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TOPIC | [HUB] DOTA2: Defense of the Flights Hub
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[center][size=3][font=system][url=]Intro[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Earth[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Fire[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Wind[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Water[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Shadow[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Ice[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Lightning[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Light[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Nature[/url] [b]| Plague |[/b] [url=]Arcane[/url] [/font][/size][/center] [center][rule] [font=century][size=7]{ PLAGUE }[/size][/font] [rule] [rule][/center] [img][/img] [rule] [rule] [center][font=century][size=7]{ Black Arachnia, the Broodmother }[/size][/font] [rule] [b][i]None shall spy the spider.[/i][/b] [rule][/center] [columns][color=white]___[/color][nextcol][center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=4]For centuries, Black Arachnia the Broodmother lurked in the dark lava tubes beneath the smoldering caldera of Mount Pyrotheos, raising millions of spiderlings in safety before sending them to find prey in the wide world above. In a later age, the Vizier of Greed, Ptholopthales, erected his lodestone ziggurat on the slopes of the dead volcano, knowing that any looters who sought his magnetic wealth must survive the spider-haunted passages. After millennia of maternal peace, Black Arachnia found herself beset by a steady trickle of furfeet and cutpurses, bold knights and noble youths--all of them delicious, certainly, and yet tending to create a less than nurturing environment for her innocent offspring. Tiring of the intrusions, she paid a visit to Ptholopthales; and when he proved unwilling to discuss a compromise, she wrapped the Vizier in silk and set him aside to be the centerpiece of a special birthday feast. Unfortunately, the absence of the Magnetic Ziggurat's master merely emboldened a new generation of intruders. When one of her newborns was trodden underfoot by a clumsy adventurer, she reached the end of her silken rope. Broodmother headed for the surface, declaring her intent to rid the world of each and every possible invader, down to the last Hero if necessary, until she could ensure her nursery might once more be a safe and wholesome environment for her precious spiderspawn. [/font][/size][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][nextcol][img][/img] [rule] [center] [img][/img] [/center] [rule][/columns] [center][font=century][size=7]{ Strygwyr, the Blood Seeker }[/size][/font] [rule] [i][b]Over the field of battle, the smell of blood rises like a promise.[/i][/b] [rule][/center] [columns][img][/img] [rule] [center][img][/img] [rule][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][nextcol][center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=4]Strygwyr the Bloodseeker is a ritually sanctioned hunter, Hound of the Flayed Twins, sent down from the mist-shrouded peaks of Xhacatocatl in search of blood. The Flayed Ones require oceanic amounts of blood to keep them sated and placated, and would soon drain their mountain empire of its populace if the priests of the high plateaus did not appease them. Strygwyr therefore goes out in search of carnage. The vital energy of any blood he lets, flows immediately to the Twins through the sacred markings on his weapons and armor. Over the years, he has come to embody the energy of a vicious hound; in battle he is savage as a jackal. Beneath the Mask of the Bloodseeker, in the rush of bloody quenching, it is said that you can sometime see the features of the Flayers taking direct possession of their Hound. [/size][/font][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][/columns] [center][font=century][size=7]{ Rotund'jere, the Necrophos }[/size][/font] [rule] [b][i]An ounce of prevention shan't stop me.[/i][/b] [rule][/center] [columns][color=white]___[/color][nextcol][center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=4]In a time of great plague, an obscure monk of dark inclinations, one Rotund'jere, found himself promoted to the rank of Cardinal by the swift death of all his superiors. While others of the order went out to succor the ill, the newly ordained cardinal secluded himself within the Cathedral of Rumusque, busily scheming to acquire the property of dying nobles, promising them spiritual rewards if they signed over their terrestrial domains. As the plague receded to a few stubborn pockets, his behavior came to the attention of the greater order, which found him guilty of heresy and sentenced him to serve in the plague ward, ensorcelled with spells that would ensure him a slow and lingering illness. But they had not counted on his natural immunity. Rotund'jere caught the pox, but instead of dying, found it feeding his power, transforming him into a veritable plague-mage, a Pope of Pestilence. Proclaiming himself the Necrophos, he travels the world, spreading plague wherever he goes, and growing in terrible power with every village his pestilential presence obliterates. [/font][/size][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][nextcol][img][/img] [rule] [center][img][/img] [/center] [rule][/columns] [center][font=century][size=7]{ Lesale Deathbringer, the Venomancer }[/size][/font] [rule] [i][b]Like a blight, I return.[/i][/b] [rule][/center] [columns][img][/img] [rule] [center][img][/img] [rule][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][nextcol][center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=4]In the Acid Jungles of Jidi Isle, poison runs in the veins and bubbles in the guts of every creature that scuttles, climbs or swoops between fluorescent vines dripping with caustic sap. Yet even in this toxic menagerie, Venomancer is acknowledged as the most venomous. Ages ago, a Herbalist named Lesale crossed the Bay of Fradj by coracle, searching for potent essences that might be extracted from bark and root, and found instead a nightmare transformation. Two leagues into Jidi's jungle, Lesale encountered a reptile camouflaged as an epiphyte, which stung him as he mistakenly plucked it. In desperation, he used his partial knowledge of the jungle's herbal bounty, mixing the venom of the (swiftly throttled) reptile with the nectar of an armored orchid, to compound an antidote. In the moments before a black paralysis claimed him completely, he injected himself by orchid-thorn, and instantly fell into a coma. Seventeen years later, something stirred in the spot where he had fallen, throwing off the years' accumulation of humus: Venomancer. Lesale the Herbalist no longer—but Lesale the Deathbringer. His mind was all but erased, and his flesh had been consumed and replaced by a new type of matter—one fusing the venom of the reptile with the poisonous integument of the orchid. Jidi's Acid Jungles knew a new master, one before whom even the most vicious predators soon learned to bow or burrow for their lives. The lurid isle proved too confining, and some human hunger deep in the heart of the Venomancer drove Lesale out in search of new poisons—and new deaths to bring. [/size][/font][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][/columns] [center][font=century][size=7]{ Pudge, the Butcher }[/size][/font] [rule] [center][b][i]You'll look good with an apple in your mouth![/i][/b][/center] [rule][/center] [columns][color=white]___[/color][nextcol][center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=4]In the Fields of Endless Carnage, far to the south of Quoidge, a corpulent figure works tirelessly through the night--dismembering, disembowelling, piling up the limbs and viscera of the fallen that the battlefield might be clear by dawn. In this cursed realm, nothing can decay or decompose; no corpse may ever return to the earth from which it sprang, no matter how deep you dig the grave. Flocked by carrion birds who need him to cut their meals into beak-sized chunks, Pudge the Butcher hones his skills with blades that grow sharper the longer he uses them. Swish, swish, thunk. Flesh falls from the bone; tendons and ligaments part like wet paper. And while he always had a taste for the butchery, over the ages, Pudge has developed a taste for its byproduct as well. Starting with a gobbet of muscle here, a sip of blood there...before long he was thrusting his jaws deep into the toughest of torsos, like a dog gnawing at rags. Even those who are beyond fearing the Reaper, fear the Butcher. [/font][/size][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][nextcol][img][/img] [rule] [center][img][/img] [/center] [rule][/columns]
Intro | Earth | Fire | Wind | Water | Shadow | Ice | Lightning | Light | Nature | Plague | Arcane



{ Black Arachnia, the Broodmother }
None shall spy the spider.

For centuries, Black Arachnia the Broodmother lurked in the dark lava tubes beneath the smoldering caldera of Mount Pyrotheos, raising millions of spiderlings in safety before sending them to find prey in the wide world above. In a later age, the Vizier of Greed, Ptholopthales, erected his lodestone ziggurat on the slopes of the dead volcano, knowing that any looters who sought his magnetic wealth must survive the spider-haunted passages. After millennia of maternal peace, Black Arachnia found herself beset by a steady trickle of furfeet and cutpurses, bold knights and noble youths--all of them delicious, certainly, and yet tending to create a less than nurturing environment for her innocent offspring. Tiring of the intrusions, she paid a visit to Ptholopthales; and when he proved unwilling to discuss a compromise, she wrapped the Vizier in silk and set him aside to be the centerpiece of a special birthday feast. Unfortunately, the absence of the Magnetic Ziggurat's master merely emboldened a new generation of intruders. When one of her newborns was trodden underfoot by a clumsy adventurer, she reached the end of her silken rope. Broodmother headed for the surface, declaring her intent to rid the world of each and every possible invader, down to the last Hero if necessary, until she could ensure her nursery might once more be a safe and wholesome environment for her precious spiderspawn.
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{ Strygwyr, the Blood Seeker }
Over the field of battle, the smell of blood rises like a promise.

Strygwyr the Bloodseeker is a ritually sanctioned hunter, Hound of the Flayed Twins, sent down from the mist-shrouded peaks of Xhacatocatl in search of blood. The Flayed Ones require oceanic amounts of blood to keep them sated and placated, and would soon drain their mountain empire of its populace if the priests of the high plateaus did not appease them. Strygwyr therefore goes out in search of carnage. The vital energy of any blood he lets, flows immediately to the Twins through the sacred markings on his weapons and armor. Over the years, he has come to embody the energy of a vicious hound; in battle he is savage as a jackal. Beneath the Mask of the Bloodseeker, in the rush of bloody quenching, it is said that you can sometime see the features of the Flayers taking direct possession of their Hound.

{ Rotund'jere, the Necrophos }
An ounce of prevention shan't stop me.

In a time of great plague, an obscure monk of dark inclinations, one Rotund'jere, found himself promoted to the rank of Cardinal by the swift death of all his superiors. While others of the order went out to succor the ill, the newly ordained cardinal secluded himself within the Cathedral of Rumusque, busily scheming to acquire the property of dying nobles, promising them spiritual rewards if they signed over their terrestrial domains. As the plague receded to a few stubborn pockets, his behavior came to the attention of the greater order, which found him guilty of heresy and sentenced him to serve in the plague ward, ensorcelled with spells that would ensure him a slow and lingering illness. But they had not counted on his natural immunity. Rotund'jere caught the pox, but instead of dying, found it feeding his power, transforming him into a veritable plague-mage, a Pope of Pestilence. Proclaiming himself the Necrophos, he travels the world, spreading plague wherever he goes, and growing in terrible power with every village his pestilential presence obliterates.
____ ZAPODKW.gif

{ Lesale Deathbringer, the Venomancer }
Like a blight, I return.

In the Acid Jungles of Jidi Isle, poison runs in the veins and bubbles in the guts of every creature that scuttles, climbs or swoops between fluorescent vines dripping with caustic sap. Yet even in this toxic menagerie, Venomancer is acknowledged as the most venomous. Ages ago, a Herbalist named Lesale crossed the Bay of Fradj by coracle, searching for potent essences that might be extracted from bark and root, and found instead a nightmare transformation. Two leagues into Jidi's jungle, Lesale encountered a reptile camouflaged as an epiphyte, which stung him as he mistakenly plucked it. In desperation, he used his partial knowledge of the jungle's herbal bounty, mixing the venom of the (swiftly throttled) reptile with the nectar of an armored orchid, to compound an antidote. In the moments before a black paralysis claimed him completely, he injected himself by orchid-thorn, and instantly fell into a coma. Seventeen years later, something stirred in the spot where he had fallen, throwing off the years' accumulation of humus: Venomancer. Lesale the Herbalist no longer—but Lesale the Deathbringer. His mind was all but erased, and his flesh had been consumed and replaced by a new type of matter—one fusing the venom of the reptile with the poisonous integument of the orchid. Jidi's Acid Jungles knew a new master, one before whom even the most vicious predators soon learned to bow or burrow for their lives. The lurid isle proved too confining, and some human hunger deep in the heart of the Venomancer drove Lesale out in search of new poisons—and new deaths to bring.
{ Pudge, the Butcher }
You'll look good with an apple in your mouth!


In the Fields of Endless Carnage, far to the south of Quoidge, a corpulent figure works tirelessly through the night--dismembering, disembowelling, piling up the limbs and viscera of the fallen that the battlefield might be clear by dawn. In this cursed realm, nothing can decay or decompose; no corpse may ever return to the earth from which it sprang, no matter how deep you dig the grave. Flocked by carrion birds who need him to cut their meals into beak-sized chunks, Pudge the Butcher hones his skills with blades that grow sharper the longer he uses them. Swish, swish, thunk. Flesh falls from the bone; tendons and ligaments part like wet paper. And while he always had a taste for the butchery, over the ages, Pudge has developed a taste for its byproduct as well. Starting with a gobbet of muscle here, a sip of blood there...before long he was thrusting his jaws deep into the toughest of torsos, like a dog gnawing at rags. Even those who are beyond fearing the Reaper, fear the Butcher.

____ 0WZYxlR.gif

[center][size=3][font=system][url=]Intro[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Earth[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Fire[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Wind[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Water[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Shadow[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Ice[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Lightning[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Light[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Nature[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Plague[/url] [b]| Arcane[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][rule] [font=century][size=7]{ ARCANE }[/size][/font] [rule] [rule][/center] [img][/img] [rule] [rule] [center][font=century][size=7]{ Luna, the Moon Rider }[/size][/font] [rule] [b][i]The moon waxes and my mercy wanes.[/i][/b] [rule][/center] [columns][color=white]___[/color][nextcol][center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=4]How had she been reduced to this? She was once the Scourge of the Plains, a merciless leader of men and beasts, and able to sow terror wherever she dared. Now she was far from her homeland, driven half mad from starvation and months of wandering, her army long dead or worse. As she stood at the edge of an ancient forest, a pair of glowing eyes spied on from an elder branch. Something beautiful and deadly sought a meal in the wilting dusk. Without a sound, it turned and left. Fury overtook her. Clutching a rust-eaten dagger, she charged after the beast determined to reclaim even a shred of her past glory, but her quarry would not be caught. Three times she cornered the creature among the rocks and trees, and three times she pounced only to witness its fading shadow darting further into the woods. Yet the full moon shone brightly, and the creature's trail was easy to follow. Arriving in a clearing atop a high hill, the beast's massive feline form sat in the open, attentive and waiting. When the woman brandished her dagger, the creature reared and roared and charged. Death, it seemed, had come for her at long last in this strange place. She stood, calm and ready. A flash of movement, and the beast snatched the dagger from her hand before vanishing into the forest. Stillness. Hooded figures approached. In reverent tones they revealed that Selemene, Goddess of the Moon, had chosen her, had guided her, had tested her. Unwittingly she had endured the sacred rites of the Dark Moon, warriors of the Nightsilver Woods. She was offered a choice: join the Dark Moon and pledge herself to the service of Selemene, or leave and never return. She did not hesitate. Embracing her absolution, she renounced her bloody past, and took up a new mantle as Luna of the Dark Moon, the dreaded Moon Rider, ruthless and ever-loyal guardian of the Nightsilver Woods. [/font][/size][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][nextcol][img][/img] [rule] [center] [img][/img] [/center] [rule][/columns] [center][font=century][size=7]{ Darkterror, the Faceless Void }[/size][/font] [rule] [i][b]Time is a river with many eddies. I have seen its head waters, and I have seen its currents reach the sea. [/i][/b] [rule][/center] [columns][img][/img] [rule] [center][img][/img] [rule][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][nextcol][center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=4]Darkterror the Faceless Void is a visitor from Claszureme, a realm outside of time. It remains a mystery why this being from another dimension believes the struggle for the Nemesis Stones is worth entering our physical plane, but apparently an upset in the balance of power in this world has repercussions in adjacent dimensions. Time means nothing to Darkterror, except as a way to thwart his foes and aid his allies. His long-view of the cosmos has given him a remote, disconnected quality, although in battle he is quite capable of making it personal. [/size][/font][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][/columns] [center][font=century][size=7]{ Rubick, the Grand Magus }[/size][/font] [rule] [b][i]Such talent! Such sorceries! Such a pleasure![/i][/b] [rule][/center] [columns][color=white]___[/color][nextcol][center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=4]Any mage can cast a spell or two, and a few may even study long enough to become a wizard, but only the most talented are allowed to be recognized as a Magus. Yet as with any sorcerer’s circle, a sense of community has never guaranteed competitive courtesy. Already a renowned duelist and scholar of the grander world of sorcery, it had never occurred to Rubick that he might perhaps be Magus material until he was in the midst of his seventh assassination attempt. As he casually tossed the twelfth of a string of would-be killers from a high balcony, it dawned on him how utterly unimaginative the attempts on his life had become. Where once the interruption of a fingersnap or firehand might have put a cheerful spring in his step, it had all become so very predictable. He craved greater competition. Therefore, donning his combat mask, he did what any wizard seeking to ascend the ranks would do: he announced his intention to kill a Magus. Rubick quickly discovered that to threaten one Magus is to threaten them all, and they fell upon him in force. Each antagonist's spell was an unstoppable torrent of energy, and every attack a calculated killing blow. But very soon something occurred that Rubick's foes found unexpected: their arts appeared to turn against them. Inside the magic maelstrom, Rubick chuckled, subtly reading and replicating the powers of one in order to cast it against another, sowing chaos among those who had allied against him. Accusations of betrayal began to fly, and soon the sorcerers turned one upon another without suspecting who was behind their undoing. When the battle finally drew to a close, all were singed and frozen, soaked and cut and pierced. More than one lay dead by an ally’s craft. Rubick stood apart, sore but delighted in the week’s festivities. None had the strength to argue when he presented his petition of assumption to the Hidden Council, and the Insubstantial Eleven agreed as one to grant him the title of Grand Magus.[/font][/size][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][nextcol][img][/img] [rule] [center][img][/img] [/center] [rule][/columns] [center][font=century][size=7]{ Puck, the Faerie Dragon }[/size][/font] [rule] [i][b]The Scrolls of Haize are concise on this matter: with youth comes grave responsibility. A thousand years of youth have fallen behind, and still I fill the time with games.[/i][/b] [rule][/center] [columns][img][/img] [rule] [center][img][/img] [rule][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][nextcol][center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=4]While Puck seems at first glance a mischievous, childish character, this quality masks an alien personality. The juvenile form of a Faerie Dragon, a creature that lives for eons, Puck spends countless millennia in its childish form. So while it is technically true that Puck is juvenile, it will continue to be so when the cities of the present age have sloughed away into dust. Its motives are therefore inscrutable, and what appears to be play may in fact indicate a darker purpose or just its endless fondness for mischief. [/size][/font][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][/columns] [center][font=century][size=7]{ Enigma }[/size][/font] [rule] [center][b][i]Even time may fail in the face of gravity.[/i][/b][/center] [rule][/center] [columns][color=white]___[/color][nextcol][center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=4]Nothing is known of Enigma’s background. There are only stories and legends, most of them apocryphal, passed down through the ages. In truth, Enigma is a mystery for whom the only true biography is description: he is a universal force, a consumer of worlds. He is a being of the void, at times corporeal, other times ethereal. A beast between the planes. There are stories that say he was once a great alchemist who tried to unlock the secrets of the universe and was cursed for his arrogance. Other legends tell that he is an ancient being of strange gravity, the abyss personified—a twisted voice from out the original darkness, before the first light in the universe. And there are older legends that say he is the first collapsed star, a black hole grown complicated and sentient—his motivations unknowable, his power inexorable, a force of destruction unleashed upon existence itself. [/font][/size][/center][nextcol][color=white]____[/color][nextcol][img][/img] [rule] [center][img][/img] [/center] [rule][/columns]
Intro | Earth | Fire | Wind | Water | Shadow | Ice | Lightning | Light | Nature | Plague | Arcane



{ Luna, the Moon Rider }
The moon waxes and my mercy wanes.

How had she been reduced to this? She was once the Scourge of the Plains, a merciless leader of men and beasts, and able to sow terror wherever she dared. Now she was far from her homeland, driven half mad from starvation and months of wandering, her army long dead or worse. As she stood at the edge of an ancient forest, a pair of glowing eyes spied on from an elder branch. Something beautiful and deadly sought a meal in the wilting dusk. Without a sound, it turned and left. Fury overtook her. Clutching a rust-eaten dagger, she charged after the beast determined to reclaim even a shred of her past glory, but her quarry would not be caught. Three times she cornered the creature among the rocks and trees, and three times she pounced only to witness its fading shadow darting further into the woods. Yet the full moon shone brightly, and the creature's trail was easy to follow. Arriving in a clearing atop a high hill, the beast's massive feline form sat in the open, attentive and waiting. When the woman brandished her dagger, the creature reared and roared and charged. Death, it seemed, had come for her at long last in this strange place. She stood, calm and ready. A flash of movement, and the beast snatched the dagger from her hand before vanishing into the forest. Stillness. Hooded figures approached. In reverent tones they revealed that Selemene, Goddess of the Moon, had chosen her, had guided her, had tested her. Unwittingly she had endured the sacred rites of the Dark Moon, warriors of the Nightsilver Woods. She was offered a choice: join the Dark Moon and pledge herself to the service of Selemene, or leave and never return. She did not hesitate. Embracing her absolution, she renounced her bloody past, and took up a new mantle as Luna of the Dark Moon, the dreaded Moon Rider, ruthless and ever-loyal guardian of the Nightsilver Woods.
____ qb4KjQH.gif

{ Darkterror, the Faceless Void }
Time is a river with many eddies. I have seen its head waters, and I have seen its currents reach the sea.


Darkterror the Faceless Void is a visitor from Claszureme, a realm outside of time. It remains a mystery why this being from another dimension believes the struggle for the Nemesis Stones is worth entering our physical plane, but apparently an upset in the balance of power in this world has repercussions in adjacent dimensions. Time means nothing to Darkterror, except as a way to thwart his foes and aid his allies. His long-view of the cosmos has given him a remote, disconnected quality, although in battle he is quite capable of making it personal.

{ Rubick, the Grand Magus }
Such talent! Such sorceries! Such a pleasure!

Any mage can cast a spell or two, and a few may even study long enough to become a wizard, but only the most talented are allowed to be recognized as a Magus. Yet as with any sorcerer’s circle, a sense of community has never guaranteed competitive courtesy.
Already a renowned duelist and scholar of the grander world of sorcery, it had never occurred to Rubick that he might perhaps be Magus material until he was in the midst of his seventh assassination attempt. As he casually tossed the twelfth of a string of would-be killers from a high balcony, it dawned on him how utterly unimaginative the attempts on his life had become. Where once the interruption of a fingersnap or firehand might have put a cheerful spring in his step, it had all become so very predictable. He craved greater competition. Therefore, donning his combat mask, he did what any wizard seeking to ascend the ranks would do: he announced his intention to kill a Magus.
Rubick quickly discovered that to threaten one Magus is to threaten them all, and they fell upon him in force. Each antagonist's spell was an unstoppable torrent of energy, and every attack a calculated killing blow. But very soon something occurred that Rubick's foes found unexpected: their arts appeared to turn against them. Inside the magic maelstrom, Rubick chuckled, subtly reading and replicating the powers of one in order to cast it against another, sowing chaos among those who had allied against him. Accusations of betrayal began to fly, and soon the sorcerers turned one upon another without suspecting who was behind their undoing.
When the battle finally drew to a close, all were singed and frozen, soaked and cut and pierced. More than one lay dead by an ally’s craft. Rubick stood apart, sore but delighted in the week’s festivities. None had the strength to argue when he presented his petition of assumption to the Hidden Council, and the Insubstantial Eleven agreed as one to grant him the title of Grand Magus.
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{ Puck, the Faerie Dragon }
The Scrolls of Haize are concise on this matter: with youth comes grave responsibility. A thousand years of youth have fallen behind, and still I fill the time with games.

While Puck seems at first glance a mischievous, childish character, this quality masks an alien personality. The juvenile form of a Faerie Dragon, a creature that lives for eons, Puck spends countless millennia in its childish form. So while it is technically true that Puck is juvenile, it will continue to be so when the cities of the present age have sloughed away into dust. Its motives are therefore inscrutable, and what appears to be play may in fact indicate a darker purpose or just its endless fondness for mischief.

{ Enigma }
Even time may fail in the face of gravity.


Nothing is known of Enigma’s background. There are only stories and legends, most of them apocryphal, passed down through the ages. In truth, Enigma is a mystery for whom the only true biography is description: he is a universal force, a consumer of worlds. He is a being of the void, at times corporeal, other times ethereal. A beast between the planes. There are stories that say he was once a great alchemist who tried to unlock the secrets of the universe and was cursed for his arrogance. Other legends tell that he is an ancient being of strange gravity, the abyss personified—a twisted voice from out the original darkness, before the first light in the universe. And there are older legends that say he is the first collapsed star, a black hole grown complicated and sentient—his motivations unknowable, his power inexorable, a force of destruction unleashed upon existence itself.

____ J6glAsH.gif

After many months I'm finally opening this hub. I hope to hear from folks soon C:
After many months I'm finally opening this hub. I hope to hear from folks soon C:
Yo this is a really incredible hub, it's so well done! I love the idea of putting heroes in 'flights'. Side note, though - your discord link is broken.

I used to play a lot of Dota but it's been a couple years now since I stopped; I mostly watch pro Dota now although I've started trying to reteach myself what little mechanical ability I had, haha. It would be really cool if this got off the ground - my old stack more or less fell apart and it'd be fun to have a chill group to putz around with.

My favorite video entry is actually the TI5 winner. It's not quite as relatable since they changed SB and Void but it holds up okay, lol.
Yo this is a really incredible hub, it's so well done! I love the idea of putting heroes in 'flights'. Side note, though - your discord link is broken.

I used to play a lot of Dota but it's been a couple years now since I stopped; I mostly watch pro Dota now although I've started trying to reteach myself what little mechanical ability I had, haha. It would be really cool if this got off the ground - my old stack more or less fell apart and it'd be fun to have a chill group to putz around with.

My favorite video entry is actually the TI5 winner. It's not quite as relatable since they changed SB and Void but it holds up okay, lol.
@cuttlepuddle ooff thank you for letting me know. The new link is up and it shouldn't expire anymore. rn it's just me and my hubby in it aha

Thank you!! To be honest I'm also better at watching pros play Dota2 than playing it haha it's just such a slog to get out of low MMR without a group you know?

Can I ask what position you like to play? I prefer 4 or 5; I'm really obsessive about having vision on the map. Plus I prefer to be active and roaming instead of farming.
@cuttlepuddle ooff thank you for letting me know. The new link is up and it shouldn't expire anymore. rn it's just me and my hubby in it aha

Thank you!! To be honest I'm also better at watching pros play Dota2 than playing it haha it's just such a slog to get out of low MMR without a group you know?

Can I ask what position you like to play? I prefer 4 or 5; I'm really obsessive about having vision on the map. Plus I prefer to be active and roaming instead of farming.
@Tobias God YEP, that was part of why I stopped playing - I placed around like 2.3k then got a lot better playing with a stack that was a lot better than me, and when I realized how many games I'd have to play just to get my MMR up (plus losing interest and my stack starting to dissolve) ... no thanks! I played the most support by far but I really like 3 and 1 as well. I love doing all the support chores but that last hit noise [emoji=treasure size=1]
@Tobias God YEP, that was part of why I stopped playing - I placed around like 2.3k then got a lot better playing with a stack that was a lot better than me, and when I realized how many games I'd have to play just to get my MMR up (plus losing interest and my stack starting to dissolve) ... no thanks!

I played the most support by far but I really like 3 and 1 as well. I love doing all the support chores but that last hit noise
this never got off the ground but it's dota season again so here I am bumping looking to find some team mates!
this never got off the ground but it's dota season again so here I am bumping looking to find some team mates!
New Netflix series based on Davion, the Dragon Knight, co-starring the Priestess of the Moon Mirana! [img][/img] And by Studio MIR, the artists who brought us the Legend of Korra, the Boondocks, Voltron: Legendary Defender, and Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. Looks like it'll be a quality series, hoping it brings some fresh, non-toxic blood to the community. [url=]DOTA: Dragon's Blood[/url] Great time to learn the game, there was a new patch not long ago :)
New Netflix series based on Davion, the Dragon Knight, co-starring the Priestess of the Moon Mirana!
And by Studio MIR, the artists who brought us the Legend of Korra, the Boondocks, Voltron: Legendary Defender, and Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. Looks like it'll be a quality series, hoping it brings some fresh, non-toxic blood to the community.

DOTA: Dragon's Blood

Great time to learn the game, there was a new patch not long ago :)

Dragon's Blood came out today! Ought to make a post about that
Dragon's Blood came out today! Ought to make a post about that
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