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TOPIC | {wishlist} Kizmetto's Wishlist thread
[center] [columns] [img][/img][nextcol] Hey there! This is my wishlist and is a list which i can refer to when i need to check off or find things i like, sometimes others may come here and see what I like! I like everything but i also like having a list~ [/columns] [center][b]I hoard these![/b] [size=2] My clan has a gryphon territory so naturally it must be stocked. For more information [url=]click here~![/url][/size] [item=highreach bonepicker] [item=duskthicket bonepicker][item=highreach bonepicker] [item=duskthicket bonepicker][item=highreach bonepicker] [item=duskthicket bonepicker][item=highreach bonepicker] [item=duskthicket bonepicker][item=highreach bonepicker] [item=duskthicket bonepicker] These are also species found within my Aviary. [item=Banded Owlcat][item=Red-Winged Owlcat][item=sunspot clouddancer][item=clouddancer][item=hippogriff] [item=cardinal hippogriff][item=blue tang hippogriff][item=dark-tufted sparrowmouse][item=yellow-throated sparrowmouse][item=hippojay] [/center] [item=gryphon's blood sempervivum][item=corona sempervivum][item=lilac time sempervivum][item=spiral aloe][img][/img][/center] [size=4][b]E g g s[/b][/size] [size=2] I'm a gen one addict, not gonna hide it. So damn addictive and now i'm admittedly a little elitist about it, my dragons MUST be gen one and must be unbred! Sigh i hate money. I always appreciate a gamble like an egg![/size] [center] [item=unhatched fire egg][item=unhatched water egg][item=unhatched ice egg][item=unhatched nature egg] [item=unhatched lightning egg][item=unhatched shadow egg][item=unhatched arcane egg][item=unhatched wind egg] [item=unhatched light egg][item=unhatched earth egg][item=unhatched plague egg][img][/img] [/center] [size=4][b]G e n e s[/b][/size] [size=2]These are my favourite genes and can never have enough of these! I am just a huge fan of vipera and bar and current and...*drools* [center] [item=primary gene: vipera][item=primary gene: pinstripe][item=secondary gene: spinner][item=secondary gene: trail] [item=secondary gene: shimmer][item=primary gene: jaguar][item=tertiary gene: firefly][item=primary gene: skink] [item=tertiary gene: spines][item=tertiary gene: glimmer][item=tertiary gene: stained][item=tertiary gene: runes] [/center] [size=4][b]A p p a r e l[/b][/size] [size=2]Misc apparel items that i've grown rather fond of and would like more in my wardrobe! some are gem items, others are retired, and some are just hard to get from the MP! [center] [item=goldslab wingspan] [item=autumnal wreath] [item=river royalist cuffs] [item=river royalist tail rings] [item=map kit] [item=thresher flatfins] [item=windbound plumage] [item=Golden Seraph Wing Ornament] [item=bamboo breeze cape] [/center]
13924908p.png Hey there! This is my wishlist and is a list which i can refer to when i need to check off or find things i like, sometimes others may come here and see what I like! I like everything but i also like having a list~
I hoard these!
My clan has a gryphon territory so naturally it must be stocked. For more information click here~!
Highreach Bonepicker Duskthicket Bonepicker Highreach Bonepicker Duskthicket Bonepicker Highreach Bonepicker Duskthicket Bonepicker Highreach Bonepicker Duskthicket Bonepicker Highreach Bonepicker Duskthicket Bonepicker

These are also species found within my Aviary.

Banded Owlcat Red-Winged Owlcat Sunspot Clouddancer Clouddancer Hippogriff
Cardinal Hippogriff Blue Tang Hippogriff Dark-Tufted Sparrowmouse Yellow-Throated Sparrowmouse Hippojay

Gryphon's Blood Sempervivum Corona Sempervivum Lilac Time Sempervivum Spiral Aloe 28222.png

E g g s
I'm a gen one addict, not gonna hide it. So damn addictive and now i'm admittedly a little elitist about it, my dragons MUST be gen one and must be unbred! Sigh i hate money. I always appreciate a gamble like an egg!
Unhatched Fire Egg Unhatched Water Egg Unhatched Ice Egg Unhatched Nature Egg
Unhatched Lightning Egg Unhatched Shadow Egg Unhatched Arcane Egg Unhatched Wind Egg
Unhatched Light Egg Unhatched Earth Egg Unhatched Plague Egg 19564.png
G e n e s
These are my favourite genes and can never have enough of these! I am just a huge fan of vipera and bar and current and...*drools*
Primary Gene: Vipera Primary Gene: Pinstripe Secondary Gene: Spinner Secondary Gene: Trail
Secondary Gene: Shimmer Primary Gene: Jaguar Tertiary Gene: Firefly Primary Gene: Skink
Tertiary Gene: Spines Tertiary Gene: Glimmer Tertiary Gene: Stained Tertiary Gene: Runes
A p p a r e l
Misc apparel items that i've grown rather fond of and would like more in my wardrobe! some are gem items, others are retired, and some are just hard to get from the MP!
Goldslab Wingspan Autumnal Wreath River Royalist Cuffs River Royalist Tail Rings Map Kit Thresher Flatfins Windbound Plumage Golden Seraph Wing Ornament Bamboo Breeze Cape
[size=4][b]C u r r e n c y[/b][/size] [size=2]I'm always collecting festival currency, its part of my clan lore! Plus you can never be too prepared for a festival![/size] [center] [color=#f2eee5]xx[/color] [item=Deepearth Geode][item=Eternal Snow][item=Shimmering Pinecone][item=Messengers Scroll] [item=Giant Sand Dollar][item=Bladed Flatleaf][item=Immaculate Tablet][item=Charged Sprocket] [item=Glowing Ember][item=Magical Shard][item=All-Seeing Shroom][/center]
C u r r e n c y
I'm always collecting festival currency, its part of my clan lore! Plus you can never be too prepared for a festival!
Deepearth Geode Eternal Snow Shimmering Pinecone
Giant Sand Dollar Bladed Flatleaf Immaculate Tablet Charged Sprocket
Glowing Ember Magical Shard All-Seeing Shroom