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TOPIC | Weird plants and animals?
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*cracks knuckles* Okay, here we go:

Goblin sharks (FRs ridgebacks are based on them!)
Glaucus Atlanticus
Spanish shawl
Olms, which look like a snake-axolotl hybrid
Star-nosed mole
Sea spider, and yes, they actually grow that large
Basket stars (there are so many different kinds, just look them up)
Syphonophores (again, there are lots and lots of different kinds of them! Plus, they're not actually one animal, but many animals together that form one living organism! The most known one is the portugeese man o' war) Here's another neat syphonophore!
Striped Hyena (just look at that mane!)
African Civet
Chimaera or ghost shark
Death's head moth
Lowland streaked tenrec
Leaf tailed gecko

That's all I can think off right now! :>
*cracks knuckles* Okay, here we go:

Goblin sharks (FRs ridgebacks are based on them!)
Glaucus Atlanticus
Spanish shawl
Olms, which look like a snake-axolotl hybrid
Star-nosed mole
Sea spider, and yes, they actually grow that large
Basket stars (there are so many different kinds, just look them up)
Syphonophores (again, there are lots and lots of different kinds of them! Plus, they're not actually one animal, but many animals together that form one living organism! The most known one is the portugeese man o' war) Here's another neat syphonophore!
Striped Hyena (just look at that mane!)
African Civet
Chimaera or ghost shark
Death's head moth
Lowland streaked tenrec
Leaf tailed gecko

That's all I can think off right now! :>
[quote name="Verruciformis" date=2016-02-23 18:30:51] [img][/img] Leucochloridium! Look at those worm eyes go. [/quote] Thanks for reminding me of those.. I'm gonna go vomit now....
Verruciformis wrote on 2016-02-23:

Leucochloridium! Look at those worm eyes go.

Thanks for reminding me of those..
I'm gonna go vomit now....

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. ~ Samuel Adams
[img][/img] (I'm not sure if these count as weird but) Brunsvigia plants look kind of like tiny Truffula Trees.

(I'm not sure if these count as weird but)
Brunsvigia plants look kind of like tiny Truffula Trees.
@applejuice It is embarrassing how many of those I already had on my list. Not going to lie XD

Thanks so much though, a couple of those I was like "oh my...that's amazing"
@applejuice It is embarrassing how many of those I already had on my list. Not going to lie XD

Thanks so much though, a couple of those I was like "oh my...that's amazing"
How about Physalis alkekengi? Its fruit is usually opaque, red, and lantern-shaped, but it dries in spring to become a bright red fruit inside a grey cage-looking thing.
How about Physalis alkekengi? Its fruit is usually opaque, red, and lantern-shaped, but it dries in spring to become a bright red fruit inside a grey cage-looking thing.
tumblr_o23mwcXPEZ1u3wsjco6_250.png 4f4c01ec3fcd06d45834f28097a7fb2be50dc3cf.png dEo6ta2.png

Blue dragon sea slug: [img][/img] Agouti: [img][/img] Mexican Mole Lizard: [img][/img] Toadhead Agama: [img][/img] [img][/img] Yemen trees [img][/img] Bleeding fungus Hydnellum peckii Hope that was the kind of stuff you were after :)
Blue dragon sea slug:


Mexican Mole Lizard:

Toadhead Agama:


Yemen trees


Bleeding fungus Hydnellum peckii

Hope that was the kind of stuff you were after :)
sea bunny slugs!!!!!! [img][/img] [img][/img]
sea bunny slugs!!!!!!
/// Kacper/Prince
/// 23 + He/Xe
/// Please don't use tone indicators for me!
[quote name="Zihette" date=2016-02-24 07:17:54] sea bunny slugs!!!!!! [img][/img] [img][/img] [/quote] that is the cutest thing I have ever seen
Zihette wrote on 2016-02-24:
sea bunny slugs!!!!!!
that is the cutest thing I have ever seen
They/Them, 2+FR time, Pings are appreciated. what_if_banner_had_no_leg_by_epicdragon99-d9zmyrq.png
@Skychickens, not super weird, but maybe these will give you some ideas Elysia chlorotica: photosynthesizing sea slug Liverworts and hornworts: basal plants without vascular tissue, seeds, fruits, or flowers Caulerpa lentillifera: edible algae thing Neither animals nor plants but go look up slime molds. Actually go look up fungi. Fungi have the weirdest stuff. Cycads: "Dinosaur plants" gall wasps: the wasps aren't too interesting too look at, but they induce strange growths on the plants. Yeti crab: fuzzy deep sea anthropod when in doubt you can always also go for the radically symmetrical or asymmetrical animals instead of the bilaterally symmetrical? also have some cute goat things [img][/img] Japanese serow
@Skychickens, not super weird, but maybe these will give you some ideas

Elysia chlorotica: photosynthesizing sea slug
Liverworts and hornworts: basal plants without vascular tissue, seeds, fruits, or flowers
Caulerpa lentillifera: edible algae thing

Neither animals nor plants but go look up slime molds.
Actually go look up fungi. Fungi have the weirdest stuff.

Cycads: "Dinosaur plants"
gall wasps: the wasps aren't too interesting too look at, but they induce strange growths on the plants.
Yeti crab: fuzzy deep sea anthropod

when in doubt you can always also go for the radically symmetrical or asymmetrical animals instead of the bilaterally symmetrical?

also have some cute goat things
Japanese serow
@Skychickens Time to show how weird my home (Australia) is! [center][img][/img][/center] This is the [b]Spiny Gurnard[/b], local in my area. I got to hold one once in a touch pool and it's been a memory that's stuck with me since I was a child. They have spiny fin-legs on the bottom, and when relaxed they're pretty plain looking, often brown and not very interesting. But if you held it and it swam off it would extend these beautiful peacock fins ... if you didn't mind holding a weird fish with spider legs in your palm that is. [center][img][/img][/center] Another very local resident, and unfortunately a threatened species, is the[b] Leafy Seadragon[/b]. It's a seahorse that likes to float within seaweed. It's very unusual watching them, as they kind of just float a bit statically between plants, moving only slightly as if on a current. They're only found in Western Australia. [center][img][/img][/center] This critter is more locally known as a '[b]Thorny Devil[/b]' but is also known as a thorny dragon. Not only are it's spines a defense mechanism but if I remember correctly they help funnel moisture to it's mouth, which is good for living in a desert environment. A less fun fact: they shoot blood as a defense mechanism. From their EYES. [img][/img] Continuing the trend of reptiles with questionable defense mechanisms, this is the [b]Frilled Neck Lizard[/b], who turns into that spitting dinosaur from Jurassic Park when it's mad. And hisses. I've seen these guys in the zoo though, they're usually pretty chilled out - if not outright ignoring you 90% of the time. [img][/img] Another animal that comes straight out of Jurassic Park, is the [b]Cassowary[/b] which looks like evolution forgot to keep going a few steps after feathered raptors. This guy grows up to 2 meters (6 ft) standing tall, and are fiercely territorial. There have been known to attack people, lashing out with talons and using that nice bony crest of theirs. There are claimed deaths related to cassowary attacks, but they're mostly disputed. [img][/img] Taking out the cute catagory is the nocturnal [b]Bilby[/b], who we fondly refer to as the 'Australian Easter Bunny' - which is somewhat ironic since it's feral rabbits that are decimating the numbers of this endangered species. On a positive note it's these Easter campaigns that have helped raise awareness of these cute endangered critters. They're also Marsupials! Meaning they keep their babies in a pouch! [img][/img] Lastly here is a personal favorite, the [b]Tawny Frogmouth[/b], an expert of camouflage who when not doing it's best imitation of a branch is often sporting meme-worthy expressions. It's my go-to of goofy Australian wildlife. [center][img][/img] [/center][center][size=2]No seriously just go google Tawny Frogmouth images if you want to giggle.[/size][/center] Hope that gave you some ideas! Regards, your local Australian resident!
@Skychickens Time to show how weird my home (Australia) is!

This is the Spiny Gurnard, local in my area. I got to hold one once in a touch pool and it's been a memory that's stuck with me since I was a child. They have spiny fin-legs on the bottom, and when relaxed they're pretty plain looking, often brown and not very interesting. But if you held it and it swam off it would extend these beautiful peacock fins ... if you didn't mind holding a weird fish with spider legs in your palm that is.

Another very local resident, and unfortunately a threatened species, is the Leafy Seadragon. It's a seahorse that likes to float within seaweed. It's very unusual watching them, as they kind of just float a bit statically between plants, moving only slightly as if on a current. They're only found in Western Australia.

This critter is more locally known as a 'Thorny Devil' but is also known as a thorny dragon. Not only are it's spines a defense mechanism but if I remember correctly they help funnel moisture to it's mouth, which is good for living in a desert environment. A less fun fact: they shoot blood as a defense mechanism. From their EYES.

Continuing the trend of reptiles with questionable defense mechanisms, this is the Frilled Neck Lizard, who turns into that spitting dinosaur from Jurassic Park when it's mad. And hisses. I've seen these guys in the zoo though, they're usually pretty chilled out - if not outright ignoring you 90% of the time.

Another animal that comes straight out of Jurassic Park, is the Cassowary which looks like evolution forgot to keep going a few steps after feathered raptors. This guy grows up to 2 meters (6 ft) standing tall, and are fiercely territorial. There have been known to attack people, lashing out with talons and using that nice bony crest of theirs. There are claimed deaths related to cassowary attacks, but they're mostly disputed.

Taking out the cute catagory is the nocturnal Bilby, who we fondly refer to as the 'Australian Easter Bunny' - which is somewhat ironic since it's feral rabbits that are decimating the numbers of this endangered species. On a positive note it's these Easter campaigns that have helped raise awareness of these cute endangered critters. They're also Marsupials! Meaning they keep their babies in a pouch!

Lastly here is a personal favorite, the Tawny Frogmouth, an expert of camouflage who when not doing it's best imitation of a branch is often sporting meme-worthy expressions. It's my go-to of goofy Australian wildlife.
No seriously just go google Tawny Frogmouth images if you want to giggle.

Hope that gave you some ideas!
Regards, your local Australian resident!
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