img] Name - Ivystone Age(in moons) - 13 moons (young warrior) gender - Female Clan - Stoneclan Rank - New Warrior Sexuality- Undetermined (leaning towards heteroromantic) Personality - Ivystone is rather quiet, as she prefers to listen to others. She likes the feeling of gleaning information from conversations, whether she is a part of them or not. She gets annoyed when facts are withheld from her or twisted. She tends to keep her own interactions short and to the point, but if you mention something that she is curious about or manage to gain some of her trust, she is more than capable of holding a long conversation. She is quite proud of her name and what it means. History- (I'm not sure about if this works, and I can modify this part if it doesn't fit with what you would like for the clan!) Ivystone is not actually born of Stoneclan decent, and it seems that everyone is aware of it. Instead, she was found as a kit on a border patrol. She was brought back, and a debate raged whether they should abandon her or take her in. In the end, a queen who had just given birth to her own litter was tasked with caring for the newly named Ivykit. Luckily, this queen was one of the cats who felt that no helpless kit should be abandoned, and she raised Ivykit with just as much love as her biological children. For the most part, the outsider fit well into the clan, although she was taught early on that she wouldn't be seen like the others around her. For some, she would always be an outsider who didn't deserve to be a part of the community, and she dealt with that harsh reality well for her age. And she continued to push forward, determined to stay a useful part of her home. She became an apprentice and worked hard, quieting some of the meaner whispers that she didn't have what it took to survive. When she finally became a warrior she kept a mostly calm face in front of the clan, but later shed tears of joy with her adoptive mother. Family - True Parents/Siblings: Unknown Adoptive Mother: Streamfeather (NPC) Adoptive Siblings: Cherryfrost (NPC), Sandcatcher (dead), [If anyone would like to play one of her adoptive siblings, that would be cool!] Mate- N/A crush- Open Mentor/Apprentice - Sandcatcher (he was from an older litter) Appearance - Ivystone is a slim cat, and she isn't overly fluffy. Instead, her fur has a sleeker look. Inactivity- Dead Extra - In Stoneclan, ask before having a character discover a new cave (I have some bad experiences in a previous RP) [img][/img] Name - Croweyes Age(in moons) - 22 gender - Female Clan - Mountainclan Rank - Lowest deputy (apprentice camp) Sexuality- Straight (probably closer to grey ace) Theme song-{optional) Voice claim-(optional) Height- (optional Weight-(optional Length- (optional Breed- (optional) Personality - Croweyes is an interesting cat in terms of personality. She will switch her demeanour and personality (sometimes drastically) depending on what benifit her in the moment. It is difficult to tell which of these (if any) is her "true" personality, but one thing is certaim: she is manipulative to her core. She prefers to out-think enemies over beating them in battle, though she isn't too bad a fighter either. She holds respect for anyone who is willing to bend or break the rules to gain power, especially if they get away with it. History- Croweyes grew up as a loner, known simply as Crow. She was the only kit of two other loner. Her mother, raven, was an agile cat with a heart of gold. Her father, Shadow, was a strong fighter with mental strength to match. He could be rather stubborn, but had a soft spot for his mate and kit. Though Crow was an only child, she was never exactly spoiled. She was taught survival first, learning hunting crouches before she even began eating solid foods. She loved to practice hunting, and seemed to have a strange attraction to the moment of the kill. In front of her parents, crow was a perfect child: quite, obedient (if a bit strong-minded), and smart. However, even at this time she was learning to sidestep the rules, to use stealth and craftiness to get away with things. Mostly, she would sidestep her parent's watch to find a quiet spot to practice fighting and hunting, using tactics most would continue dirty. As she grew, she naturally began to leave her parent's side, and lived her next few moons adjusting to life alone. She loved the freedom it brought, and became a nomad of sorts. This meant she came across more cats, giving her a chance to hone what was quickly becoming her favorite skill: manipulation. This loner life continued on for a while, and she continued to travel. Then, one day, she stumbled across some cats who claimed to be from some group called "Mountainclan." They tried to recruit her, but all she heard was their respect and fear for their apparent leader. She was attracted to the power he seemed to hold, so she accepted the invitation to join. With her skills in manipulating followers and her hunting prowess, she rose quickly through the ranks. However, she is still not well-trusted, as she has done little to prove loyalty to anyone but herself. Friends- N/A Family - Mother: Raven (Loner, deceased) Father: Shadow (Loner, deceased) Mate- N/A crush- Romantically, she has none Mentor/Apprentice - N/A Appearance - She is a pure black cat with piercing green eyes. She holds herself with a quiet confidence. Her claws and teeth are sharp, although she uses them better for hunting than fighting. Inactivity- Dead, since I imagine her in a very specific way. Plus she shouldn't be to hard to kill of x3 Extra - Already did this
Hello! I haven't done a Warriors RP in quite a while, but this looks like fun! ^^
Name - Ivystone
Age(in moons) - 13 moons (young warrior)
gender - Female
Clan - Stoneclan
Rank - New Warrior
Sexuality- Undetermined (leaning towards heteroromantic)
Personality - Ivystone is rather quiet, as she prefers to listen to others. She likes the feeling of gleaning information from conversations, whether she is a part of them or not. She gets annoyed when facts are withheld from her or twisted. She tends to keep her own interactions short and to the point, but if you mention something that she is curious about or manage to gain some of her trust, she is more than capable of holding a long conversation. She is quite proud of her name and what it means.

History- (I'm not sure about if this works, and I can modify this part if it doesn't fit with what you would like for the clan!) Ivystone is not actually born of Stoneclan decent, and it seems that everyone is aware of it. Instead, she was found as a kit on a border patrol. She was brought back, and a debate raged whether they should abandon her or take her in. In the end, a queen who had just given birth to her own litter was tasked with caring for the newly named Ivykit.

Luckily, this queen was one of the cats who felt that no helpless kit should be abandoned, and she raised Ivykit with just as much love as her biological children. For the most part, the outsider fit well into the clan, although she was taught early on that she wouldn't be seen like the others around her. For some, she would always be an outsider who didn't deserve to be a part of the community, and she dealt with that harsh reality well for her age.

And she continued to push forward, determined to stay a useful part of her home. She became an apprentice and worked hard, quieting some of the meaner whispers that she didn't have what it took to survive. When she finally became a warrior she kept a mostly calm face in front of the clan, but later shed tears of joy with her adoptive mother.

Family - True Parents/Siblings: Unknown Adoptive Mother: Streamfeather (NPC) Adoptive Siblings: Cherryfrost (NPC), Sandcatcher (dead), [If anyone would like to play one of her adoptive siblings, that would be cool!]
Mate- N/A
crush- Open
Mentor/Apprentice - Sandcatcher (he was from an older litter)
Appearance - Ivystone is a slim cat, and she isn't overly fluffy. Instead, her fur has a sleeker look.
Inactivity- Dead
Extra - In Stoneclan, ask before having a character discover a new cave (I have some bad experiences in a previous RP)

Name - Croweyes
Age(in moons) - 22
gender - Female
Clan - Mountainclan
Rank - Lowest deputy (apprentice camp)
Sexuality- Straight (probably closer to grey ace)
Theme song-{optional)
Voice claim-(optional)
Height- (optional
Length- (optional
Breed- (optional)
Personality - Croweyes is an interesting cat in terms of personality. She will switch her demeanour and personality (sometimes drastically) depending on what benifit her in the moment. It is difficult to tell which of these (if any) is her "true" personality, but one thing is certaim: she is manipulative to her core. She prefers to out-think enemies over beating them in battle, though she isn't too bad a fighter either. She holds respect for anyone who is willing to bend or break the rules to gain power, especially if they get away with it.
History- Croweyes grew up as a loner, known simply as Crow. She was the only kit of two other loner. Her mother, raven, was an agile cat with a heart of gold. Her father, Shadow, was a strong fighter with mental strength to match. He could be rather stubborn, but had a soft spot for his mate and kit.

Though Crow was an only child, she was never exactly spoiled. She was taught survival first, learning hunting crouches before she even began eating solid foods. She loved to practice hunting, and seemed to have a strange attraction to the moment of the kill.

In front of her parents, crow was a perfect child: quite, obedient (if a bit strong-minded), and smart. However, even at this time she was learning to sidestep the rules, to use stealth and craftiness to get away with things. Mostly, she would sidestep her parent's watch to find a quiet spot to practice fighting and hunting, using tactics most would continue dirty.

As she grew, she naturally began to leave her parent's side, and lived her next few moons adjusting to life alone. She loved the freedom it brought, and became a nomad of sorts. This meant she came across more cats, giving her a chance to hone what was quickly becoming her favorite skill: manipulation.

This loner life continued on for a while, and she continued to travel. Then, one day, she stumbled across some cats who claimed to be from some group called "Mountainclan." They tried to recruit her, but all she heard was their respect and fear for their apparent leader. She was attracted to the power he seemed to hold, so she accepted the invitation to join.

With her skills in manipulating followers and her hunting prowess, she rose quickly through the ranks. However, she is still not well-trusted, as she has done little to prove loyalty to anyone but herself.
Friends- N/A
Family - Mother: Raven (Loner, deceased) Father: Shadow (Loner, deceased)
Mate- N/A
crush- Romantically, she has none
Mentor/Apprentice - N/A
Appearance - She is a pure black cat with piercing green eyes. She holds herself with a quiet confidence. Her claws and teeth are sharp, although she uses them better for hunting than fighting.
Inactivity- Dead, since I imagine her in a very specific way. Plus she shouldn't be to hard to kill of x3
Extra - Already did this
oie_Xj_B1a3gk_Y0hg.png dd10gp3-d6cdf0fa-96e4-470f-9bc4-70fee79f755e.png SKsJX7z.png

That's good! Thanks for joining.

Do you have a discord to talk and plan the roleplay?

As for the backstory, it works well enough, since not even Stoneclan would turn down a kit.

That's good! Thanks for joining.

Do you have a discord to talk and plan the roleplay?

As for the backstory, it works well enough, since not even Stoneclan would turn down a kit.
Red - He/They
Art Shop
Bio Shop

Alright! Thank you ^^

Yes, I do! My account is DragonWarrior333 #7539
Alright! Thank you ^^

Yes, I do! My account is DragonWarrior333 #7539
oie_Xj_B1a3gk_Y0hg.png dd10gp3-d6cdf0fa-96e4-470f-9bc4-70fee79f755e.png SKsJX7z.png
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