

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Wendigo's Song (closed)
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@HummingKnight @Clockworktophat @demoliceros @Balrier

Riki tilted his head in confusion when no howl resounded back. That was weird. It was common etiquette for them to howl back. He moved forward slightly, squinting his eyes in the wind to see the other wolf better. He stopped on his tracks when he realized it wasn't a wolf...It was only a young Wildclaw. The Wildclaw had with her other dragons. So these dragons were the presence he had felt. Were they enemies? Should he show himself to them?

Riki needed to make sure they weren't up to any trouble in his homeland. Coming into a decision, the Coatl slowly and silently moved forward closer to the group. He stopped on his tracks when he was a few meters away from them. There were four dragons congregated together in the harsh snow. Why was such a large group together? Stepping closer warily, he said,"...Friends? ...Enemies?" He uttered the last word with a slight growl. Having been raised by wolves, he was never able to fully learn to speak draconic language. However, he could at least understand it and speak brokenly.
@HummingKnight @Clockworktophat @demoliceros @Balrier

Riki tilted his head in confusion when no howl resounded back. That was weird. It was common etiquette for them to howl back. He moved forward slightly, squinting his eyes in the wind to see the other wolf better. He stopped on his tracks when he realized it wasn't a wolf...It was only a young Wildclaw. The Wildclaw had with her other dragons. So these dragons were the presence he had felt. Were they enemies? Should he show himself to them?

Riki needed to make sure they weren't up to any trouble in his homeland. Coming into a decision, the Coatl slowly and silently moved forward closer to the group. He stopped on his tracks when he was a few meters away from them. There were four dragons congregated together in the harsh snow. Why was such a large group together? Stepping closer warily, he said,"...Friends? ...Enemies?" He uttered the last word with a slight growl. Having been raised by wolves, he was never able to fully learn to speak draconic language. However, he could at least understand it and speak brokenly.
@HummingKnight @Soltztize @demoliceros @Balrier

Idry stepped up beside Shani, looking down at the young wildclaw. At least she had some better apparel to help fight the cold, though that largely depended on how long she had been out. The wind and snow would always find a way to make a dragon cold the longer they kept out in the horrible weather. "Hello there Mina. Lost? Well, I wasn't until this snow came blowing in..." he spoke, a slight chuckle tailing his words.

Once again it seemed someone new had come up to the now little rag tag group, and the way the other spoke caught Idry off guard. It seemed almost.. feral? That was the best he could put it. Glancing over his shoulder and to the coatl who wore a wolf cape as well, Idry responded to him. "I would call us friends. We have no intent to harm anyone."
@HummingKnight @Soltztize @demoliceros @Balrier

Idry stepped up beside Shani, looking down at the young wildclaw. At least she had some better apparel to help fight the cold, though that largely depended on how long she had been out. The wind and snow would always find a way to make a dragon cold the longer they kept out in the horrible weather. "Hello there Mina. Lost? Well, I wasn't until this snow came blowing in..." he spoke, a slight chuckle tailing his words.

Once again it seemed someone new had come up to the now little rag tag group, and the way the other spoke caught Idry off guard. It seemed almost.. feral? That was the best he could put it. Glancing over his shoulder and to the coatl who wore a wolf cape as well, Idry responded to him. "I would call us friends. We have no intent to harm anyone."
@HummingKnight @Soltztize @ClockworkTophat @Balrier

"We are," He responded. His voice became a bit louder, but that was just to accommodate the winter; he still kept it soft and inviting to help ease the hatchling. "But we're going to help each other. Are you lost, too, Mina?"

Shani turned his gaze momentarily to the approaching coatl. He was thrown off a bit by his guttural speech. Something seemed off about the newcomer. For the moment, anyway, he opted to let Idry handle it while he spoke with Mina. He turned back to her and waited patiently for her response.
@HummingKnight @Soltztize @ClockworkTophat @Balrier

"We are," He responded. His voice became a bit louder, but that was just to accommodate the winter; he still kept it soft and inviting to help ease the hatchling. "But we're going to help each other. Are you lost, too, Mina?"

Shani turned his gaze momentarily to the approaching coatl. He was thrown off a bit by his guttural speech. Something seemed off about the newcomer. For the moment, anyway, he opted to let Idry handle it while he spoke with Mina. He turned back to her and waited patiently for her response.
@HummingKnight @Soltztize @ClockworkTophat @demoliceros

Noelan found himself soon surrounded by unfamiliar dragons. It seems the gods were keeping an eye on them this night, as they had all found each other in the snow.

The hatchling certainly caught him off guard, her uncertainty striking pity within Noelan. As she mentioned being lost, he felt saddened. He was about to step forward and help the young thing, but considered how she'd feel being surrounded by too many strange dragons. Figuring the other male could handle it, he stepped back and watched the progress.

Two new dragons to add to their group of three and yet none of them his clan leader. While he did consider it lucky to find them all out there, he still felt sorrow in his heart for being unable to find his leader. Things were looking grim, and the unsettling howls of the wind didn't help any.
@HummingKnight @Soltztize @ClockworkTophat @demoliceros

Noelan found himself soon surrounded by unfamiliar dragons. It seems the gods were keeping an eye on them this night, as they had all found each other in the snow.

The hatchling certainly caught him off guard, her uncertainty striking pity within Noelan. As she mentioned being lost, he felt saddened. He was about to step forward and help the young thing, but considered how she'd feel being surrounded by too many strange dragons. Figuring the other male could handle it, he stepped back and watched the progress.

Two new dragons to add to their group of three and yet none of them his clan leader. While he did consider it lucky to find them all out there, he still felt sorrow in his heart for being unable to find his leader. Things were looking grim, and the unsettling howls of the wind didn't help any.
@Balrier @Soltztize @ClockworkTophat @demoliceros

The wind subdued some when the older dragons gathers around her,their big bodies blocking the wind from reaching her. She blinks shyly up at them and curls up a bit closer to Shani leg when the imperial stepped up beside them and looking down at her. "H-Hello" she said shyly before hiding behind the skydancer leg when a feral looking dragon joined them, his strange way of speaking scared her a little.

Mina looks up at the skydancer when he spoke and nodes "I'm also lost"
@Balrier @Soltztize @ClockworkTophat @demoliceros

The wind subdued some when the older dragons gathers around her,their big bodies blocking the wind from reaching her. She blinks shyly up at them and curls up a bit closer to Shani leg when the imperial stepped up beside them and looking down at her. "H-Hello" she said shyly before hiding behind the skydancer leg when a feral looking dragon joined them, his strange way of speaking scared her a little.

Mina looks up at the skydancer when he spoke and nodes "I'm also lost"
@HummingKnight @Soltztize @ClockworkTophat @Balrier

Shani felt his heart soar when Mina drew closer to him. As of yet, he did not have any children of his own. He never had found the time between all of his adventuring. But, he aimed to have them some day. There was something so touching about a familial bond. He longed to have that closeness, and to see his own children go on to accomplish great things.

Of course, he was also glad to see their new companion feeling more comfortable. He adjusted himself a bit to better shield Mina from the wind and the newcoming dragon. "I see," He started up again, looking at her with sympathy. "Where did you come from, little one? Why are you out here by yourself?"

He hoped that his questioning wouldn't be too much for her to handle. He just wanted to aid her in returning--or going--to wherever she needed to be. Had he been a more practical dragon, he would have considered that he could only handle so many tasks at the given moment. Between finding the elusive Priska, helping this hatchling with whatever it was she needed, and assisting these other 2 (or 3) dragons, where would he find the time?
@HummingKnight @Soltztize @ClockworkTophat @Balrier

Shani felt his heart soar when Mina drew closer to him. As of yet, he did not have any children of his own. He never had found the time between all of his adventuring. But, he aimed to have them some day. There was something so touching about a familial bond. He longed to have that closeness, and to see his own children go on to accomplish great things.

Of course, he was also glad to see their new companion feeling more comfortable. He adjusted himself a bit to better shield Mina from the wind and the newcoming dragon. "I see," He started up again, looking at her with sympathy. "Where did you come from, little one? Why are you out here by yourself?"

He hoped that his questioning wouldn't be too much for her to handle. He just wanted to aid her in returning--or going--to wherever she needed to be. Had he been a more practical dragon, he would have considered that he could only handle so many tasks at the given moment. Between finding the elusive Priska, helping this hatchling with whatever it was she needed, and assisting these other 2 (or 3) dragons, where would he find the time?
@demoliceros @Soltztize @ClockworkTophat @Balrier

Mina shines up, her tail wagging slightly side to side "My tribe is from the Shrieking Wilds of The Viridian Labyrinth, It's really warm there and there is really really big trees every where. my caretaker wouldn't let me out from the hatchery but they told us stories about how the lair looked like and mommy brought me funny animals to eat " she said and smiled brightly but the smile falters and she started to tear up "a-and d-da..addy" her eyes swims with tears and she let out a sob, lowering her head quickly as tugs her hoodie over her face to hide.
@demoliceros @Soltztize @ClockworkTophat @Balrier

Mina shines up, her tail wagging slightly side to side "My tribe is from the Shrieking Wilds of The Viridian Labyrinth, It's really warm there and there is really really big trees every where. my caretaker wouldn't let me out from the hatchery but they told us stories about how the lair looked like and mommy brought me funny animals to eat " she said and smiled brightly but the smile falters and she started to tear up "a-and d-da..addy" her eyes swims with tears and she let out a sob, lowering her head quickly as tugs her hoodie over her face to hide.
@demoliceros @Soltztize @ClockworkTophat @Balrier

@demoliceros @Soltztize @ClockworkTophat @Balrier

@demoliceros @Soltztize @Hummingknight @Balrier

((sorry i haven't posted yet! I've been waiting for Soltztize to post with Riki))
@demoliceros @Soltztize @Hummingknight @Balrier

((sorry i haven't posted yet! I've been waiting for Soltztize to post with Riki))
@hummingknight @clockworktophat ((yeah, I don't want to advance too far ahead of them!))
@hummingknight @clockworktophat ((yeah, I don't want to advance too far ahead of them!))
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